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  • your song is good, and mirai isn't letting me post or edit.

    also, I thunk it be seil vous plait, bud.
    Just because I'd like to explain everything: {Line by Line}
    Noxid said:
    So, function here grabs player position, runs a comparison, and assigns A a value of 0 or !0 based upon where we are.
    The values are 0 or 1, 0 for Right and 1 for Left.
    Noxid said:
    Mov register A to the entity's velocity?
    Is velocity E0? if ==, jump to the end
    Decrease register A by 1
    This command I don't really get the mnemonics of, looks like Store A in register B6, but what's the x for?
    last line is an unconditional jump command?
    LDA means something like LoaD Accumulator, and loads the register into A, not the other way around.
    Basically. It's comparing what is in A, which is right now the sprite's current X speed.
    I think, anyways... {But it didn't work, so I'm having my doubts, and I can't find a complete list of these Assembly commands...}
    Yeah, that's basically what it does, STore Accumulator into B6. The x apparently means that the value is indexed by x...I'm not entirely sure myself, as I haven't seen a clear explanation yet, and the two sprite tutorials the came with the sprite tool never said a word about them....
    And, yes, BRA BRAnches no matter what, so that avoids the Right's code.
    Ah, having it INC/DEC the table itself worked!
    Of course, it goes through walls now, sorta {I haven't written interactions with the walls yet, but it should be rather simple}, and it's WICKED fast, but it works!!!
    It also skates on the ground, but the Y speeds should be a little easier now. {If I can figure out what to do about it checking Luigi's Y position....But Piranha plants do that when shooting fireballs, don't they?}

    Anyways, sorry for bothering you, but thanks for your time.
    Noxid said:
    These mnemonics are so silly! However, I don't see an INCrement or DECrement command in there; did you perhaps forget that, or is it somewhere else?
    Oh, I should've explained it more, since I guess they're more SMW specific.
    INA and DEA should INC and DEC A {A is the "Accumulator", and is mainly used, along with X and Y, to sort values around}, and then I just store it to the sprite's speed table offset. {Actually, I'm going to try just INCing and DECing the offset itself, real quick, to see if that will work}
    Noxid said:
    I can sorta see how the jumps and checks work (You have to name them instead of just referring to the address? strange.) and they look fine.
    Yeah, the naming part is sorta neat, but that's because there's no address to refer to if I was to jump otherwise.
    For custom sprites {And you can extract the originals in the same format}, you write down all their special properties on a .cfg file {Just a series of numbers}, and put all the Assembly stuff in a corresponding .asm file. {Just a .txt renamed}
    Then you just use a special sprite tool to inject them into SMW, in a way that the major editor, Lunar Magic, can access them.
    So, there's just words and more words, no real addresses, but there's no size limit, either! {As far as I'm aware of...}

    Noxid said:
    Also, I guess butes they be.
    If I can get them working fine, I can finish the next room easy. {For the falling blocks, I'll either replace them with modified Thwomps, or just omit them completely. I've an idea to simulate them in SMW, but it'd require so much more work I wouldn't even try, for now}
    Alright, so you mentioned how Assembly gets you all excited, so I was wondering if I could get your help on something...
    Though, it's SMW-specific stuff, so as to not confuse it with Cave Story.
    Code said:
    LDA #$10
    STA $AA,x
    STA $157C,x
    CMP #$00
    LDA $B6
    CMP #$E0
    STA $B6,x
    LDA $B6
    CMP #$1F
    STA $B6,x
    The first 5 lines simply call a function elsewhere that check Luigi's direction, and then stores the direction in the sprite, so it's always facing him.
    Since the direction is still in A, CMP compares which direction the sprite's facing and then either jumps to the code that handles the right direction or simply continues for the left. {Jumping later over the Right's code}
    The direction code should simply INC or DEC the sprite's current speed, depending on the direction it's facing. If the sprite reaches max speed, it'll just jump to the end of the code and not mess with it for that frame.
    With the way INC and DEC work in SMW {If it doesn't work the same elsewhere}, DECing a value of 00 leads it to FF, and INCing a FF makes it into a 00. A speed between 01-7F
    moves them right, a speed between FF-80 moves them left. So I think this INC and DEC system should work.
    The sprite should speed up towards Luigi, and if it passes him, it will turn around, slow down it's current directional speed, and then speed up back towards Luigi.
    The problem is, the sprite doesn't want to move, period.
    It just sits there, leering at me, turning to keep me in it's sights.
    The code assembled correctly, but I guess I screwed up somewhere. I'm still not use to thinking in Assembly...

    Anyways, I was wondering if you could see what's wrong with this...
    This little part basically makes up 90% of the sprite, as I'll use something very similar to control it's Y speed, so it's really important that I get this part working...
    And the max speed values probably aren't final. I'm not sure if E0 will be the same as 1F or have it zipping across the screen...
    Though, I'm sure I probably confused you with my comments....

    {Oh, and can you guess what this sprite should be? :D;}
    now, I'm sorta running out of congratulatory marks to say without sounding cheesy, but thanks so much man.

    this is what my sprite sheet looks like, thanks to you. It's pretty baller, I must say.
    oh my gawd, those are beautiful.
    I don't need a transition frame per se, but if you think it would make my mod more splendiferous, go ahead.
    Thanks so much noxid, you da man.
    Most important thing first, you can keep playing Metroid (it's a girl!) until whenever.
    it's just a purple thing that stands there. Awesome, I know. You can make the image as large as u want to fit the spikes, basically it just stands their until you shoot it, then it goes all prickly and defensive. your choice what kind of spikes to use.

    And as a weird side note, could you give the behemoth ram horns?
    And as for the gig, I need to find a file uploader that can upload a midgetbyte first. :(
    1&2) Sweetzies*
    1+2) - If you can balance a gigabyte of cave story related stuff on your head, kudos to you. I don't think I could. :(
    22?) - It's not tutu hard, I just stink at dresses.

    *basically, here's what I wish for you to draw, but angrywithspikes.

    thanks a mayan, I can giveth you that gig of stuff if you want, but you need some serious sorting powers if you ever want to find anything.
    - lacy
    2 Qs;
    first, you're awesome at pixel art, right?
    second, could you do an ikkle bit of dat for me?
    nonsensical third question: if I sent you a gig and a bit of asm notes, mods, plots, etcetera, would you do something interesting with it?

    also, your mod HARD.
    I beat the first part that is all green, and then their was a second part I got halvzies thru and died. :(
    I never really got why that cavern was their tho...

    A rain of blood.

    "Each day, we will spill their blood till it rains down from the skies."

    I Think I might have killed the world.
    But anyway, I'm better off alone.

    A rain of blood.

    I Think I might have killed the world.
    But anyway, I'm better off alone

    I'm better off alone...

    "Each day, we will spill their blood till it rains down from the skies."
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