Metalogz said:
Hehe I guess so... But its like... everyone flocks to this post and posts at least 2 times each day here and all of a sudden, no one posts for more than 5 days >.>
Oh well I really hope this doesn't go down =X
Its the greatest mod I've ever played.
Don't worry MetaLogz, Modding takes so much time to be done. Not just that, He should has at least more than an hour or more of non-fragmented time. People can think and do stuff more accurately, deeper and faster with non-fragmented time.
The problem is to have this non-fragmented time. It is much harder to find it if you got many stuff to do in your life. Even if he had this non-fragmented time, he usually will use it for something else. For
Shmitz, I think he is quite busy.
Shmitz made this mod in the holiday when people finish school (including colleges and universities). I still remember when he come back after a year!. He said that he completely forget about how to mod like before. But he got healed quickly

. I think he will start to complete this mod in the holiday too when school finishes, so wait up there. His mod is the most popular "Cave Story material" after the original game itself. Japanese people knows about it very much.
Bekefel, Hey you new person! welcome to the Mirai forums!.
I think you are right. creating and editing stuff like sprites and tilesets needs lots of work and time.