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Apr 23, 2010 at 3:28 AM
The Bucket Fairy
Join Date: Jul 8, 2009
Location: Genesis City, Nowhere
Posts: 374
Rule #3: All users posting in this thread must know that Jimmy Gibbs Jr. is the MAN and state that they know this at least once.
Apr 23, 2010 at 3:46 AM
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"Life begins and ends with Nu."
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Lacey Face, you know
There's more than just TSC
But that is ok.

Jimmy Gibbs Jr. is the MAN, and I know this, except in bed.

Rule #4: Your post must contain 3 numbers. No more, no less. (4887 is an example of one number, word-numbers do not count).
Apr 23, 2010 at 4:00 AM
Been here way too long...
"Life begins and ends with Nu."
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Age: 18
Pronouns: he/him
Rule #5: Anyone who breaks a rule must write a limerick about giant pigs.
Jimmy Gibbs Jr. is the man, except in bed.
Apr 23, 2010 at 4:35 AM
Been here way too long...
"Life begins and ends with Nu."
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Posts: 3052
Lace is manly man -
Beautiful, Brilliant, Clean!
Oh, and humble too.

Jimmy Gibbs Jr. is the FUCKING MAN (though not so much as I).

Rule #6: If you use the word "the" 2 times or more in your post, you must replace it with the word squander. If you use the word "the" 1 time in your post, you must write squander somewhere in your post.
May 16, 2010 at 8:59 PM
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"All your forum are belong to us!"
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Rule 7: All users whose names have at least 2 S's in them are exempt from the rule about haikus, except in bed.

I forgot his name, but he is da MAN!

Also: Rule 8: You must place at least one blue word in your post.
May 23, 2010 at 4:43 PM
Senior Member
"Ha! Ha! Ha! Mega Man is no match for my Mimiga Man!"
Join Date: Jun 7, 2009
Posts: 227
Lace is quite awesome.
Except wait, shit, I forgot
I'm the awesome one.

Jimmy Gibbs Jr. is squander MAN!
Rule 9: Anyone who has said that Jimmy Gibbs Jr. is the man must also state that Moustachio rules, and then make a joke about Louis and his pills.

Rule 10: The next person to include a poem made by them of any kind must make a joke from either L4D or 28 days/weeks later.
I.E. 'A man and a giraffe walk into a bar. the Giraffe gets pissed and falls over. the bartender goes 'Oy! you can't leave that lying there!' and the guy goes 'It's not a lion, its a giraffe, mate.'' noone can use a joke that has already been used.
May 23, 2010 at 4:49 PM
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"All your forum are belong to us!"
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Rule 11: Posts made on a Sunday are exempt from even-numbered rules.
Jimmy Gibbs Jr. is STILL the a man. :D Moustachio rules, and Louie....... uh.........
This is an inside joke, and I'm on the outside....
......takes pills. HA!
Rule 12: Any post with the name "Louie" in it must color that name red whenever it appears, and also must color one other word. Any post with smilies in it is exempt, but if you put a smiley into a post with green in it, you recive one Death Star.

Death stars +1
May 23, 2010 at 5:07 PM
Senior Member
"Ha! Ha! Ha! Mega Man is no match for my Mimiga Man!"
Join Date: Jun 7, 2009
Posts: 227
Rule 13: You cannot edit rules.
Rule 14:Louis is not Louie.
Anyone that says he is must also say that Francis hates you.
:D +1 deathstar.
May 23, 2010 at 5:15 PM
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immortalshippo said:
Rule 13: You cannot edit rules.
I didn't.
immortalshippo said:
Rule 14:Louis is not Louie.
Dammit! I misread that, ok? Just put Louis instead of Louie. X$
immortalshippo said:
Anyone that says he is must also say that Francis hates you.
Still outside the joke.......... :D
and Louis still takes pills rofl

+1 deathstar
Total deathstars 2
May 23, 2010 at 5:34 PM
Senior Member
"Ha! Ha! Ha! Mega Man is no match for my Mimiga Man!"
Join Date: Jun 7, 2009
Posts: 227
You cannot edit that. :D
you misread it, but you cannot take that back.
EDIT: +1 deathstar. Deatstars: 2.
EDIT 2: Francis hates you.
EDIT 3: Rule #15: If you break a rule, you cannot make rule, and are exempt from any of the rules. further posting must be frowned upon.
Edit 4: Rule 16: Immortalshippo never break rules.
May 23, 2010 at 7:25 PM
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"All your forum are belong to us!"
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Posts: 625
You broke a rule!

Deathstars +1
Total deathstars 3
May 23, 2010 at 8:12 PM
Cold Agony of Resolute Vacuum
"Heavy swords for sale. Suitable for most RPG Protagonists. Apply now!"
Join Date: Jan 1, 2008
Location: Elsewhere
Posts: 1973
Rule 25b: I am not your father.

Rule 15: [DragonBoots] is always right.
Rule 16: In the event [DragonBoots] is wrong, see Rule 15.
Rule 17: [DragonBoots] may randomly award 1 to 3 Warsuns to anyone except himself.
Rule 18: You are now playing The Game.
Rule 19: Any post quoting, citing, or referencing Rule 19 is exempt from all rules of a lower number than itself, except rules 15, 16, 21 and 23.
Rule 20: Your attention has been drawn to rule 19.
Rule 21: Dealer hits on a 16 and stands on 17.
Rule 22: Once you have begun playing The Game, you may never stop playing the game.
Rule 23: Official points system:

- Each post earns the poster 1 silver point.
- Double posting nets a -1 silver point.
- 4 silver points may be traded for 1 gold point. You cannot trade down.
- Each time you make a rule, you earn 1 gold point, up to a limit of 2 per post.
- Creating more than 10 rules in a single post nets you -1 gold points.
- 4 gold points may be traded for 1 platinum point or 1 Deathstar.
- Platinum points may be redeemed to abolish 1 rule. Rules 15, 16, 17, 19, 23 and 25 may not be abolished in this manner.
- Deathstars may be redeemed to destroy one planetary body (for these purposes, Pluto is a planet). Each planetary body destroyed earns you 50 Minerals and 25 Vespene Gas.
- 4 Deathstars may be traded for 1 Warsun. You cannot trade down.
- Warsuns may be redeemed to destroy one solar body. Each solar body destroyed earns you 250 Minerals and 125 Vespene Gas.
- 4 Warsuns may traded for 1 "Conqueor the Universe Free" card. You cannot trade down.
- "Conqueor the Universe Free" cards may be redeemed to make one post that ignores all rules that require you to post additional content (colored text, font sizes, words, smileys etc.).
- 500 Minerals and 250 Vespene Gas may be redeemed for 1 Battlecruiser. You cannot trade down and Battlecruisers may be aquired no other way.
- The poster with the greatest number of Battlecruisers when the game restarts becomes the subject (portion enclosed in []'s) of rules 15, 16 and 17.

Rule 24: Whenever you think about The Game you lose The Game. The objective of the game is to not think about the game.

Rule 25: Rules 15, 16, 17, 23 and 25 automatically carry over to the next round.
May 23, 2010 at 10:29 PM
Senior Member
"Ha! Ha! Ha! Mega Man is no match for my Mimiga Man!"
Join Date: Jun 7, 2009
Posts: 227
Rule 28: You cannot earn Vespene gas or Minerals beacause it is a refrence to Starcraft, which is Blizzard's cheap knockoff of Warhammer 40,000. Instead, you may earn a different troop in Warhammer 40K. Once you choose a race in Warhammer 40K, you cannot get a troop outside that race. Noone can chooce that race afterwords.
I destroy Isstan V and Istan IIV, giving me Lion'el Jonson's Death Guard, and Lion'el Jonson, Primarch of the Dark Angels.
EDIT: Rule 29: you cannot negate my rules.
EDIT 2: Rule 30: certain planets, according to how legendary said planet is, gain more legendary troops, but reguire 2 deathsars. homeplanets for races require 100 deathstars, but the first one to destroy a legendary planet gets a discount, so the next planet he destroys is free, barring homeplanets.. :D
EDIT 3: I used this discount. another discount is in affect.
May 23, 2010 at 11:33 PM
Cold Agony of Resolute Vacuum
"Heavy swords for sale. Suitable for most RPG Protagonists. Apply now!"
Join Date: Jan 1, 2008
Location: Elsewhere
Posts: 1973
DragonBoots said:
Rule 19: Any post quoting, citing, or referencing Rule 19 is exempt from all rules of a lower number than itself, except rules 15, 16, 21 and 23.

Rule 26: Failure to be able to count it treason. Treason is punishable by summary banning from Calvinball.
Rule 27: All rules greater than 27 are optional.

immortalshippo, for failing to count 26 and 27, you are hereby banned from Calvinball. Also you recieve 2 Warsuns.
May 24, 2010 at 12:06 AM
Senior Member
"Ha! Ha! Ha! Mega Man is no match for my Mimiga Man!"
Join Date: Jun 7, 2009
Posts: 227
I didn't fail to count, YOU failed to count, i already HAD rule 15 and 16.
But you are not banned.
immortalshippo said:
You cannot edit that. :D
you misread it, but you cannot take that back.
EDIT: +1 deathstar. Deatstars: 2.
EDIT 2: Francis hates you.
EDIT 3: Rule #15: If you break a rule, you cannot make rule, and are exempt from any of the rules. further posting must be frowned upon.
Rule 16: Immortalshippo never breaks rules.

taht was a post before yours.
EDIT 2: you broke a rule. or two. or three.
EDIT 3: Death star +1 deathstars 2!
I destroy Gorkamorka, giving me a Deathwing company Terminator squad.
May 24, 2010 at 12:10 AM
The Bucket Fairy
Join Date: Jul 8, 2009
Location: Genesis City, Nowhere
Posts: 374
Rule #28: Calvinball bans last one second.
Mustachio rules and Louis loves pills so much his room is made of empty ibuprofen bottles, except in bed.
May 24, 2010 at 12:20 AM
Senior Member
"Ha! Ha! Ha! Mega Man is no match for my Mimiga Man!"
Join Date: Jun 7, 2009
Posts: 227
Mr. fist, you broke my rule that I made stating that, if you stated that Jimmy Gibbs Jr. is the man, then you must, upon the next post you make, state that Moustachio rules and make a Louis joke. you also broke thae 'all posts must contain a blue word' rule. Dragonboots also broke this rule.
May 24, 2010 at 12:50 AM
The Bucket Fairy
Join Date: Jul 8, 2009
Location: Genesis City, Nowhere
Posts: 374
immortalshippo said:
Mr. fist, you broke my rule that I made stating that, if you stated that Jimmy Gibbs Jr. is the man, then you must, upon the next post you make, state that Moustachio rules and make a Louis joke. you also broke thae 'all posts must contain a blue word' rule. Dragonboots also broke this rule.
No I didn't.
except in bed
May 24, 2010 at 1:41 AM
Senior Member
"Ha! Ha! Ha! Mega Man is no match for my Mimiga Man!"
Join Date: Jun 7, 2009
Posts: 227
Then when did you do it?
And you can't say that you didn't break the blue word rule because... well, it's rather obvious.
May 24, 2010 at 2:29 AM
The Bucket Fairy
Join Date: Jul 8, 2009
Location: Genesis City, Nowhere
Posts: 374
immortalshippo said:
Then when did you do it?
And you can't say that you didn't break the blue word rule because... well, it's rather obvious.
What the squander are you talking about?
also you broke rule 1