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  • What's the photo in your banner from?
    So! I made an effort and stitched together a new soundfont for The Way, for use with virtualMIDIsynth: (600 MB compressed rar)
    Yamaha Tyros 4_Just_T4_Fixed-XCal0.4.2.rar
    It is generally geared towards all 6 episodes of midis. (Maybe biased towards the later episodes actually...)
    Not perfect, but hard to make a one size fits all song solution soundfont.

    Or as I mentioned previously, I believe this is the old soundfont I used back then:
    EDIT: Watched that old video and this should be the soundfont from the video, I guess that's the one I used long ago?:

    Two decent starting points for music enhancement. (Or you can grab the Cave Story orgmaker soundfont :debug: etc)
    Was this based on other soundfonts from the internet? Like as a personal "I think this sounds nice" or is it based on what the original game was composed for?
    It's the former. I don't know about any official, The Way, non-midi tracks to use as a reference. And a lot of the music comes from existing songs from that time period. (There was some original music though. But only midi as far as I know.)
    And yes, since this is based on existing soundfonts I wouldn't upload it to any soundfont site. Not sure how strict they are. Most are quite old. Just figured I'd see what I could do with what I had.

    Here's an example:
    Audio volume warning on a few soundfonts!
    Comparing the midi starting with the default sound of Microsoft Sound Mapper, then the "original" unreleased track from Final Fantasy VIII, followed by various soundfonts (starting with the soundfont I mixed and matched for The Way), followed by various randomly chosen soundfonts showing the variety you can find. Lastly, I play the mp3 version I directly put together a long time ago.

    Sorry for the various audio volumes, need to put a limiter into the loop!
    Of course some sound better on some songs, and worse in others.
    Another day, another Steam "Next Fest"... Time to look through more indies!
    Yes even more! Alas, there's no way I'll get around to playing all these games... Huh, interesting. I hadn't seen that one! Don't think it had a demo, so wasn't in NEXT fest. I'm adding it high up in the 1k+ game wishlist though :D
    Btw it wasn't clear; if you want me to post more, I'll do it! (Maybe I'll do it anyways in a few days... ;) ) Many of these might end up just average... But there are some great ones occasionally.

    Oh, and I'm not sure? https://forum.cavestory.org/threads/vernal-edge-on-kickstarter-now-btw.15173/#post-373497
    I know HiMyNameIsMatt and one other is working on it...
    Sometimes there be hidden gems among them many games, and learning about more would be intriguing.
    (And then end up on my own wishlist, haha~)

    Immortality would likely come in handy here, being able to play all these games (and more). Assuming the computer can last that long--
    I wish we had all the time in the world! I certainly act like it D:
    But alas,

    And your wish is my command! (Though I was inspired to pull these from outside my NEXT fest picks since I hadn't seen Rune Fencer Illyia before~)
    You might have seen some of these already, but enjoy :D
    ... Now I must collapse into a deep sleep... before the sun comes up in a hour or two lol
    Oh, Steam's "Next Fest" games! Let's see what's coming up... Wow, lots of games... Pretty sure I'll reach the end of the list soon... Thousands more...? ...n o e n d i n s i g h t
    Here are just a few random indies I saved for later:
    And... there are many more... which I could add if someone is interested.
    I will admit to being curious. (Would be nice to have more games to read about, seeing as I can't exactly play anything for the next few months unless I just use my left hand, haha.)
    @Cibryll - Oh hey! Just saw your message, hope your arm/hand heals quick! I'll supply some games to read about in the meantime then :D
    Whether they turn out to be good ones or not, only time will tell~ But, I thought they had potential.

    And ones I found before that recent event:
    Whoops that's probably enough for now. Ask for more, and you shall receive
    To RPGmaker horror fans: The Ib Remake is now in english!
    From the steam page:

    New Features​

    This game is a remake of the 2D exploration-adventure title Ib, set in a creepy, mysterious art gallery and originally released in February 2012. Virtually all of the graphics have been updated, with many upgraded and additional effects as well.
    • Significantly improved screen resolution and graphics allow players to experience a
      classic in a whole new light.
    • Brand new graphics for maps, characters, and stills.
    • Addition of all-new and redesigned pieces of artwork.
    • Further improvements upon the original concept of making the game enjoyable for
      Players of all level through optimizations to the many puzzles in-game.
    • Brand new puzzles, effects, and tricks that were not present in the original.
    • Addition of “Zoom Mode” for improved visibility, allowing players to spot small items more easily and view the many pieces of artwork in greater detail.
    • New “conversation system” allows companions to offer hints and engage in conversation.
    • Brand new BGM composed specifically for the remake.
    @Serri - Hey Serri, not sure if this will send a notification to you, but was curious: Is there a reason I can't reply to any of your own profile posts, or send PMs? Was curious if there was some kind of option, or if something happened?
    Oh right, I should probably change it back, i did it when i left the forums, but i'm now back, oops
    Got a 2019 isekai 2d indie game that had a single review, a negative one... and I liked it! Slapped together a little trailer:
    A Dream of Burning Sand.
    But I will not deny though that I also tend to shy from small indie stuff.
    but that's mostly because im concerned about how much I'll actually get out of the games, I'm somewhat picky.
    But who knows maybe I should go around taking some budget and buy some tiny name games, I'm sure there's lots of unique concepts out there in the small indie world!
    *promotes moon higher into my wishlist* < I keep forgetting about that one.
    And don't I know it. Rarely do I actually talk with friends about most indie games I have beyond a mention. I've gotten used to keeping it to myself, unless it's an exceptional or popular case.
    ... perhaps I should consider making videos to share some favorites or a thread of interesting daily indie releases... that might give some food for thought!
    I've had the thought before of having my own site so I can blog whatever game niches on my mind or post reviews and stuff so I can talk about rarer games all I want.
    I just downloaded your NewGame+ demo (specifically, this one), and there's no Doukutsu.exe, which is needed to run the TSC in the first place. How do I get it up and running?
    I tried replacing the data file with the mod file, even going so far as to rename the latter "data", but to no avail.
    Then, I tried replacing the individual files, and that didn't work either.
    So please, for the love of God, answer the following question in a way that my monkey brain can comprehend:
    Yeah, no; I know jack sh*t about using Booster's Lab, let alone TSC scripting, and even if I did know what I was doing, I'm not very confident in my storytelling abilities (I can come up with a million synopses on the fly, but actually putting them into text in a manner that I view as "acceptable" is not my strong suit).
    I was admittedly hoping you would continue the mod so that we forumites could play it.
    Also, do you know the username of the person who said they wanted to continue the mod in your stead?
    I'm sure you could do it :D
    Hmm... Well I found the DM, it was @bobbyis. However our last conversation was me saying I might continue the mod if he hadn't. ...Guess I forgot that. Hmmm.

    (Btw, have you played the Fourth Ending mod by HaydenStudios? https://forum.cavestory.org/threads/cave-story-with-a-fourth-ending.3832/
    That is along the lines of Cave Story but new possibilities.)
    Well... how about I'll message you if something new gets made~
    And on an unrelated note: I wonder if there are any mods built with the Cave Story multiplayer version in mind?
    Preesh! :3
    Also, the only reason I haven't played the Fourth Ending mod past the kidnapping scene is because, well, I'm a completionist, and I'm worried that the 17 minute timer might impede my ability to grab things like the Bubbler and an extra jar of Jellyfish Juice (not to mention all of those Life Capsules).
    Whoa, first profile picture change (other than that crabular joke) since before I joined these forums!
    While not THAT much of a change, if enlarged you can see how a few filters changed things. And while I like the colors of the original, we are talking about the Core Base lighting...
    But yeah, we've had our avatars forever!

    Dang what an occasion!
    Updated! Sorry I didn't update sooner Hayden... Luckily I saw this profile post, and finally did it x)
    Yeah... can't believe it's been 10 years? That seems insane...
    Sweet! Looks like there's a bit of a formatting error under the "monsters" heading though.
    Oh, that's weird. Previewed it but, guess it slipped by me :O
    Should be good now~
    CrossCode: A New Home is out! The DLC that wraps up the epic with some post-game content... ...I'm not ready!
    A game video a day, here we go!
    On the opposite end, here's a game with little directly told story; but great atmosphere (that art and music,...) and vitally important, the gameplay. Fighting the horde on the hardest difficulty was a lot of fun after surviving long enough to get upgrades...
    On the hardest difficulty, I went into the difficult areas first to search for upgrades, and then returned with my new-found abilities to conquer the early stages... Good times...
    From Daniel Remar's collection of free indie games:

    Iji is a classic imo, Hero Core is great, and the rest are quite different and fun. Iji is always worth plugging once!
    Here's one I bought soon as it was released (which I often don't do...). Followed it for years during development. Wasn't disappointed!
    For the 4K images, what settings did you use in AI Gigapixel?
    Hey~ Assuming you mean something like bkBlue for instance: https://www.cavestory.org/forums/media/bkblue-comparison.2954/
    Can't say for sure, especially since AI Gigapixel has changed a lot since then, but currently I usually start with 6x resolution, Face Refinement Off, Supress Noise 0, Remove Blur 0. That usually gives a pretty interesting starting point. After that, I might open it in Topaz Sharpen AI to give it a little boost, and then proceed to get some filters going in Topaz Studio 2 or Adjust AI. Having more interesting layers to work with helps when I open everything I've created so far in Photoshop, and pick and choose and blend as I wish. Once I choose a direction, I begin touching up by hand or using the tools in PS to fix it up.
    Woops, sorry for the late reply.

    This is legit one of the best renditions of Moonsong I have heard! And I've heard quite a few. But your version really pumps it full of emotion. I'm not sure how, but it's not just 'oh it sounds nice', you managed to really convey that wondrous, expansive feeling through your instruments. I am so glad you made this!
    Thanks... that does really make me happy to hear you liked it! It is incomplete, at least not where I intended to stop (I have a habit of doing that with all my projects), but regardless, glad you enjoyed it :) Yay!
    I'll tell you if I do another~!
    Guess I should give up on getting 60 fps Cave Story 3D working for now... wasting too much time without results :/
    Tried both haphazardly searching for values, switching between throne room title screen (runs at 60 fps) and after loading game (30 fps). Changing stuff around in cheat engine (seems like most games use the same 4 byte fps values. 0 = 60 fps, 1 = 30 fps), caused a few things, but no FPS change. Next tried to follow a tutorial, but apparently there wasn't a fps string in CS3Ds code... I guess.
    This was the video I was trying to follow lol
    Too out of my depth, without taking the time to learn everything.
    btw, itch.io has a gigantic bundle going on right now. 1,658 games in it? For 5$? Not sure about it supporting this community bail fund bit, but that's one heck of a deal.
    DRM free, no steam keys.
    I keep forgetting, 3 free indie games on epic till the 19th: Anodyne 2, A Short Hike, Mutazione
    Anodyne 2 for free, huh? Looks like I'll be playing that game after all.
    Horace free at Epic Game Store till the 23rd!
    Looks like a worthwhile game to mention. Haven't gotten around to playing it though. Tell me how it is if you do try it!
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