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I thought this would interest you
Woah, calm down on the caps.

What I wrote: <div class='bbc_spoiler'>
<span class='spoiler_title'>Spoiler</span> <input type='button' class='bbc_spoiler_show' value='Show' />
<div class='bbc_spoiler_wrapper'><div class='bbc_spoiler_content' style="display:none;">The lead character of "Cave Story" ("洞窟物語"), a game that was produced and released singly-handedly by Daisuke Amaya. About 5 years work given away for free, to be later fully translated by fans, hosted an english tribute site by fans, given remix albums by fans, and later to become released on Nintendo Wii and 3DS amongst other ports simply because of the inspiration given on its humble release. Though it now sits at 10 years old, people are finding and loving it even today. Thank You.</div></div>
too many elecs
Can I use the fucking Darude Fucking Sandstorm plox?
for what?
Darude Story - Starring Sandstorm
maybe? I didn't make it though, ask Safusaka
are you going to vote for him in the thing
because you should
The smash ballot?
No, I don't think he's got a shot. He's already an assist trophy and part of Shulk's final smash, I doubt he would be accepted as a fighter.
yeah i know but like
people vote for things for the hell of it
more like that
Have a nice National Hoodwink Day! I won't really be joining in the festivities or doing anything of note today, sorry. Hopefully I can finally upload the 280th and 281st pictures that I was supposed to a week ago today - still don't know what I'm going to do for the 282nd.
A guy I have a crush on is getting married soon... I feel crushed ;-;
Aren't you in a relationship
Used to be, until January last year.
Today was interesting....
Goerge Bobicles
Goerge Bobicles
what happened?
I stayed in the counseling office during the assembly, and will most likely do the same tomorrow. There was a small group there during the assembly. I'm not sure how many will be there tomorrow as well.
So you HAVE been counting down for today to come. Welcome back.
Yes I have, but trust me, I'm a new and changed man now, I will do more good than harm to this community now. Also surprised you even remember me.
We don't forget very easily.

We all still remember high heel gamer and balrog toasters.
Hey andwhyisit :] Do you play any visual novels? I noticed your post about wanting to create a VN Cave Story mod, that fell through... Was wondering if you had any recommendations~ I played Steins;Gate recently, and it was a lot of fun :]
I don't play a huge number of VNs. The VN mod was only meant to be a proof of concept anyway.

Virtue's Last Reward is a personal recommendation of mine though. Branching timelines ahoy!
I was a bit addicted to VNs thanks to my interest in seeing games translated into english, like the action RPG Ys series. Which lead me to the Planetarian translation long ago... (Now on Steam!)
<a href='' class='bbc_url' title='External link' rel='nofollow external'></a>

And I found many more wonderful ones after that. (...lots of poor ones too lol).
But it's tough to recommend VNs to casual gamers when they add adult content, and so many do...

Like Fate/stay night and Tsukihime. Those are two wonderful VNs that have spawned an entire culture...
...And Phantom of the Inferno, G-senjou no Maou, Utawarerumono, YU-NO, Demonbane, Shikokku no Sharnoth, Chaos;Head, I/O revision II, etc... I want to go around telling everyone to go check them out because they really are great experiences... But...

But I digress.

Back on track... I always thought a VN mod would have been interesting... It's trendy to use as little dialogue as possible these days, but I'd love to see a well written narrative told through Cave Story. Writing is tough though... :x

And thanks for the recommendation!
Virtue's Last Reward sounds like something I'd love. I recognize the writer too. Just wish it was on PC... Been putting off buying a new console since purchasing the PS2 years and years ago. Services like Steam spoil me. But, one of these days I'll get it!

Btw if you don't know anything about Steins;Gate, you would probably enjoy it. It's on the same subject matter I believe :] And it'll be out on Vita and PS3 in english later this year... (Not to mention it's already out on PC at places like Rightstuf.)
I've been looking at Fate/stay night and Steins;Gate for a while but I haven't gotten around to it since I don't play many PC games.

But news of a Vita release is most welcome indeed.
Sometimes I wonder if I'm even still gonna be here by the time I'm out of high school
hope that one day you can make it out
don't get your hopes up too much though
I'll be here forever! [•-•]
That's what they want you to think