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Cave Story 3DS Discussion

Feb 11, 2011 at 3:37 AM
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... Good grief, how long has it been since I've last been here? Three years? The moment I heard this news, I came over to see if anyone was talking about it. Turns out nobody was, so I decided to spread the word.

Basically, Nicalis and Pixel are developing a fully-3D version of Cave Story for the new Nintendo handheld, and published by NIS.


And to top it off? Pixel says that a sequel is likely. Yes, a sequel.
Feb 11, 2011 at 3:40 AM
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Re: Cave Story 3DS Announced!

Are you sure it isn't just April 1st or something? This seems too unreal :debug:

:momo: :momo: :momo: :momo: :momo: :momo: :momo: :momo: :momo:
Feb 11, 2011 at 3:40 AM
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Re: Cave Story 3DS Announced!


I'm fucking buying the 3DS now
I can't even
oh my
Feb 11, 2011 at 3:46 AM
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Re: Cave Story 3DS Announced!

You can't be serious.
I almost feel like Nicalis might pushing Pixel into all this stuff, this just doesn't seem like anything he'd agree to.
Feb 11, 2011 at 3:52 AM
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Re: Cave Story 3DS Announced!

That's how I feel about the sequel, since he always said he would never make one.
However, ya gotta notice that art is some sexy shit. BEAUTIFUL.

also, every single member who's online now is looking at this thread. wowzers.
Feb 11, 2011 at 3:53 AM
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They've been hinting at this for a long time, but I never imagined they'd actually have the skills to pull it off.

Of course, it looks like they've got help. Perhaps it won't be a total wash.

but translation :debug:
Feb 11, 2011 at 3:55 AM
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Re: Cave Story 3DS Announced!

How would you know what he'd agree to? You don't actually know Pixel.
Feb 11, 2011 at 4:10 AM
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Re: Cave Story 3DS Announced!

This is really cool, and for once, I'm actually excited to play Cave Story again.
Feb 11, 2011 at 4:18 AM
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Re: Cave Story 3DS Announced!

I'd definitely get this, those graphics look amazing!

I wonder which of the two designs for Quote shown [the chibi-like one in the concept art, or the more humanoid one shown in the poster] will be closer to the final product. I'm guessing, by the art for Curly, that it's going to be the former.
Feb 11, 2011 at 4:19 AM
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Re: Cave Story 3DS Announced!

I'd hope for a more realistic model, but I'd place my bets on it being the chibi one.
Feb 11, 2011 at 4:22 AM
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Re: Cave Story 3DS Announced!


Do not want
Feb 11, 2011 at 4:25 AM
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Re: Cave Story 3DS Announced!

Aside from Tim Burton Quote, the graphics look incredible, in my opinion. I am really lazy with buying consoles and such and I really don't care about Cave Story as much as ya'll, but I may try this out

Feb 11, 2011 at 4:33 AM
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Re: Cave Story 3DS Announced!

I didn't listen to it because it be late, but there are some more cool screenies.

Also desu, I sorta agree with you. I seem to be like the only person on the frumz who's played cs but once.
Feb 11, 2011 at 4:39 AM
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Re: Cave Story 3DS Announced!

Most of the concept art of characters makes me want to puke, so... (basically, stylised is fine, properly realistic is fine, having characters look like fetuses is not fine)

Also, the Polar Star should not be a revolver, as it shoots laser pulses.
Feb 11, 2011 at 5:24 AM
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Re: Cave Story 3DS Announced!

For some reasons I find that the PIXEL in the picture seems kidnapped, and they force him to smile. :debug:
Feb 11, 2011 at 5:46 AM
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Re: Cave Story 3DS Announced!

Well, dang. Yet another remake?

...not that that's a bad thing. The stuff that has been released looks pretty darn impressive! Character designs may take some time getting used to, but they're not really all that far off from their original designs. I just have to wonder how the music will be portrayed this time around...

And sequel.

I don't know how to express my excitement about that, honestly!

Noxid said:
They've been hinting at this for a long time, but I never imagined they'd actually have the skills to pull it off.

Of course, it looks like they've got help. Perhaps it won't be a total wash.
Hints? Man, I must've been lazy. I didn't catch any of those throughout Nicalis' comments of Cave Story. As for help, the only notable addition I see is that NIS is publishing the title, as opposed to Nicalis (which means Nicalis can dedicate more manpower to development). Assuming its them doing the animation from the Gamespot interview, I think they're working pretty hard.

...and I bet Prinnies will pop in there somewhere as an easter egg.

magic9mushroom said:
Also, the Polar Star should not be a revolver, as it shoots laser pulses.
Wasn't the Polar Star originally designed to be a revolver-like weapon?

And bluh? According to said video interview, the game will be a launch window title. That means Cave Story 3DS would be released by June of this year; just how long have they worked on this project?
Feb 11, 2011 at 5:58 AM
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Re: Cave Story 3DS Announced!

The 'chibi' art reminds me a lot of Mega Man Powered Up. That's not a bad thing, of course, that was an awesome game.
Feb 11, 2011 at 6:20 AM
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Re: Cave Story 3DS Announced!

Cronosonic said:
The 'chibi' art reminds me a lot of Mega Man Powered Up. That's not a bad thing, of course, that was an awesome game.
Huh. I didn't even think about that, yet it's so obvious!

But yeah, never did play Powered Up. Still, I've heard it's a pretty good rendition of the original Mega Man.

Oh yeah.

Cronosonic said:
... Good grief, how long has it been since I've last been here? Three years? The moment I heard this news, I came over to see if anyone was talking about it. Turns out nobody was, so I decided to spread the word.
I kinda did...

But meh. Doesn't matter to me, really. Besides that, it was rather unclear two days ago.
Feb 11, 2011 at 7:02 AM
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Re: Cave Story 3DS Announced!

Nippon Ichi to publish

That's where the whole Prinny thing came from!
Feb 11, 2011 at 7:36 AM
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Re: Cave Story 3DS Announced!

Pixel said:
There’s a very, very good chance we’ll see a sequel.

I'm pretty sure the fourth law of thermodynamics is "A Cave Story sequel has to suck." Conservation of awesomeness and all that.
I don't think that Nicalis is pushing Pixel into doing anything. Pixel is doing these remakes (and a FUCKING SEQUEL OMGWTFBBQ) for the fans. He sees how popular Cave Story is, so he wants to give us more. If you think Pixel is being overworked or forced into making more Cave Story stuff, stop loving his games so much.

So, some of my opinions about the 3DS remake:
Chibis? In MY Cave Story? It's a much worse idea than you think! Why? Because when you move something from 2D into 3D, you're not supposed to make it more cartoony. Perhaps Nicalis hasn't heard of the uncanny valley. I see what they're trying to do, though. They want to preserve Cave Story's style. Well, they're doing it wrong. The sprites in Cave Story have big heads and eyes because of the low resolution; details in the face are more important, so the faces are bigger. If you're making a 3DS game, there's enough detail that it's not a problem. So the chibis are going to look stupid. Hopefully they decide to make more realistic models.

I remember they released a screenshot of the graveyard a couple months ago, and we all thought it looked really good. None of us thought it would be a game, but here we are. The screenies they provided now also look beautiful, but... the Mimiga village. It's dark.
It's not supposed to be dark!
There are dark places in Cave Story (First/Last Caves, Core, Outer Wall), but most of the game is fairly bright, like Mimiga village. If they make the scenery darker, like an actual cave, those actually dark places will lose their contrast to bright, happy places like Mimiga village.

That ties in with the music, too. They kept talking about it like Cave StoWii didn't even exist. They said the same thing about the music in that game, and it really didn't turn out very well (even after the patch). It was plunky, bloopy, and sounded like something from a children's show. Remember what they did to Balrog's Theme? So now I have no confidence in the newerer music, even though they apparently have a new composer.
Now, about that scenery. It's darker and more realistic. Putting the Wii's music up against that would just about destroy the game. If Nicalis has any sense, the music will have to reflect the change in scenery. More haunting, more mysterious, like Balcony and Gestation.

And another, minor gripe: Igor looks stupid. If I have to fight that dumbass thing, I'm doing it with my eyes closed.

So I'm unhappy about some stuff, but holy fucking shit I'm excited overall. Curse you, Nicalis, and your forcing me to buy a 3DS! This isn't like the Wii. This time, I can own a physical, retail copy of Cave Story. Fanboy mode activated.

And hey, while I'm here, the Polar Star looks great. It's pretty much what I always imagined, aside from the lack of trigger. It's a revolver railgun, clearly. That big thing under the barrel is the (infinite) battery.

And really, the chibis have to go. Misery made me laugh loudy for an entire minute.

EDIT: Just saw the new Egg Corridor. I... I need to change my pants.