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Aha [0.1.1]

Oct 21, 2014 at 5:42 AM
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Oct 21, 2014 at 8:08 AM
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Just noticed this collab mod for the first time~ Downloading...


^That happened when I left the area, and came back, or I mean there was a hole in the forcefield. Not sure if needed to be off, and then turned back on, after I left and returned. (I went all the way back to the beginning to see if anything changed, looking for the key.)


(Oh! This is weird but an awesome discovery for another purpose... Anyway, if you hold left when touching the non-damaging forcefield, you can hang on bits, and climb it for fun...)

Now some random thoughts...
That title song... Legend of Heroes? Nostalgic. :D
Excellent intro image, and title screen looks superb.

The pre-title "cutscene" did sit there for too long though... Not sure if it's a placeholder for a planned animation, or if you can change the length.
I started to think the game had immediately begun right away!

Mmmmmm, those portraits...
While I had initial mixed feelings with your art style, really appreciated its fresh look by the end... Great work ;D

The Magus song... great choice, though I thought it was a little grating after a while (was it the overall higher pitch of the song? Hmm...). Not sure if anyone else agrees... Maybe you could alter the sound without changing a note by trying various synths/instruments... Just my thought.

Didn't notice any problems in the text that jumped out at me. Though I was having a good time, so I didn't look too hard.

I wasn't sure if I was supposed to decrypt that text in the book though. I tried to figure it out from just casual staring, but no luck. Not sure if it's something that's supposed to be discovered later, or if it'll be extra info for those who take the time to decipher it.
For now I'm leaving it alone, but if you say otherwise, I'll take a closer look...

Oh... and jumping on tables to read notebooks... There needs to be an image of that.

Oh and I felt bad about doing THAT to... HIM. But in the name of curiosity, and my quest to... to... I'm SORRY! Though, actually I was less horrified by the result, and more creeped out by his choice of words. But Raven's reaction to THAT made me even more curious about him.

And on that note. Geez... I was planning on using that name myself for a main character... I probably will still *shrugs*... all I can say is... good taste. *nods*

Appreciated the multiple paths! Looking forward to learning more about our mysterious duo... Keep it up!
The biggest issue I noticed while playing was... IT ENDED
Oct 21, 2014 at 8:38 AM
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I'm enjoying the aesthetics for the most part. It's a very short demo, but it delivers. Also cute cursor. ~

My only quip so far is that the text in the journal I collected is a little too lengthy. Hmm I normally like reading, but it felt like too much detail was being added to set up exposition.

Also "gist" is spelled with a g not j, at least according to the dictionary I just looked it up in.
Oct 22, 2014 at 12:27 AM
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I love it so far! I give this mod all my support.
Oct 22, 2014 at 12:48 AM
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Oct 22, 2014 at 12:56 AM
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ew, bing
what the crap

but yeah ama looks good

you can do the thing with the knife and it's fantastic I love it
Oct 22, 2014 at 10:17 PM
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I loved the crash at the end. [immaturity]Especially the "FUC" part of it.[/immaturity]

Looks great, really atmospheric.
Oct 31, 2014 at 6:34 PM
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its a great game and i would love to see more, at first i didn't understand, NO WEAPON SLOT??? then i realized it was a very different game from cave story. i think i would be cool to implement something where players write down their experiences in a note book at save points, like dreams of reality 2 it'd work great for a plot heavy game.
Nov 21, 2014 at 5:00 AM
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Nov 21, 2014 at 6:15 PM
hi hi
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Okay, so I played this...

Some issues (if there's more stuff I should have added here, I probably forgot about it):
First issue: sometimes when you have to choose the option, the text is not aligned properly. For example, when you're using <MS3 and then <YNJ/whatever.


I don't like these jumps.

Good stuff:
I really like the gameplay. The art and music are good.

It took me a while to figure everything out at the electricity grid are, but it was enjoyable. It probably took you a lot of time to script that!

Kurotsuki actually startled me when I first saw her picture... he... hehe...

Anyway, apparently I bought the paint... but I don't have it in my inventory? Is it supposed to be like that or should I stop because it's a bug?

I really enjoyed the mod. It might seem a bit boring at first, but then it gets better. The puzzles are pretty well made. Art and music is good. The general idea of the mod is really cool, because it's not just runandshootateverythingwithsupahlazah.
I recommend playing this to everyone.
Nov 21, 2014 at 7:37 PM
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Breaking my non-enforced vow of silence cause it's shitty
We honestly didn't try too hard to make sure everything was bug-free because we had already played through and fixed a lot of shit and it was late so we were lazy. A few errors are probably leftover from reorganizing flags, I must have missed that one.
I should have looked through more thoroughly for <MS3. My bad.
I'll consider making the jumps in cave easier.
And the relevant events rely on flags, not items, so you're fine even though you didn't actually get the item. I'll fix it though.
Nov 21, 2014 at 10:02 PM
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ok so here it is
also the playthrough is a little more scattered than usual because I wasn't exactly recording thoughts and mainly just bugs so idk



"Jeez, you hit like a machine!"

certain energy source
*gets slapped*

raven has feelings

is it good for ama to retrieve her memories?

left or right

right it is then

riki is obvious Kazuma clone




rainbow cat confirmed for gay


ohh that's why he's invisible
he's in camoflauge mode

residential area reference reminds me of OFF



ama isn't looking for anything
h u h


you are curiousity


how is this door locked

shouldn't the bomb have been more...idk...cataplysmic?


I keep pressing this shit but I can't get it to end

Edward the alchemist, haha

Nov 21, 2014 at 10:08 PM
beep boop
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I can't wait to play the new demo! I loved this mod's 0.2.0 demo, so I hope this one is even better.
Nov 22, 2014 at 3:06 AM
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This is the best mod.

This is truly THE best mod.
Nov 22, 2014 at 6:06 AM
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Wow, this mod was great! The facepics (if you can call them that) were all nicely made, the dialogue was nice, and the first death was quite gruesome. hehe. The exploration, while a bit confusing at times (particularly in the cave, I went there first, got the bomb, for some reason it didn't work on the door then, I had to go get riki out of his home first...), was also quite fun. And the puzzle at the end was quite clever, as well. Although I'm a bit disappointed I didn't get to stab more people
Dec 9, 2014 at 8:55 PM
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Bottom of the first page of Showcase? That won't do at all.
Sup guys thanks for the feedback we appreciate all of it and are too lazy to respond to it but we have taken every bit into consideration.

ALSO: As some of you may or may not know I am working on a complete rehaul of the mod's music - everything in the original demos that was transcribed by sold is going to be replaced with an original piece by me. This includes the title, the song from the facility, and the outdoors song. The first one I've finished a replacement for is Schala's Theme, the song from the lab. The replacement is right here, for your listening pleasure: Labo.org Tell me what you think.
Dec 9, 2014 at 10:34 PM
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Yacker said:
I had to go get riki out of his home first...),
Wait wait what, you got to the cave before even talking to riki? That sounds like a bit of an issue :/
Dec 15, 2014 at 4:39 AM
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The new laboratory music sounds super rad -w-

Also, good job on the website!
Dec 16, 2014 at 12:17 PM
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The book in your inventory seems to freeze the game when you view its description. Just fyi.