Rule 0: If this thread remains inactive for more than 10 days in a row, the next poster has the option to remove any or all of the previously made rules (including this one) and start over. This is what I am doing now.
Rule 1: No rules may be contradictory to each other. If a user wishes to create a new rule that contradicts an already existing rule, the new rule must replace the existing rule.
Rule 2: Rules 0-6 are considered "core rules" and may not be removed or replaced unless rule 0 is invoked.
Rule 3: After this post, every post is allowed to create at most 1 new rule, replace at most 1 existing rule, and remove at most 1 existing rule.
Rule 4: Every rule must be numbered with an integer from 0 to 19, inclusive. This means that the total number of rules will never exceed 20.
Rule 5: Double posting is not allowed, unless the two posts are at least one hour apart.
Rule 6: Posts that disobey the core rules, or that disobey non-core rules that were not removed/replaced in the post may be ignored (other penalties may be established later).
Rule 8: In addition to rules 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6, rules 17 and 8 are considered "core". Reiterating Rule 2, none of these rules can be added to or changed in any way (unless under circumstances invoked by rule zero). Furthermore, core rules are the only rules that can hold these properties and henceforth no other rules can be dubbed core.
Rule 10: On any player's turn, they can do one of three actions:
1) Modify the rules in such a way that is allowable under other rules
2) Make a "Point Post". In such a post, a user must take a previous "point post", change its meaning through the use of homonyms/synonyms, and then add a sentence which augments the meaning of all previous parts. The post must be written in the form of a dialogue, alternating between "Wedge Of Cheese" and "God". This post will then be fairly scored by other members. Maximum score yield for a "point post" is one gold point, and the minimum yield is 1 silver point.
3) Declare "-Time Out-" at the top of their post. Nothing in this post counts towards anything.
Failure to perform one of these actions will result in your score having its square root taken and a subsequent subtraction of one diamond point.
Rule 11: Starting with post #96 any post that performs more than one action (add, remove, replace a rule) earns the poster one gold point if the poster's username contains 8 characters and above, and loses the poster one gold point if the poster's username contains 7 or less characters.
Rule 12: If a post breaks any rule, and the next poster chooses not to ignore the rule-break, the rule-breaker loses two platinum points (again, you can have negative points).
Rule 13: If you haven't done so at all in the thread before if you Remove, Add and Replace all at the same time in one post you get 1 Diamond Point.
Rule 14: Each poster may exchange chocolate ice cream for 5 platinum points, provided they are either the first person to do so, or are posting a post whose number is equal to the sum of the number of characters in their username and the post number of the previous person to exchange chocolate ice cream for 5 platinum points.
Rule 15: Any user with at least 2 gold points may spend 2 gold points to request that any other user change their avatar, profile picture, signature, and/or location to anything of the first user's choosing (as long as it doesn't violate forum rules) and leave them that way for at least 48 hours. If the second user fails to do so within 24 hours of the first user's post, the first user earns their 2 gold points back, plus 1 bonus gold point, AND the second user loses 1 gold point and 1 platinum point.
Rule 16: Everyone gets free chocolate ice cream.
Rule 17: Excepting rules 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10, and 17, odd numbered rules only apply to odd numbered posts, and even numbered rules only apply to even numbered posts.
Rule 18: 1 diamond point is worth 4 platinum points, and 1 platinum point is worth 4 gold points. A user may perform any number of point conversions in a post (only on even numbered posts, due to rule 17). Point conversions are only legal if the user would have a non-negative integer quantity of BOTH types of points before AND after the conversion.
Rule 19: 1 gold point is worth 4 platinum points, and 1 platinum point is worth 4 gold points. Four silver points are equal to one gold point. A user may perform any number of point conversions in a post (only on odd numbered posts, due to rule 17).
I will edit this post as new rules are added (and to keep track of scores).
Also, this isn't a rule, but just a sort of "common sense" thingy, unless you say otherwise, rules go into effect when they are created. They can never go into effect before their creation, but they can after (i.e. suppose I'm on post #98, I could create a rule saying "starting with post #200, blah, blah, blah, etc..." but not "starting with post #10..." since earlier posts have already been "processed" and are their effects are permanent).
1 diamond point
3 gold points
Wedge of Cheese:
5 platinum points
3 gold points
2 silver points
2 gold points
1 gold point
-1 diamond point
i gold points
chocolate ice cream