My first time playing Cave Story was actually only a few days a go (lol). I had gotten some Nintendo points for Christmas and decided to use them. While looking through the DSIware library I noticed Cave Story and thought 'haven't I seen that somewhere before? I remember someone saying it was a good game somewhere.' So I got it, and immediately fell in love with it. My first time through, I got stuck in Grasstown and found a FAQ, but only to help me out when I was stuck. Only after when I decided to read it the whole way through then I realized I screwed up horribly. I had gotten the machine gun and was actually missing a couple of Life Capsules. I got the booster v0.8 (and I dunno what anyone says, but it's possible to get to the first cave with the 0.8, its just harder) and felt a little ashamed that I had left Curly behind, but not that much. Got stuck on The Sisters and decided to start over. That night I stayed up the whole time playng to catch up. I am currently in Hell (with the Spur). The closest I've ever gotten is Ballos lv1 (I keep getting owned by his lightning attack rofl) I beat Monster X on my second or third try, and the Undead Core I killed on my first try. I also didn't get the Map System until I was going to get Ma Pignon XD