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Apr 17, 2010 at 6:48 AM
Cold Agony of Resolute Vacuum
"Heavy swords for sale. Suitable for most RPG Protagonists. Apply now!"
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Posts: 1973
Rule #26: All ducks recieve 108 Warsuns upon discovery of their duck-ne:Dss.

Rule #27: There may only be 1 duck.
Apr 17, 2010 at 7:27 AM
Only Love, Maximum Love, Forever
"Life begins and ends with Nu."
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DragonBoots said:
Rule #26: All ducks recieve 108 Warsuns upon discovery of their duck-ne:Dss.

Rule #27: There may only be 1 duck.

Rule:) 28: all animals (bar humans) incur a 109 warsun fine:) for e:)xisting.

Rule:) 29: I am not an animal.
Apr 17, 2010 at 7:43 AM
The Bucket Fairy
Join Date: Jul 8, 2009
Location: Genesis City, Nowhere
Posts: 374
Rule:) 30: All rule:(s that are:p numbe:mad:re:mad:d with multiple:eek:s of four gre:(ate:cool:r than 30 must include:p "R.I.P. 3103" in ye:cool:llow te:rolleyes:xt be:ofore:(, at the:cool: e:(nd of, or afte:mad:r the 3rd word of the rule:confused:. e:Dht
Apr 17, 2010 at 8:11 AM
Only Love, Maximum Love, Forever
"Life begins and ends with Nu."
Join Date: May 6, 2009
Location: somewhere new
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Age: 30
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Mr. Fist said:
Rule:) 30: All rule:(s that are:p numbe:mad:re:mad:d with multiple:eek:s of four gre:(ate:cool:r than 30 must include:p "R.I.P. 3103" in ye:cool:llow te:rolleyes:xt be:ofore:(, at the:cool: e:(nd of, or afte:mad:r the 3rd word of the rule:confused:. e:Dht
rule 31: any rule containing the number 2 should be written completely in size 7, bold text, and all letters should be sepparated by smilies
Apr 17, 2010 at 10:47 AM
Senior Member
"This is the greatest handgun ever made! You have to ask yourself, do I feel lucky?"
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R:Du:Dl:De #32: A:Dl:Dl p:Do:Ds:Dt:Ds R.I.P.3103 m:Du:Ds:Dt c:Do:Dn:Dt:Da:Di:Dn t:Dh:De:D w:Do:Dr:Dd "H:DI:DI:DI."
Rule #33: 2 Warsuns may b3 had if a m3mb3r can gu3ss th3 title of this song, via lyrics:
"Com3 on all you vampir3s with your bloodsucking ways, com3 on and turn m3 on, ooo wh3n th3 lights go out, how you gonna find your way?"
Rule #34: If it exists, there;) is porn of it.
Apr 17, 2010 at 7:40 PM
The Bucket Fairy
Join Date: Jul 8, 2009
Location: Genesis City, Nowhere
Posts: 374
Rule:) #35: Thirty-two is a multiple:mad: of 4, idiot. HIII
Apr 17, 2010 at 7:53 PM
Been here way too long...
"Life begins and ends with Nu."
Join Date: Apr 19, 2009
Posts: 3785
Age: 18
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I live in a 3rd world country.
DragonBoots isn't not a duck.

Rule 1: Make up rules
Rule 2: Every post earns the poster one silver point. Four silver points can be traded for a gold point, but you cannot trade down.
Rule 3: double posts earn 0 points
Rule 4: triple posts earn -1 points
Rule 5: Each member who posts in this thread for the first time recieves an e-hug from everyone else.
Rule 6: A rule must be made every time you post on penalty of one e-slap.
Rule 7: to avoid a ludicrous excess of rules, the maximum number of rules that may be had is 41: after that, you must replace an existing rule with your new rule.
Rule 8: Anyone who had the word "the" in their post must end their post with "Eht"
Rule 9: Each post must have a colour other than white in it. (But in case you haven't noticed, the theme determines the default color. All of your posts are light blue.)
Rule 10: from now on even number rules must contain the word "moreover"
Rule 11: No more rules shall contain the word "moreover." Furthermore, all posts must have a smiley face after an e.
Rule 12: 4 gold points may be traded for 1 platinum point. Platinum points have the same value as silver points.
Rule 13: 4 Gold points may also be traded for a Death Star. 4 Death Stars may be traded for a Warsun.
Rule 14: All posts henceforth must have a blank title field.
Rule 15: The next person to quote Polonius from Shakespeare's Hamlet wins a gold point. (Rule is now void)
Rule 16: Every odd post must have no e's.
Rule 17: Only users with an even number of letters in their name may create 2 rules in one post.
Rule 18: All post must be posted by the original author of the post.
Rul 19: braking rulz will maik you loos 1 silvur point.
Rule 20: Misspelling a word in an odd numbered post is against the rules.
Rule 21: DragonBoots is exempt from any penalties for breaking the rules, provided he is not a duck.
Rule 22: All users shall attempt to prove DragonBoots is, in fact, a duck. DragonBoots must refute evidence to the best of his abillity.
Rule 23: 4 Warsuns may be traded for 1 "Conqueor the universe free" card. This is a coupon that may be exchanged for 1 post ignoring all previous rules. No cash value. Void in Quebec and where prohibited by law.
Rule 24: dragonboots is a duck.
Rule 25: no rules may be made directly negating other rules
Rule 26: All ducks recieve 108 Warsuns upon discovery of their duck-ness.
Rule 27: There may only be 1 duck.
Rule 28: all animals (bar humans) incur a 109 warsun fine for existing.
Rule 29: I am not an animal.
Rule 30: All rules that are numbered with multiples of four greater than 30 must include "R.I.P. 3103" in yellow text before, at the end of, or after the 3rd word of the rule.
Rule 31: any rule containing the number 2 should be written completely in size 7, bold text, and all letters should be sepparated by smilies.
Rule 32: All posts must contain the word "HIII."
Rule 33: 2 Warsuns may b3 had if a m3mb3r can gu3ss th3 title of this song, via lyrics:
"Com3 on all you vampir3s with your bloodsucking ways, com3 on and turn m3 on, ooo wh3n th3 lights go out, how you gonna find your way?"
Rule 34: If it exists, there is porn of it.
Rule 35: Thirty-two is a multiple of 4, idiot. HIII
Rule 36: If a poster is too lazy to follow Rule 31, any rule containing the number 2 should be bilingual.

HIII again, I have;) 3 silver points now. eht
Apr 17, 2010 at 11:04 PM
Senior Member
"This is the greatest handgun ever made! You have to ask yourself, do I feel lucky?"
Join Date: Jan 16, 2010
Location: World5
Posts: 104
Age: 29
Rule #36: HIII. Any player who R.I.P. 3103 fails to follow this rule:( will be banned from playing.
Apr 18, 2010 at 4:12 AM
Cold Agony of Resolute Vacuum
"Heavy swords for sale. Suitable for most RPG Protagonists. Apply now!"
Join Date: Jan 1, 2008
Location: Elsewhere
Posts: 1973
Rule #37: This post breaks every rule.

Rule #38: No rule may be created that makes this post not break every rule, on penalty of being forced to play The Game for 1 year.
Apr 18, 2010 at 4:50 AM
Senior Member
"This is the greatest handgun ever made! You have to ask yourself, do I feel lucky?"
Join Date: Jan 16, 2010
Location: World5
Posts: 104
Age: 29
Rule #40: 1 of every kind R.I.P. 3103 of "currency" (E.G. Gold points) May be traded in for a Skull. Skulls negate the effect of one rule:cool:. However, only one Skull may be held at a time.
Rule #41 Only I can hand out skulls.
Apr 18, 2010 at 5:37 AM
Senior Member
"This is the greatest handgun ever made! You have to ask yourself, do I feel lucky?"
Join Date: Jul 29, 2009
Location: California
Posts: 111
Age: 29
Rule#42: This rule and the next rule are allowed to negate other rules for they are rule 42 and 43 the signs of the thirty-first post
Rule#43 This rule is here to be coupled with the previous rule, and Dragonboots must teach me how to make his awesome installation thingy.
Apr 20, 2010 at 1:37 AM
Been here way too long...
"Life begins and ends with Nu."
Join Date: Apr 19, 2009
Posts: 3785
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WhosTony gets an e:)-hug from me, because it's a rule. R.I.P. 3103
Noxid said:
Rule 7: to avoid a ludicrous excess of rules, the maximum number of rules that may be had is 41: after that, you must replace an existing rule with your new rule.
WhosTony loses two silver points, putting him at -2 silver points. He also gets a demerit for redundancy and creating isolated rules.

Rule 32: Anyone who has pirated any files from the internet or a friend must sing the first six lines of the pirate song at least once.

Rule 1: Make up rules
Rule 2: Every post earns the poster one silver point. Four silver points can be traded for a gold point, but you cannot trade down.
Rule 3: double posts earn 0 points
Rule 4: triple posts earn -1 points
Rule 5: Each member who posts in this thread for the first time recieves an e-hug from everyone else.
Rule 6: A rule must be made every time you post on penalty of one e-slap.
Rule 7: to avoid a ludicrous excess of rules, the maximum number of rules that may be had is 41: after that, you must replace an existing rule with your new rule.
Rule 8: Anyone who had the word "the" in their post must end their post with "Eht"
Rule 9: Each post must have a colour other than white in it. (But in case you haven't noticed, the theme determines the default color. All of your posts are light blue.)
Rule 10: from now on even number rules must contain the word "moreover"
Rule 11: No more rules shall contain the word "moreover." Furthermore, all posts must have a smiley face after an e.
Rule 12: 4 gold points may be traded for 1 platinum point. Platinum points have the same value as silver points.
Rule 13: 4 Gold points may also be traded for a Death Star. 4 Death Stars may be traded for a Warsun.
Rule 14: All posts henceforth must have a blank title field.
Rule 15: The next person to quote Polonius from Shakespeare's Hamlet wins a gold point. (Rule is now void)
Rule 16: Every odd post must have no e's.
Rule 17: Only users with an even number of letters in their name may create 2 rules in one post.
Rule 18: All post must be posted by the original author of the post.
Rul 19: braking rulz will maik you loos 1 silvur point.
Rule 20: Misspelling a word in an odd numbered post is against the rules.
Rule 21: DragonBoots is exempt from any penalties for breaking the rules, provided he is not a duck.
Rule 22: All users shall attempt to prove DragonBoots is, in fact, a duck. DragonBoots must refute evidence to the best of his abillity.
Rule 23: 4 Warsuns may be traded for 1 "Conqueor the universe free" card. This is a coupon that may be exchanged for 1 post ignoring all previous rules. No cash value. Void in Quebec and where prohibited by law.
Rule 24: dragonboots is a duck.
Rule 25: no rules may be made directly negating other rules
Rule 26: All ducks recieve 108 Warsuns upon discovery of their duck-ness.
Rule 27: There may only be 1 duck.
Rule 28: all animals (bar humans) incur a 109 warsun fine for existing.
Rule 29: I am not an animal.
Rule 30: All rules that are numbered with multiples of four greater than 30 must include "R.I.P. 3103" in yellow text before, at the end of, or after the 3rd word of the rule.
Rule 31: any rule containing the number 2 should be written completely in size 7, bold text, and all letters should be sepparated by smilies.
Rule 32: Anyone who has pirated any files from the internet or a friend must sing the first six lines of the pirate song at least once.
Rule 33: 2 Warsuns may b3 had if a m3mb3r can gu3ss th3 title of this song, via lyrics:
"Com3 on all you vampir3s with your bloodsucking ways, com3 on and turn m3 on, ooo wh3n th3 lights go out, how you gonna find your way?"
Rule 34: If it exists, there is porn of it.
Rule 35: Thirty-two is a multiple of 4, idiot.
Rule 36: If a poster is too lazy to follow Rule 31, any rule containing the number 2 should be bilingual. Any player who fails to follow this rule will be banned from playing.
Rule 37: This post breaks every rule.
Rule 38: No rule may be created that makes this post not break every rule, on penalty of being forced to play The Game for 1 year.
Rule 40: 1 of every kind of "currency" (E.G. Gold points) May be traded in for a Skull. Skulls negate the effect of one rule. However, only one Skull may be held at a time.
Rule 41: Only I [Nameisnotname] can hand out skulls.
Apr 20, 2010 at 10:30 AM
Starbound sucked sadly
"Life begins and ends with Nu."
Join Date: Jan 7, 2007
Posts: 2587
Age: 35
cultr1 said:
Captain fab was an odd number post so he has to change his location to a 3rd world country!

Rule one changed to

Rule 1: You do not talk about fight club
Apr 22, 2010 at 8:59 AM
Senior Member
"This is the greatest handgun ever made! You have to ask yourself, do I feel lucky?"
Join Date: Jan 16, 2010
Location: World5
Posts: 104
Age: 29
Rule #2 has been changed to:
Whenever someone posts, everyone who posts after that has to add DIVIDE BY ZERO on the end of thier post. It stacks. I think you can work out what I mean.
Apr 22, 2010 at 1:55 PM
Been here way too long...
"Life begins and ends with Nu."
Join Date: Jan 4, 2008
Location: Lingerie, but also, like, fancy curtains
Posts: 3052

Rule 7 has be:)en changed to: "Whenever somebody posts, they get a silver point. Four silver points can be traded for a gold point, but you can't trade down. Furthermore, four gold points can be traded for a platinum point, which has the value of a silver point, or a death star, four of which can be then traded for a warsun."

Rule 12 is now: "Lace is the only Duck"
Rule 13 is now: "Ducks are not animals"

Rule 37: (no more rule seven, so ha): Rules cannot be changed or negated in any form (except for by people who joined in january 2008).

Rule 38: If a post with n3w rul3s br3aks any rul3s, th3 rul3s ar3 all mad3 as opposit3 as possibl3 (barring any post d3fining rule 38 within it).

Apr 22, 2010 at 11:03 PM
Been here way too long...
"Life begins and ends with Nu."
Join Date: Apr 19, 2009
Posts: 3785
Age: 18
Pronouns: he/him
...Lace, you broke it. Gaem ovar.
Apr 23, 2010 at 2:38 AM
The Bucket Fairy
Join Date: Jul 8, 2009
Location: Genesis City, Nowhere
Posts: 374
Captain Fabulous said:
...Lace, you broke it. Gaem ovar.
And with that, the thread dies. Correct?
Apr 23, 2010 at 2:51 AM
Been here way too long...
"Life begins and ends with Nu."
Join Date: Apr 19, 2009
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No, you can restart if you want.
Apr 23, 2010 at 3:02 AM
Been here way too long...
"Life begins and ends with Nu."
Join Date: Jan 4, 2008
Location: Lingerie, but also, like, fancy curtains
Posts: 3052
......So I won?

Rule #1: Anybody who posts on an odd post has to make a rule, anyone who posts on an even post must write a haiku about how awesome I am in order to make a rule, otherwise, they have to write ten completely random characters.
Apr 23, 2010 at 3:26 AM
Been here way too long...
"Life begins and ends with Nu."
Join Date: Apr 19, 2009
Posts: 3785
Age: 18
Pronouns: he/him
Lace is quite awesome.
Except wait, shit, I forgot
I'm the awesome one.

Rule #2: Anyone who edits a post must add "except in bed" to their post.