New profile posts

Last night was rough...I knew you could get hungover but fuck me man
The main thing I remember is that I had a very long conversation about Harry Potter and then one of my friends mentioned J.K Rowling and we all collectively started shitting on J.K Rowling
Woddles is now an adult, not because he drank but because he shitted on J.K. Rowling lol
Thank you Cold
So I was browsing through some old stuff and happened to come across a profile post ~9 years ago where you mentioned that your dream is to become a mechanical engineer. Just curious, what became of that? Where are you in life now?
Ah yes, I remember that conversation with GoldenBlade. A little over a year after I wrote that post, I ended up changing my mind and deciding that I wanted to be a software engineer instead. I graduated high school in May 2015, went to college and majored in Computer Science, graduated in May 2019, and then soon after landed a job as a software engineer for a cybersecurity company. I've been working that job for almost 2 1/2 years now.
I see. Glad to hear that you've achieved what you wanted to!
I love your pfp, the original fanart is still my pfp on roll20.

Thanks, boss! Great minds think alike lol.
I'd show you what I originally wanted it too be but I have no idea how to insert images.
Oh, the stupid forum didn't notify me(or maybe I'm dumb true)
To put it simply, you can do Ctrl+P to insert an image!
Alright so here's the idea.
I'm thinking of making a thread about peoples memories of cave story. I wanted to make it not just so i can achieve my own fleeting memories but I also think it'll be fun to hear from other members their experience and memories with the game. I know reminiscing is pretty common on the forum so I don't want it too seem irrelevant. What do you guys think?
That'd be a really interesting thread to read. I third it.
Oo same!! please make a thread!! I'd love to hear mine and everyone elses memories
That seems like a great idea! Do you want to save it for the anniversary (in a few days)?
Yeah, that was the idea. I'll get it up by the morning of the 20th.
Looking at FNAF Security Breach spoilers without playing the game may actually be more scary than the actual game,

(I have not played it yet,)
wassup bigman .
not much my man
just chilling, happy to be here.
!!! happy you're here bro!
so are you all big fans of cave story around these parts
the REAL cvae story...... is the freinds we made along the way..........
Cave Story is bad HOWEVER, Misery is the best character in the entire game.
The only good thing abt it.
What are these Cave Story fans doing in my Ikachan fan forum?
Update regarding the "corrupting mod type of thing:"

So, I am working on two projects at the moment here. I am working on a whole new mod (something that is NOT "CSBB") and another mod where it IS a "CSBB." Let's focus on the "CSBB" type of mod:

Each time I finish modding modding (like, the executable of the game for example), I always test the game to ensure everything works smoothly. Once it meets my satisfaction standards, I feel proud of myself and move onto whatever other task I have thereafter. At the end of the day, I power off my PC (or Virtual Machine, in this case) and do whatever else, like heading to bed. The next day I go to edit my mod (the executable, again) again, CaveEditor just crashes. Why? Because discovering by going into the game's directory, I notice that the game has absolutely no icon, and executing it will alert you that it has been corrupted (additionally, DoConfig still has an icon). It just seems like that every time I power off my machine and boot back into it, Windows just corrupts the entire game (not the files, just the executable). I am not sure why, but a majority (~20) of my mods, that are stored in the same folder (Documents), are still perfectly fine. I have absolutely no idea why this happens. It is extremely unlikely that using a Virtual Machine will cause it to corrupt it; my other mods are perfectly fine, and they would have been corrupted by now if that was the issue.
I have not tried another machine other than this machine, but I already have the same expectations. I use a Virtual Machine specifically because I choose to not install any games onto my new, main PC. I do, however, have another machine, such as a laptop, that can run Cave Story (and CS mods), but it does not have great performance and can cause applications to lag because of its old processor, and its storage drive (HDD instead of an SSD).

So, I am actually out of ideas. Running the game in Compatibility Mode will not do any good, because the game is already corrupted. I have made several backups stored, but those got corrupted as well.
Any help is appreciated, though.
Sounds like hard drive failure possibly. I'd do a check for that and back things up.
thinking about making a sequel to "BLISS" as my final mod of this year
i do have some concepts in mind for some gameplay
If this is your final mod "of the year," then would this be a short-term project, since the year is almost over?
Yeah, it would be.
The original Bliss actually took only 5 days to create, and since Bliss 2 would be based on the base I already have for Bliss 1 -- It'd take a reasonable amount of time for me to create :)
Ah, gotcha. That's cool, most of my projects these days don't have that quick of a turnaround.
You know, to me it is quite sad how people join and engage in these forums for at least three or four years, then they just leave inadvertently. Additionally, I always wonder what those type of people are doing now in these present times...
It is the fate of many members around here. After all it's very sappy to say "I am now leaving those forums forever, bye bye everybody :c"
Ah, I remember Kanpatchi. She was a nice, funny gal who was very easy to get along with. It's the people who don't say anything that officially go inactive. If people make an announcement and say "I am leaving those forums forever, bye bye everybody :c", then you can rest assured that they're coming back soon.
I agree, judging by the majority of many profile posts shown here and some postings in the Cave Story Discussion it seems that she was a very nice gal. Unfortunately enough that she did not make any posts about leaving or going inactive indefinitely. Hopefully she is doing well (and many of the other peeps who went inactive inadvertently).
Cave Story's Secret Santa has already won GOTY 2021
Haha, nice work NiCALiS and Pixel... Somehow they managed to do it.
You know, after Curly's Weird Crusade, I think I might just stop making things in general.
It's fun to create sure, but I don't think I'm too good at anything.
It's fine to stop making things if you're getting bored or too busy, but please don't do it because you think you're 'not too good at anything'! There're two issues with this. (1) You can't get better if you don't keep making stuff, and (2) That's just, like, your opinion! A lot of people (myself included) disagree and think you are, in fact, great at making stuff.
Sorry for the rant but thought I'd put in my two cents here.
I agree with you, @IdioticBaka1824. Just from creating, you are actually getting better; you will not notice a difference immediately, but it will surely surprise you later on.
(Could perhaps be a little off topic) but:
I remember that I used to create awful mods and surely did not put any effort in most of them (e.g., map creating), but that was how I was. Over the years, I have been getting better, and have been learning more just by exploring and learning new strategies. Besides, just because it took me a couple of years to improve on creating better maps, does not mean that it will take you a couple years for you to improve on something.
Anyhow, do not think that you are "not good at anything," surely you are great something, but that may not always be your opinion; it could be someone else's opinion. Nevertheless, if the feedback results in preeminence, then that is how you should feel about it.
Like @IdioticBaka1824 had said - I apologize for the rant, but I wanted to give you my advice on that.