New profile posts

My birthday's tomorrow, on 21 November…

(Or today, or yesterday, depending on time zones. They can be tricky at times.)
Well, it is actually November 21st right now at 2:40 AM as I am writing this reply. Happy belated birthday!
Thanks~ :D
Hello everyone that is lurking on this site. Just a question: What are the recommended resolutions for a profile banner on this forum?
Heh, good question, I don't think most people here even use it. We didn't have that feature before we switched to Xenforo in ~2017, and I'm not sure if we even had that feature until a while after that switch, and nobody seemed to really care for it.
How interesting. I was customizing my profile and ran into that setting, but sadly no recommended resolution was noted. Probably not going to use it.
Dark mode fan be like:
Ooh, fancy. You use Dark Reader?
I do and noticed this when I disconnected once.
Haha, how interesting. Dark Reader must love you.
A thing I noticed that enerves me now is that in the New sprite they added the scarf behind but did not tie it around Quote's neck.
it's just glued to his back.
that was fixed in the switch version, at least. now we can see quote's neckwear in all its scarfy glory!
Following Mister.Hex's suggestion and starting a side project to find out just what I found fun about modding.

Already collided with a few walls (namely, two incredibly lousy mobile devices) so I'll simply have to make do with what I have that I can use - Booster's Lab v0.4.5.0 and CaveEditor. (It's better than nothing, haha.)
Oh my haha. You could go all out and do CaveEditor, even if it's incredibly outdated, it's still a very good program to use (even if we, indeed, made better since.)
My account on the forums is over ten years old now
Hard to believe that 2011 members are now among the veterans of this site.
haha old
It's almost surreal seeing you being still active in here. Especially considering I'm almost as old as you.
I've got a duty to uphold :toroko:
X-Calibar still seems to log in but hasn't posted anything in the last 4 months. I tend to pop up occasionally to either bemoan how inactive I am or update the forum software.
ok so Andy, DT, y'all need to update the forums to add back trophy points
… I swear I'm slower than a Slowpoke. Just realized I've been around for six years (as of 22 October). (Actually a bit longer, but messy details, haha. :p )

Meantime, I've honestly been wondering, what's the favourite area of Lunar Shadow, of those who were brave enough to have played it?
(I say "brave enough" because of a really buggy boss, haha.)
speaking of your fourth ending mod, i've been meaning to ask - how'd you do the blade automatically levelling down when on that route?
Ah, I'm glad you asked - I was pretty proud of myself for coming up with this. I placed H/V triggers throughout every possible map that you can access during that part of the mod. And whenever you would pass under one of those triggers, it would do <TAM0009:0009:0000 (trade the blade for the blade, with no change in ammo). This would automatically bring the blade down to level 1 without impacting any of the other weapons. These triggers will only appear if a flag is set when you have the blade on the path for the 4th ending. One side effect of this is that you can't open up your inventory or map system while underneath one of these triggers, since an event in the room's script is actively running and repeatedly trading the blade for the blade. But I don't think most people noticed, since I strategically placed them so that you almost definitely won't be able to get the blade up to level 3, and you're also very unlikely to stop and open up the map system while standing directly underneath one of these triggers.
holy shit that's pretty clever lmao, nice job
Hey man! I love your fourth ending mod for Cave Story and was wondering if you had a port of it for WiiWare! Playing it on my wii would be awesome :)
Thanks, glad you liked it! Heh, it's one thing to ask me to port my mod to WiiWare, but it's another thing entirely to ask me to port my mod to WiiWare all these years later when there are much more desirable ports to play (such as CS+ on PC and Switch), and the WiiShop has been discontinued for almost 3 years now, making it much harder to obtain a copy of that port of CS. In any case, I don't know how to port mods to WiiWare, and I'm not interested in investing the time into it, so I'm afraid that won't be happening. I greatly appreciate you reaching out, though! It's great to see so many people enjoying my mod, even when it's been nearly 10 years.
Wait, if you don't know how to port mods to the Wii, how'd you get the footage of the 4th ending running on the Wii for your video?
Haha, I think you're the first person who's ever asked me that. That was Cave Story+ with the "New Music" playing, I just claimed that it was the WiiWare version and crossed my fingers that most people would automatically believe me.