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  • easiest way to do it is using registers, bc they take less time to move in then numbers, soooo

    xor ecx,ecx
    mov eax,[ebp+8]
    mov [eax+10],ecx

    looks sorta big, but hexwise it's smaller than

    mov eax,[ebp+8]
    mov [eax+10],0
    I know you're online.
    Do something interesting with your music making thread.
    er, sorry, that was more upwards of 30 - its in the pit thing past the purple dude, and you have to jump around a bit to make it mess up
    oh, entity is the weird gray thing in the bottom corner of my spritesheet, and I know I'm using the right spritesheet because one frame of it show up, then it switches between invisible, the critter, and the behemoth
    yes to first q
    no direction checks, direction scares me - I either add to the frame num or subtract from it depending on where the char is.
    the way I used cdq finds the absolute value.
    the last bit is like fwah;
    00449530 |. 8B4D 08 mov ecx,dword ptr ss:[ebp+8]
    00449533 |. 8B51 68 mov edx,dword ptr ds:[ecx+68]
    00449536 |. C1E2 04 shl edx,4
    00449539 |. 8D4415 90 lea eax,[edx+ebp-70]
    0044953D |. 8B4D 08 mov ecx,dword ptr ss:[arg.1]
    00449540 |. 83C1 54 add ecx,54
    00449543 |. 8B10 mov edx,dword ptr ds:[eax]
    00449545 |. 8911 mov dword ptr ds:[ecx],edx
    00449547 |. 8B50 04 mov edx,dword ptr ds:[eax+4]
    0044954A |. 8951 04 mov dword ptr ds:[ecx+4],edx
    0044954D |. 8B50 08 mov edx,dword ptr ds:[eax+8]
    00449550 |. 8951 08 mov dword ptr ds:[ecx+8],edx
    00449553 |. 8B40 0C mov eax,dword ptr ds:[eax+0C]
    00449556 |. 8941 0C mov dword ptr ds:[ecx+0C],eax
    could ya help me with some assembleh or am I too scary.
    In either case:
    push ebp
    mov ebp,esp
    mov [ebp-70],0
    mov [ebp-6C],94
    mov [ebp-68],24
    mov [ebp-64],0B4
    mov [ebp-60],24
    mov [ebp-5C],94
    mov [ebp-58],48
    mov [ebp-54],0B4
    mov [ebp-50],48
    mov [ebp-4C],94
    mov [ebp-48],6C
    mov [ebp-44],0B4
    mov [ebp-40],0
    mov [ebp-3C],0B8
    mov [ebp-38],24
    mov [ebp-34],0D8
    mov [ebp-30],24
    mov [ebp-2C],0B8
    mov [ebp-28],48
    mov [ebp-24],0D8
    mov [ebp-20],48
    mov [ebp-1C],0B8
    mov [ebp-18],6C
    mov [ebp-14],0D8


    J mov eax,[ebp+8]
    M mov ecx,[eax+10]
    M mov eax,ecx ; animate
    M cdq
    M xor eax,edx
    M sub eax,edx
    M mov ecx,600
    M sub ecx,eax
    M shr ecx,4
    M mov eax,[ebp+8]
    M inc [eax+64]
    M mov eax,[ebp+8]
    M cmp [eax+64],ecx
    M jl M
    M mov eax,[ebp+8]
    M xor ecx,ecx
    M mov [eax+64],ecx
    M mov eax,[ebp+8]
    M mov ecx,[eax+68]
    M mov eax,[ebp+8]
    M cmp [eax+10],0
    M jle K
    M inc ecx
    M cmp ecx,3
    M jle L
    M xor ecx,ecx
    M jmp L
    K mov eax,[ebp+8]
    M cmp [eax+10],0
    M je L
    M dec ecx
    M test ecx,ecx
    M jge L
    M mov ecx,3
    L mov eax,[ebp+8]
    M mov [eax+68],ecx


    mov ecx,[ebp+8]
    mov edx,[ecx+68]
    shl edx,4
    lea eax,[edx+ebp-70]
    mov ecx,[ebp+8]
    add ecx,54
    mov edx,[eax]
    mov [ecx],edx
    mov [eax+4]
    mov [ecx+4],edx
    mov [eax+8]
    mov [ecx+8],edx
    mov [eax+0C]
    mov [ecx+0C],eax

    problem being that the frames are all weird and go to spots that aren't putted in the top section
    I suppose pensive would fit best...
    But maybe I just like switching faces? I use to have an animation, changing poses of the original set...
    or delete.
    soz for the triple post thinger, as I said, no deletions, editations,postations or anything.
    actually, I can do visitor messages, but...
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