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  • Noxid said:
    The C7 is the MOV command
    Oh, duh, now I feel silly.
    I don't know why I decided to ignore the commands in hex. {I blame lack of sleep}
    Noxid said:
    and the next BYTE seems to be the type of MOV command we're dealing with, then either the next BYTE or DWORD is for how far off the register to go, and the last DWORD is the actual value being MOV'ed
    This is so much more confusing using something like Translhextion....
    But I see what you mean with Olly.
    Not really sure about that...
    Assuming 40F9D5 simply becomes x0F9D5 for Translhextion, the numbers that came up look nothing like that.
    Not sure if that's how the offsets change between the two, though. Just a guess, but the numbers seem to be in a pattern, like they should be for frame rects.
    Each offset {
    Well, I tried almost a dozen} always started me at a C7 , too, so it doesn't seem like I'm randomly jumping around.
    Noxid said:
    Rects are somewhat difficult to visualise, but think of them as defining four infinitely extending lines; the line display_L draws a vertical line (for the left side) and everything to the left of that line is disregarded. display_U draws a horizontal line, and everything above is disregarded. Continue this logic with the other two and what you're left with is a rectangular area.
    That's just about exactly how I imagined them...
    Noxid said:
    As for what you've mentioned, after a bit of searching I found it in one of rune's old tutorials. The proper order is, in fact, LURD, and I'm not sure why he put them in LRUD order (possibly to group them by x/y, I dunno). Everywhere else in the compendium where it lists the actual offsets of these rects they're properly ordered as far as I can see.
    Just my luck to see only that set, eh.
    {Really, I was being lazy/rushing and just used Find until I came across it}
    Noxid said:
    Finally, when you're dealing with rects and such in the .exe, remember that all the numbers are hex; hence, 16 = 10, 32 = 20 and so forth.
    Oh, I know. I just listed them in that way because it's how Rune had all of the title screen rects listed.

    Anyways, thanks for clearing that up for me.
    OK, this probably isn't a biggy, but it had me pulling hairs for awhile...
    I was trying to figure out how Frame Rects work, and I saw something listed in your Assembly Compendium.
    Specifically, it says the four numbers should be in this format:
    Display_L: left side of the display rect
    Display_R: right side of the display rect (NOT width)
    Display_U: top side of the display rect
    Display_D: bottom side of the display rect (NOT height)
    Well, I spent an hour or two trying to figure out why the game would keep displaying nothing, when I noticed that the other frame rects in the code didn't follow that rule. So I tried something else.
    To display the left standing animation of Quote, it should be 000 016 000 016, right? {Left Right Top Bottom}
    That got me blank, so I tried 000 000 016 016. {Left Top Right Bottom} It displayed perfectly.
    I even tried 0000 0064 0016 0080 to display an animation that I added to an enlarged version of the MyChar.PBM, and it worked. {According to the Compendium, it should've been 0000 0016 0064 0080}

    I'm thinking the list wasn't suppose to be taken in that order, but I didn't see anything else in the little article that told how the EXE accepted them.
    Unless, do the Rects go in an order akin to the game's directions? {I just now literally noticed that}
    I mean, in the TSC.txt the directions are listed as:
    0000 Left
    0001 Up
    0002 Right
    0003 Down

    I'm rather confused at the moment....
    You should join me in creating festive facepics, then. :D {On the corresponding holidays, of course}
    I've done one for Halloween, Christmas, and {Inter}National Speak Like a Pirate Day, so far.
    I'm not sure if I'll do a Valentines one or not, though...
    MOD released! Check it out in the Hell Mod contest thread if you get the chance :D

    Constructive (not like Orange, plz) criticism is appreciated :)
    That's a big "nope", I'm afraid. I'm not even sure I played the first version, and I tend to replace older versions of mods unless they're significantly different anyway. No dice, sorry man :(
    Yes, yes, I do have it. Go ahead and close it.

    Also, thanks. I'll send ya the report as soon as I'm done.
    Lmao. I guess having a shitty computer may have a silver lining, namely that such "cocaine moments" are very rare.
    Oh, you lurked for a while? How long? In that case, you may have seen it before.

    Based on this the first time I posted it was about Sept 6, 2008. I don't remember how long I kept it before changing it though...
    Lol, right now is the second time I've had it in my sig. I'm pretty sure you weren't around when it was in my sig the first time.
    I guess when all of this is done I'll have to give CE a try :P.

    Under the description on the Downloads page, it says it has a less user friendly interface? What's so unfriendly about it?

    Anyways, I replaced a map, so mine is working. I'm going to add two more maps to my mod, and make a "hard" version where I remove the save point in the middle. Unfortunatly, save points don't save Nikumaru Counter time, so it gets reset if you die. I hope that contest doesn't end this week, otherwise this is pretty much for naught.
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