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  • andwhy, i come to ask you one final request: please revert my name back to it's original form: Spiritga. it's time for it to return one final time before coming to stay.
    thank you.
    so? they'd just call me spirit
    makes your point make sense
    ...damn you
    Uhh... so which am changing your name to?

    Keep in mind that this will also change the username you log in with.
    I'm fine with Spirit. It'd be for the best.
    New avatar. For anyone curious it is Swoop from Rexodus (a comic I would very much recommend).
    Can someone tell me how to change avatar? Friend said that i should click avatar buton in my profile and showed me where is it, but i don't have anuthing like this, look:
    just click on your name and then click 'your profile page', then click your avatar.
    You should be able to change your avatar now. Let me know if you run into any trouble.
    I don't know if this is a problem others are having, but my username was reverted from Kuro back to Pigaro. I'm not sure if that has to do with the migration, but I just happened to notice. If possible, is there any way to change it back to Kuro? If not don't worry about it, just personal preference, and I understand if it's not possible with this new software. Thank you!
    Would you mind if I ran some of the post and member data rebuilding options now/soon? I'd like to see if that'll fix some of the incorrect usergroups and such but I thought I'd check with you first to make sure it won't break something or get in the way of something you're changing.
    Can't we turn off user-controlled thread deletion in the permissions?
    I wish. It's tied to the user-controlled post deletion permission from what I can tell. IPB considers the removal of the first post to be sufficient grounds to remove the thread. The side effect of this is of course that it grants the thread starter the ability to remove a thread whenever they want. However I'd like to see if the XF move solves this issue at all before I start adding rules that I may later make redundant.
    Why can I not be sad and post a picture worth more then 1000 words?
    I understand that they are "generally" but respect for the dead would certainly be an exception wouldn't it? (and I'm usually a nice member so I don't spam this all the time)
    I'm not sure I can think of an actual exception to the rule, especially since it really isn't all that hard to add a sentence or 2 to the post. In general it's best not to have exceptions for these things, since once there's exceptions it becomes harder to enforce.
    So I guess this is why I will never be a mod/admin anywhere on the web.

    I still can't phathom how the post lacks content but I could honestly care less now.
    Alright so for some reason I was under the impression that users could see banned member profiles. I've looked around but I can't find how to change that short of giving someone mod access. Any ideas?
    The only way to do this is to unban someone from the AdminCP and then switch them over to the "Banned" user group if that isn't the case already. Secondary Groups needs to be empty as well so that it doesn't create conflict. This can only be done on a per user basis. It's something I never really bother with unless there is a specific request to show a banned user's profile. Given that the vast majority of banned profiles are spambots that is probably for the best.
    Oh right there was that thread about it a while back. Thanks, I'll go fix up this request now.
    Hey andwhyisit :] Do you play any visual novels? I noticed your post about wanting to create a VN Cave Story mod, that fell through... Was wondering if you had any recommendations~ I played Steins;Gate recently, and it was a lot of fun :]
    I don't play a huge number of VNs. The VN mod was only meant to be a proof of concept anyway.

    Virtue's Last Reward is a personal recommendation of mine though. Branching timelines ahoy!
    I was a bit addicted to VNs thanks to my interest in seeing games translated into english, like the action RPG Ys series. Which lead me to the Planetarian translation long ago... (Now on Steam!)
    <a href='http://store.steampowered.com/app/316720/' class='bbc_url' title='External link' rel='nofollow external'>http://store.steampo...com/app/316720/</a>

    And I found many more wonderful ones after that. (...lots of poor ones too lol).
    But it's tough to recommend VNs to casual gamers when they add adult content, and so many do...

    Like Fate/stay night and Tsukihime. Those are two wonderful VNs that have spawned an entire culture...
    ...And Phantom of the Inferno, G-senjou no Maou, Utawarerumono, YU-NO, Demonbane, Shikokku no Sharnoth, Chaos;Head, I/O revision II, etc... I want to go around telling everyone to go check them out because they really are great experiences... But...

    But I digress.

    Back on track... I always thought a VN mod would have been interesting... It's trendy to use as little dialogue as possible these days, but I'd love to see a well written narrative told through Cave Story. Writing is tough though... :x

    And thanks for the recommendation!
    Virtue's Last Reward sounds like something I'd love. I recognize the writer too. Just wish it was on PC... Been putting off buying a new console since purchasing the PS2 years and years ago. Services like Steam spoil me. But, one of these days I'll get it!

    Btw if you don't know anything about Steins;Gate, you would probably enjoy it. It's on the same subject matter I believe :] And it'll be out on Vita and PS3 in english later this year... (Not to mention it's already out on PC at places like Rightstuf.)
    I've been looking at Fate/stay night and Steins;Gate for a while but I haven't gotten around to it since I don't play many PC games.

    But news of a Vita release is most welcome indeed.
    Has the zombie SOPA finally died?
    Net Neutrality is now regulated for US ISPs. It reportedly prevents US companies from abusing ISPs for the sake of internet censorship, which can only be a good thing. Without the ability to control ISPs the power of any SOPA-style legislation can only be limited.
    I like that noise!
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