New profile posts

Is there a way to view all posts from this forum in reverse chronological order? I'm kind of curious to see the first posts ever made here
Not exactly, but there's something you can do that's pretty close to that. You can go into any particular sub-forum, such as "Cave Story Discussion" or "Cave Story Modding Showcase." When viewing all of the threads in that sub-forum, click on the "Filters" option, and under the "Sort by:" section, select "First message" and "Ascending". When you apply those filters, all of the oldest threads in that sub-forum will show up underneath the stickied threads, which will show you some of the oldest posts in these forums.
Oh wow, this is interesting. Thanks for the tip!
doukutsu randamu was absolutely fantastic but i'd love to experience more fun mods, any suggestions as to what i should try?
i'm late yet again but it's time to play it
i don't want to hop in with immediate complaints, but the text is all kind of wonky in the first few areas
yeah that happens often, as long as people find bugs I'm more than happy to patch 'em
Feels weird to know that this account is almost eight years old and I barely remember why did I register it in the first place, but cool, I guess. Good to see that it still has its community. despite the time that keep going forward so fast.
My birthday is later this month, and it'll be three years until I'm an adult.
I feel like I'm having an existential crisis.
I still suck at most things, and the only thing I'm good at is music, more specifically chiptune.
I'm going to have to force myself to get off my ass in order to have even a slight chance of being successful when I'm an adult.
But it's not like it's gonna change the fact that I'll probably be even more miserable by then because I'll have to deal with taxes, having a job that I most definitely won't enjoy just so I can get money , bills, not being homeless, and many other things that will leave me with little to no time to do anything I want to do.
It's only going to get worse from here on out, so I'll need to try to get better at shit with the little time I have left.
I don't know if the career classes at my school are even the same as the ones you're thinking of because my school is different than most.
It's a private special education school made specifically for people on the autism spectrum.
Nonetheless, it's still overwhelming.
The expectation I feel like their putting on me is that when I'm an adult, I'll get an average job somewhere with resumes and all, with average work hours, maybe part time.
However, I want to do something different to make money. Something that I'd actually enjoy.
I'm thinking about maybe doing music commissions since that's something I'm good at, digital chiptune music at least.
But the thing I want to do when I'm an adult is be an indie game developer.
I've had an idea for a Cave Story inspired indie game since 2018, and it's continued to take shape within my mind.
I want to have time to make that game, as well as work on it at my own pace, and having complete freedom, which is why I want to be indie.
The main reason I need to get better at a lot of the things I mentioned in a previous profile post, is to make that game.
I need to make sure it's good. If it sucks, It's over.
If games I made before that game suck, then it wouldn't be as bad, but this game needs to be good.
If people are really enjoying the game, that's what I consider success.
I don't really care about it becoming Undertale levels of popular, and I don't expect it to.
What I consider success is if the majority of people who do end up playing it enjoy it.
It's my dream, I daydream about this game everyday.
Another thing I fear as that I won't be able to make/complete it on top of it ending up sucking.
Now, I'm not going to reveal anything about this game until years from now, until enough of the game has been developed.
I need become more skilled first.
But I swear, when I make this game, I'll do whatever it takes to make this game the best it possibly can be.
Yeah, being an indie developer isn't for the faint of heart, and in most cases requires having another job on the side until you're ready to release the game. That's a rough transition for sure. But don't kill yourself over it, you've got time. And it sounds like you're already thinking up creative ways to make money on the side, that's more than what can be said for a lot of people your age.
i turn 22 in a month and i still don't know what i'm doing lol
And there goes all my schedules…

(At least 'til Monday. Unless things get worse.)
'gaming' as a hobby (including modding) hasn't been as fun recently and I'm wondering if anyone else can relate to this :<

I was always a gaming kind-of person for entertainment, I also watched YouTube and stuff obviously but gaming was my main go-to.
However, recently...that's definitely changed a lot? I always feel bored whenever I start a game, and just have no motivation to continue playing after a short amount of time.

On the other hand, movie/show watching. I never really did this until recently, where the past few months (since november) I've been watching stuff like the Marvel movies -- which has been VERY enjoyable for me, unlike it was years ago.

But like, my main hobby I've had for years, could it be that I'm just burnt out or something lol
also does anyone else have this problem :<
Yeah, for some reason, I used to watch alot of movies frequently, now I sometimes watch them. Dinsey+ helped a little.
I no longer play video games often. Never was big into TV or Movies either.
For those who grew up recently, I wonder if games have really changed as much to them? A lot of the games look similar, and with SO many to choose from it is easy to just give up the search and settle on the well known releases; and major companies often going with tried and true formats; so it's often like replaying the same game, with a universal control scheme or mechanic, over and over; just with a different coat of paint. Shades of gray. And so perhaps the next big title doesn't feel like so jaw-droppingly new.. And recapturing the magic of the past being more difficult to obtain with each new experience. At least until you happen upon the next diamond in the rough, but when will that happen? "You've seen one, you've seen them all," sentiment snakes in, "Why waste time on games, when there are more important things?" And yet... I often wished games weren't called "games", but a more neutral word. Books can contain anything. But games? It's a loaded word to label all types, linked to entertainment and youth; when "games" incorporate a broad interactive medium. I digress...

Everyone is different, so I can't say where the spark you wish for might be right now... But, I bet it's out there somewhere. Though nothing wrong with pursuing and trying other hobbies for a balanced life. (Thus the battle for time begins...)

As for me, where I found games and related interests throughout my life, somewhat in order:
First: PC / Console games given to me. A variety of genres. Second: PC / Console games I found out from friends, magazines and stores that interested me. Leaning towards RPGs and action games. Third: Adding in FPS games, and eventually multiplayer FPS games. Fourth: Collecting and listening to music from some games. Fifth: Adding in MMO RPGs, and translated games from different parts of the world. Sixth: Modding and mods for games I liked. Seventh: RPGmaker games by a variety of users, and indie games such as Cave Story. Leaning towards platformers. Eighth: Anime that brought the games I played to life. Not a game, and yet for me they were connected, due to their similarities. Ninth: Translated visual novels. Tenth: Rhythm games. Eleventh: I dread to mention games with mature ratings. ... but gems can be found. Twelfth: Buying lots of games on sale, with bundles. Focusing on indie games, hoping for the occasional gems in the rough. Thirteenth: Cooperative games with a best friend. Fourteenth: Watching Let's Plays or related content on Youtube. Fifteenth: Mobile games and daily chore games. Sixteenth: VR games. Seventh: ... To be continued!

Beyond the thousands of games, and endless hours, the really memorable ones have been far and between... I kind of wish I could tell my younger self exactly what I should play and what I should avoid lol. Many hours wasted... but the delightful ones stay with me.

this is a test

if u divide by the width of the height, do u get the amount of cave story that has exceeded the population amount of kentucky state in canada? just wonderin x3 idk how this wokrs,,,
*insert something entirely random here which may or may not be referencing cave story*
Hey you can't do that, it has to be a CS reference. >:C
*Insert witty remark that validates the randomness of the first post*
What's the occasion? It's no coincidence that you, Desu, cultr, and Hiino would all come online at once after being mostly inactive for at least a good 2 years.
Reading this whole thing was just
Like this is the most interesting thing to happen to the forums in years following Ewan's ban.
Sue Sockymodo
Sue Sockymodo
People have been stalking and harassing me for years, begging me to release Porn Story. I had to move across the country to escape it. But they still showed up at my doorstep, threw rocks at my window, asking "Why won't you release porn story?" "When will it be a thing?"
I met up with GIR for lunch one day and I told him about the trauma I've experienced ever since making that thread years ago. He saw how upset I was and thought it would be the best thing to go back and delete it. GIR plans to make his full return as a mod this upcoming April. So stay tuned. Big things are coming.
I have no idea whether to take this seriously or not. Sounds cool though. Hey Gir, in HOME where is the December card? I still can't find it
haven't modded cave story in a month and i feel great
started modding cave story after a year and i feel great
… So I dreamed of playing Cave Story using only On-Screen Keyboard. Somehow, I... don't think that's gonna end well!