man the missile launcher sucks. it's supposed to be a weapon that you scarcely use because it has limited resources, but still want to use because it's powerful. the damn fireball you get right after you have the missile launcher deals more damage than it. i dare say it's worse than the bubbline!
i've been trying to get mother 2 deluxe but for some reason the earthbound patcher is complaining about a missing dll file even though it's already on my computer!
'hm i wonder how long it's been since the last major evergreen update'
> december last year
'ah fuck'
...yeah, all i really have is the usual excuses - work's been taking up a lot of my energy and i can't wrangle my brain into being interested in modding at the moment, so even though i'm almost done with this next big update i haven't been making any progress and it's really frustrating!!! gah!!!
hum, i guess i did redraw caret's portraits recently, there's that...
im worried about actually posting on the forum so idk im just sticking to profile posts. what should I actually talk about
so... cave story amirite? pretty epic and cool!
Booster's Lab feels foreign to me still.
there was once a person on the mossmouth person who thought it was worth their time to start a discussion about whether they should play spelunky or cave story and kept being a devil's advocate for both sides. that isn't even the worst/best of it.
gotta love how throughout the entirety of the story the doctor just keeps winning in every situation until quote just fucking shoots him and literally erases him from existence