That title song... Legend of Heroes? Nostalgic.

Excellent intro image, and title screen looks superb.
The pre-title "cutscene" did sit there for too long though... Not sure if it's a placeholder for a planned animation, or if you can change the length.
I started to think the game had immediately begun right away!
Mmmmmm, those portraits...
While I had initial mixed feelings with your art style, really appreciated its fresh look by the end... Great work ;D
The Magus song... great choice, though I thought it was a little grating after a while (was it the overall higher pitch of the song? Hmm...). Not sure if anyone else agrees... Maybe you could alter the sound without changing a note by trying various synths/instruments... Just my thought.
Didn't notice any problems in the text that jumped out at me. Though I was having a good time, so I didn't look too hard.
I wasn't sure if I was supposed to decrypt that text in the book though. I tried to figure it out from just casual staring, but no luck. Not sure if it's something that's supposed to be discovered later, or if it'll be extra info for those who take the time to decipher it.
For now I'm leaving it alone, but if you say otherwise, I'll take a closer look...
Oh... and jumping on tables to read notebooks... There needs to be an image of that.
Oh and I felt bad about doing THAT to... HIM. But in the name of curiosity, and my quest to... to... I'm SORRY! Though, actually I was less horrified by the result, and more creeped out by his choice of words. But Raven's reaction to THAT made me even more curious about him.
And on that note. Geez... I was planning on using that name myself for a main character... I probably will still *shrugs*... all I can say is... good taste. *nods*
Appreciated the multiple paths! Looking forward to learning more about our mysterious duo... Keep it up!