EDIT: You made a mod right? I should check that out... (Set Free?)
And yeah I was thinking of applying for the 2x res hack, or using NXEngine to port the mod over (so hacking won't be necessary).
I definitely want a SOLID story too, but I have most of the basics of the plot figured out...
I don't think I'll be changing too many of the major details.
After a lot of thought :
Short version :
Perhaps for now it is best to wait until I finish a rough draft of the plot for part 1 (hopefully within a week). Then when I start the actual modding , if you are interested, we can look over it and figure out what might need to be changed, or added/subtracted.
[IF you want to be spoiled!]
Long version :
What I don't have are a few plot holes I haven't gotten around to figuring out yet... The extent of Balrog and Misery's actions this time. Some of the unique talking robots you encounter. The extent of Ctuhulu's appearences. The amount of humans involved and how and when they are killed/escape.
And so far I've only worked on part 1 of Cloud Story [which is long as Cave Story], which is all the events up till Curly remmebers.
...part 2, are the parts that happen during the war with the earth... During this episode you will probably be in control of Arthur.
...part 3, is at the end of the war, and the events that pave the way for Cave Story in 10 years time.
For both part 2 and 3 I haven't planned out all the areas they will travel or the whole plot. Especially with part 2.
If you want to theorize or research for anything related to those periods of times... feel free!
btw I started doing cave story theories for the mod back in 2006 when I first played it. And in my opinion a lot of the earlier discussions were very interesting. People took it way too seriously, compared to a majority of theory discussion these days... [If you are looking for some interesting ones maybe start from the beginning?]
I dunno if you want me to spoil the many things I have planned for part 1. It might be better to wait!
As for what is needed at the moment...
Well, I don't know hardly ANYTHING about hacking; but that can wait...
I do need to figure out the stage designs, but I'm still getting a handle on that.
[Quite a few Cloud Story areas happen on the surface of the island. So I have to figure out what kind of new design would really appeal to people, would be different from cave story; yet not slow paced or boring.]
Some of the games that have ideas I'd like to adapt for stage design :
Ninja Gaiden 2, Super Metroid, Iji, Wizards and Warrior 2, Castlevania 2, Ys II, Crystalis, Lagoon, Dungeons and Dragons Shadows of Mystra, Sonic.