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Cave Story 3DS Discussion

Feb 15, 2011 at 5:09 AM
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Re: Cave Story 3DS Announced!

I will sound like a pathetic excuse for a human being and should have my head bashed in repeatedly with a wooden club until my brains splatter all over the ground, but who is that Tyrone Rodriguez guy? Is he Nicalis? Or are they different people?
Feb 15, 2011 at 5:14 AM
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Re: Cave Story 3DS Announced!

Nicalis is an, uh, company. Tyrone is the big man of said company.
Feb 15, 2011 at 5:15 AM
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Tyrone... is Nicalis..
He is also the man who shunned me.
Feb 15, 2011 at 8:06 AM
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Re: Cave Story 3DS Announced!

i don't care either way, but for all you people that are going "omg chibi wut? RUINED FOREVER!!!" just call it being true to the original sprites if it helps you any.
until we see sprites from a character who's head ISN'T as big as the rest of his body in plain CS, we won't know which one it is anyway
Feb 15, 2011 at 10:29 AM
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Re: Cave Story 3DS Announced!

Im actually pretty excited about this.. Looks nice but I cant afford a 3dS :toroko2: I looked at a screeny of the outerwall concept here http://www.joystiq.com/screenshots/cave-story-3d-concept-art/3869158/#/19 and its just my oppinion but the outerwall isnt the same if its blue, its not meant to be mechanic its meant to be stone like the side of the island... but I am excited to see more and the other screenys look nice.
Feb 16, 2011 at 1:07 AM
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Cave Story 3DS

Well, it's come up in the past, and here it is. A Cave Story remake in fully 3-D environments, and with fully 3D models. Rebuilt from the ground up, Nicalis is making Cave Story 3D for the Nintendo 3DS. Here's the announcement interview from Gamespot, which includes interviewing Daisuke himself!

What are your thoughts on this? I'm probably not getting a 3DS for a while, and especially not at launch, but it IS coming out near the launch window and sounds amazing.
Feb 16, 2011 at 1:14 AM
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Boy I sure do love merging a hundred finity threads a day because people don't know how to search function and/or read the names of the first five threads in the forum they're posting in
Feb 16, 2011 at 2:02 AM
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Re: Cave Story 3DS Announced!

You do?
Well, whatever sinks your anchor, I guess.
Feb 16, 2011 at 11:01 AM
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Re: Cave Story 3DS Announced!

sweet. can't wait for it. but.... blag. i bought it for the dsi for nothing then. D:
Feb 17, 2011 at 3:52 AM
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Re: Cave Story 3DS Announced!

DoubleThink said:
So I figured out something that was bothering me about this. The lines on Quote's face and his general chibification make him look kind of like a doll and so now I'm reminded of all the shitty fanart that tries to draw him like one :/

As for the lines, I think you're forgetting about this picture:
Feb 17, 2011 at 3:54 AM
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Hah I never noticed there was a cat on his shirt before.
Feb 17, 2011 at 4:01 AM
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Re: Cave Story 3DS Announced!

first time i've ever seen that picture.
Feb 17, 2011 at 5:33 AM
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Re: Cave Story 3DS Announced!

There are a couple of other works by Pixel with those lines, too:





I don't even want to know what that last image is supposed to be for. lol

Looking back at the concept art for CS3D, I wonder why they don't have lines on Curly's face, too. (Misery is apparently human, as she ages [or reverts to an older age after the spell wears off])
Feb 17, 2011 at 5:57 AM
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Re: Cave Story 3DS Announced!

Ah, right. All of those pics were in the unreleased beta version of Cave Story. Tyrone did mention that he and Pixel were looking into introducing at least some of that material for the 3DS version somehow...

Still, why now? Official art credits at the end (& his portrait on the WiiWare version) did not have such lines.
Feb 17, 2011 at 6:03 AM
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Re: Cave Story 3DS Announced!

dqle said:
Ah, right. All of those pics were in the unreleased beta version of Cave Story. Tyrone did mention that he and Pixel were looking into introducing at least some of that material for the 3DS version somehow...

Still, why now? Official art credits at the end (& his portrait on the WiiWare version) did not have such lines.

Character designs change all of the time. Heck, look at how radically Donkey Kong changed in 1994.



And yes, both of those games were released in the same year.

As to why they didn't add the lines in the Wiiware version, the resolution of the sprites, even when increased, may have still made the lines come out odd when applied to the player.
Feb 17, 2011 at 3:42 PM
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Re: Cave Story 3DS Announced!

T3mp0 said:

I don't even want to know what that last image is supposed to be for. lol
The mimiga in the bottom left agrees with you.

as for why the lines are only cropping up in CS3D, it's because of resolution. in CS PC and CSWii, Quote already basically had lines for eyes. it would've looked weird.
Feb 18, 2011 at 3:39 AM
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Re: Cave Story 3DS Announced!

T3mp0 said:
Character designs change all of the time. Heck, look at how radically Donkey Kong changed in 1994.



And yes, both of those games were released in the same year.

As to why they didn't add the lines in the Wiiware version, the resolution of the sprites, even when increased, may have still made the lines come out odd when applied to the player.
Ah, but the two Donkey Kong games were developed by different developers! (Miyamoto vs. Rare team) The same really couldn't have applied to the WiiWare version as Pixel was pretty much the graphics designer, or was at least heavily involved.

And I was talking about the higher resolution portrait pics, not the sprites. Like you said, even with double the resolution, it's still not large enough to justify adding such a small detail to the sprites. His portrait, however, is definitely large enough.
Feb 18, 2011 at 3:56 AM
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Re: Cave Story 3DS Announced!

Nicalis said they were bringing Beta content back. This is them, bringing Beta content back.
Feb 18, 2011 at 4:14 AM
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Re: Cave Story 3DS Announced!

dqle said:
Ah, but the two Donkey Kong games were developed by different developers! (Miyamoto vs. Rare team) The same really couldn't have applied to the WiiWare version as Pixel was pretty much the graphics designer, or was at least heavily involved.

True, but Nintendo fully adopted the use of the design in their own games from that point onward.

dqle said:
And I was talking about the higher resolution portrait pics, not the sprites. Like you said, even with double the resolution, it's still not large enough to justify adding such a small detail to the sprites. His portrait, however, is definitely large enough.

True, the only reason I can think of to justify that is so that the artwork had consistency with the main game. Nicalis was probably unsure of how well their [Wiiware] porting job would do, so they tried to keep the art as close as possible without making too many radical changes, as that could potenially turn off the original base (even with the "retro" graphics mode).