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This Mega Man fan game, is looking good

Found this game last year and really enjoyed it overall. Happened to discover it when they unleashed the brand new Disaster difficulty. Glad I chose that for my first time, rough start; but not so hard. Made it quite fulfilling, minus one ridiculous boss.

Saving this one to play when I'm ready. OMORI finally came out, and the reception has been super. Kind of reminds me of Undertale's initial reception at first glance?
I've been hearing interesting things about OMORI, I might give it a shot sometime as well
It's bound to be good I hope, usually I cheap out and buy on sale. But had a good feeling about this one.

And on that note, here's one I have played, finished and bought the soundtrack...
Wandersong! A mostly light-hearted adventure about a great hero and her quest, a random bard and a witch :D
Technically I missed a day, but let's not look too closely and be caught up ;D

This one is a recent favorite. Hands down a game worthy of mention. Its CrossCode.
Looking forward to the post-game DLC...
Here's a good one I've mentioned in the past... Yuppie Psycho. There was a free "DLC"/update not too long ago. Need to check it out... The game was very interesting...
Oh yeah I've watched someone play this, certainly was unique.
The music in that game is great. Same artist as va-11 hall-a cyberpunk bartender action.

Falling a bit behind, so going to pick an easy one today (with a trailer I hadn't seen before):
Here's one I have NOT played yet. But think I will get sooner or later. Phoenotopia: Awakening.
Played it Mint? ...I hate to post videos to games I can't personally vouch for, but it looks like a pretty safe bet from reviews.
A very pretty game. Only worry is the story... Well I'll update this post when I eventually get it!
Hmmm no this is the first time I hear of it. Certainly looks pretty indeed though!
What's the worry for the story about though?
Well my first impression from the trailer (can't always rely on that!) was that the game might focus less on having a story told, and more on a wandering adventures of a colorful world. Which is probably fine, though I generally find them less memorable than a more structured game. There are always exceptions! For example:

A Short Hike. Got this game randomly, expected nothing, was burnt out and turned out to be a gem! A perfect game to just recharge, wander and discover a little world. Resolution is a bit funky, but besides that a perfect little indie game.
Huh, here's one I just saw:

Fascinating. Still in Early Access, Ender Lilies. Great reviews at the moment too, so not just a pretty face!
At last! CrossCode: A New Home - DLC, coming out Feb. 26th. Loved CrossCode. Hadn't played it since all the update content after release, and top it off with the post game DLC story... actually a little scared to return. Will it be as good as I remember? HYPE

Also in other news, 30xx early access is just out~ 20xx was perfect for co-op mega man-like action. Hope the devs did it again!
Starting to miss some days? I guess I can fill in with one I wanna mention.
It used to be an old Ps1 japan-exclusive game that was also ported to switch, and got an english localization last year. The localization was inspired by Toby Fox, who also cited this game as inspiration for Undertale. Moon isn't quite as fast and action-packed as Undertale, but certainly stands out and is worth looking into.
Huh! That's very interesting... I hadn't heard of MOON. Easy to see how it could have influenced Undertale. I would like to check that out if I can for PC eventually~

And I actually stopped posting, wasn't sure if you wanted these daily notifications :balrog: But, if you like it!
Let's see... what to add...

Well while on the subject of Undertale... but isn't Undertale:
This game is still early access, seemingly slow development, but hasn't stalled. I enjoyed what I played though so far. Not sure if there are multiple routes, but I got the impression or at least the illusion that choices could matter. And I can't wait to see if it lives up to its potential! Just slowly chugging along with development...
Yeah its certainly a game deserving to show up on PC, considering it's legacy.
It's also worth noting that the people involved on this went on to make games like the Tingle series and Chibi-Robo, I think a number of people also came from SMRPG's team?
They got back together not so very long ago and they have some games on steam, so one would wonder why not moon. Perhaps they dont have the time or resources to make the game work on PC? It still runs in 4:3 for exanple...
More things to add to the list D: Not surprisingly I haven't heard of those either. But some from the Super Mario RPG team? Interesting...

Btw, here's a somewhat obscure indie: The Fall, and the The Fall Part 2: Unbound. Part 1 is a decent action adventure with an interesting story looking at human/AI survival, and Part 2 evolves into a bigger production (and it's mostly better than the first!). Part 3's finale should be in the works... slowly... I'm still dying for the conclusion after all this time! Starts slow and builds up steam.