Noxid said: is unreleased but largely unchanged from
If you're running an older one than that maybe idk. The 0.2x releases are generally more stable but lacking some fixes and features in 0.3x
Can you describe the steps to reproduce the bug
I'm running, so I'm really not sure why this is happening. But I'll explain the steps in reproducing the bug.
I start by launching the .jar file directly,
which then brings up the typical start page.
I then either click Load Last, or Load and select the Stages file as I normally do.
For the example, I'll use Chako's House, although it applies to each stage.
I've made some modifications to the bottom half of her house, including adding in a hole that's supposed to lead to a door, which is then supposed to lead elsewhere (although the issue presented itself with the hole, before I realized scipts were just broken).
The hole is event #103 (although, again irrelevent as it occurs regardless of number).
The script is modified from the script in the Hideout in the Plantation, where you travel through the door to reach the similar door below.
However, even when the script tab is un-highlighted, or even closed, it outright refuses to save (Shown by the asterisk in the levels name).
"Save, Save All", and Saving when closing a tab doesn't save, either.
Of course, you'll be somewhat happy to hear I found a work around! Using another tool (Made by you, funny enough: Your TSC editor) I'm able to succesfully script the levels with relative ease! While I'd love to do it within the program, I'm satisfied by my ability to do it at all. So thanks for making that tool, you're awesome.