Mr.Traveler said:
This version had great locales and music in spots, but it was hit-or-miss, and I'd agree that the animation and character modeling was atrocious.
Make sure to mention Cave Story+ in the review, so people don't go thinking Cave Story itself is a bad game.
Yeah, I like the locales as well. I thought they were really great at times, infact! But the game only has one thing going for it. It's in 3D. And the characters and their animations look terrible. And the music is on par with the original tracks, but you can't use the original tracks!
I'll definitely mention that cave story is a fantastic game, and that cave story + is more than worth it, but I just don't think cave story 3D is worth it WHEN you can buy better versions of the same game cheaper. I'm not talking to people who love cave story, then I reccomend it. I'm talking to most people who don't know what cave story is, and I say they're better off starting with the wii ware or, better yet, cave story plus.
If your deeply in love with cave story and have to see the locales in 3D, well, that's a different story.
linkruler said:
The only reason you say that is because you aren't a true cave story fan. You are such a disgrace (to me) for saying that
I forgot to mention in my original post: I'm only here for someone to convince me I'm wrong cause I love cave story. So if someone has a differing opinion, please voice it.
But, unfortunately ,I can't tell someone in my review "So yeah, anyone who doesn't like this game isn't a cave story fan, and is also a disgrace. And all opinions that aren't in favor of this game are biased".