• Hey everyone happy Christmas Eve we're aware of what's happened with the source code so to keep this simple absolutely don't post it on the site or use it to make mods with (it's not particularly preferable toward this end anyway) and tread lightly in general until we see how this settles, thanks to all and have a great holiday season -DT
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  • Hey, it's comment! I uh, was wondering when... when spoiler would be back? I've been missing hi- UH I MEAN IT'S BEEN A WHILE SINCE I'VE SEEN HIM
    Oh, y-yeah, okay! *phew*
    <div class='bbc_spoiler'>
    <span class='spoiler_title'>Spoiler</span> <input type='button' class='bbc_spoiler_show' value='Show' />
    <div class='bbc_spoiler_wrapper'><div class='bbc_spoiler_content' style="display:none;">There was a delay, sorry. You wished to see me, comment?...</div></div>
    Did you post a comment here but IPBoard killed it, Dunc?...
    Goodness, I'm glad Spring Break is here. School is never really hard, but it's been a tad stressing recently. A nice one week break was just what I needed. ^_^
    At this rate, I'm already starting to lose track of how many profile pictures you had.
    Geez, you could fill a museum with a gallery this huge.
    Yup! It would be an amazing museum, and I would be its knowledgeable, enigmatic, and (depending on how judgmental you are) really creepy curator. It'd be great. :3
    I guess I should leave this here...I feel attention whorey when I say things like this, but I'm not sure if that's valid introspection or me being dumb...
    I'm graduating High School in a few months too and I'm already going to the College to take classes, but I still find myself as active as ever on here. lol, I guess I should find a more productive thing to do than that. I haven't been noticing anything different here as of recently, and I'm perfectly content with how things are going. The Skype Group is different, that place is always changing. The forums on the other hand, I'm not so sure if I see what you all are talking about.
    Sue Sockymodo
    Sue Sockymodo
    I can tell you from experience that people leaving for university/college kind of destroys Skype groups, or at least makes them less fun and active. Then again, my Skype group is about 15+ people less than yours, and you guys have a younger demographic, so I'm sure you guys can get by. But yeah, sucks how life intervenes with these things.
    Some part of me feels like I don't quite have the right to say anything about my personal life here...but I guess I'll put that aside.
    Getting into High School in general is a pretty hard task in and of itself, not to mention the fact that I recently got rejected b a school, due to financial standards not being met.
    For the time being, courses aren't going particularly well, but going to a private school gives you certain extra 'bonuses' like required seasonal sports."Yay".
    In a sense, I completely agree with the rest of you, but not exactly from the same viewpoint, especially considering I'm not there yet.
    Although hopefully learning from other people should make for a less rocky journey trough high school.

    Addressing the state of the forums, if what you mean is floods of spambots, excess 12-ish people joining, and an overall lack of 'meaningful' discussion, (that's not to say the discussion is bad, just not as 'reply-provoking' as it used it be, unless it's something horrible to reply to) I can see what you mean. If not, then I'm clearly missing out here and being oblivious as per usual.
    Why are you not on Skype anymore ;_;
    (I thought I posted this, but internet happened. It was around 3:30 or so.)

    A sort of strange sadness/neurosis. Also terrible connection and angsting that inspired said neurosis. I'll be back regularly later.

    Now that you mention it, I guess it couldn't hurt to at least check...
    I-I can't...handle...anything. I'm going to restart my 37 hour Oriental Blue playthrough because I failed to save an Ogre girl. She died of sickness. I knew what I needed to bring her, I knew where it was...and it was on my mind from the start. But I never got it because there was a hole in front of it, and I never realized that ALL you had to do was BRING TENKAMARU AND HE WOULD JUMP OVER THE FREAKING PIT.
    Generally speaking, anything emotional or morality-based will absolutely destroy me. -.-

    And in some respects, it's actually worse! Apparently this game has a nonlinear structure in that what you choose and who you can defeat affects the story and your party. So if I don't do it the same way, I might screw something up :<

    Thankfully the game has a journal system, so I just recorded all the 98 entries. I should be okay.
    Captain Fabulous
    Captain Fabulous
    This is the place for saying things that no one cares about.
    Why does the word "Nuzlocke" suddenly come to mind...
    Hm...has anyone here felt a fear of being completely absorbed by a group, or hates the idea of being lumped in with that group when you want to remain neutral? If so, how did you deal with it?...
    I just continued doing everything like usual and didn't care about others' opinions, and that's all... I guess?
    Captain Fabulous
    Captain Fabulous
    Yes, and I dealt with it by constantly making fun of furries.
    Hm...that's interesting. I can't really relate, but thank you for sharing. :>
    Polaris! Shane's account at DRP forums has been hacked again and has unbanned Taylor (who's been exposed as being on his side)!
    ...I already knew that, Karjam...
    And if you were to be paying attention, you'd know I don't quite care...
    Oh, it's apparently the number of the beast and all that. Almost memetic in some respects. I don't really know whether it has any substance to it or not, and I haven't given it much research or thought, so I just lend it attention in the same way a lot of people do.
    Right...it's been debated that 616 is the actual number of the beast. It depends on translations and stuff. It's far less well known, though - even I didn't know back when I had that postcount.
    One more post and you're going to become a Vivillion! Or, well, have 665 +1 posts.
    On the other hand, Vivillon is really cute. Maybe I should have stuck with it for a while. D:
    Yeah, Vivillon is pretty cute. Did you know there's an unused Pokeball Vivillon in the game's programming? Maybe that'd be what kind of Vivillon you are, since it seems pretty neutral. (I don't remember many of the patterns off of the top of my head, so...)
    I'm happy that you didn't go for the obvious Polar pattern joke. :3

    The Pokéball pattern seems about right. I don't feel much for the other designs...and if I'm not on the extremes, I'm usually neutral. It's a pretty pattern, anyhow!
    That's interesting. May I ask what you think it might mean if it means something? I don't mind if it's a religion-related reason. I won't get offended or attack if that's the case. I'm just interested to hear your thoughts.
    Well, maybe it's better I put it as, what I /don't/ want it to be. It's kind of just a silly thought that this bright, conveniently located star was dimming for a while, and now it's brightening again - like, really really fast, much faster than anyone thought it would. And while that could be something good, it could also be something terrible in the long run.

    ...not sure how to put what I feel about it in words without sounding absolutely terrible, honestly. I know it's silly to find a meaning in something like this, but stranger things have happened, and little coincidences and connections pop up at every turn. Also, I tend to find meaning in absolutely everything. So ya.

    As for the potential positive of what I think that could mean...the answer is so campy and embarrassing that I wouldn't dare say it out loud. A passive thought, really, because even though I live waist-deep in fiction, I have a good idea of what's likely and what's unlikely to happen...not that that stops me from thinking it could.

    Sorry, I know that's not a great answer...indecisiveness in how to answer is what took me two days. But hopefully it's good enough.
    Ah, it's no problem if you don't want to say. Don't worry about it. ^^
    Hi, it's comment! Is it too late to say goodbye to spoiler?
    It's important information that must not be forgotten.

    Anyway, I'm telling you. Comment x Spoiler OTP.
    But don't let them know I said that.
    ★Don't worry, he's off the mic. >w>★
    One of them's got to make a move sometime.
    Can you try to contact Elecmaw? He disappeared off the forums and I am worried. I think something is very wrong.
    I feel like custom ranks was brought up before somewhere. If not, that was probably just me thinking about it before. It is definitely a great idea, but like you said, I'm not so sure on how possible it is.
    I think it was, actually. But regardless. If Andwhy set his mind to it, he could definitely implement something like that - but of course, he won't bother if it's not necessary, which is reasonable.
    Oh! I have Soviet Russia jokes now. Awesome. ^_^
    You...don't...know...what...Earthworm Jim...is?...this be Earthworm Jim, a god of platforming gaming: <iframe id="ytplayer" class="EmbeddedVideo" type="text/html" width="640" height="390" src="http://youtube.com/embed/RNUMO_nwtbY?html5=1&fs=1" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen webkitallowfullscreen /></iframe>
    I already told you, I know what Earthworm Jim is...I just never had much interest in it.
    oh, o.o thought you said you didn't know. My apologies =)
    That's alright...^_^
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