Yes, even I get bored of myself
Pretty much talked about all these points before already, and not that they're not valid or anything, you have to understand one thing.
When did you first see Cave Story and play it? Most members here have played since long before the remakes, that makes most of us all pretty hard set in old ways. {Even I feel loathing at the 'Oh yeah!' instead of 'Huzzah!'} It's sorta a large case of They Changed It Now It Sucks, really. First impressions are everything, that's why people who are just now getting into Cave Story don't react the same. They didn't have years to get use to the original Cave Story. It's like someone looking back at all the SNES Mario games and going 'Meh' while they go back to play Galaxy 2, never really realizing their significance...
Just try to see that point when you see people getting cranky about it.
People's 'issues' with the graphical and translations can't be false, because they're opinions. Neither right nor wrong, as yours is.
People don't have to just like it because Pixel did it {Though that should be a strong case} or that it got his say or whatnot. Everyone has some part in the original Cave Story they dislike {Apparently Monster X}, but that doesn't mean they hate the game and Pixel because of it, right? Same logic here.
Both sides need to remember that, though, it gets annoying to listen to people whine about the remakes being a waste of money and whatnot. Obviously, something's working here, or we wouldn't be having two remakes, let alone just one. What game do you know of that's gotten such treatment so quickly, from Freeware to two new commercial remakes?
Apparently, a lot of people disagree with your opinions of this stuff being a waste of money and just simple reskins, or they wouldn't be doing so well.
And, obviously, they outnumber you. By a lot.
So, yeah, I'm just gonna wait/forget about it and see what it's like when it finally comes out.
Usually the easiest way to do it.