#132.5 (or something) : You're so addicted to Cave story that...
I dreamt about Quote last night!
[details of the dream? let's see...
Well I think I was Quote, a robot. I think I was the only robot? We were stranded on some kind of alien planet... And basically it was up to Quote to get everyone off the planet safely. There was something about his power source being really incredible/infinite or something... Not sure if it related to anything but thought that. The planet was uh...
Well I remember one scene with huge crashing tidal waves like in the middle of the ocean. And I know at one point Quote evacuated everyone onto some kind of space ship transport with lots of cabins/rooms...
There was a lot of action earlier but I can't remember.
Later on after all that stuff, I do remember Quote running around chasing some people on the streets of some place. He trying to catch up to them on foot, but couldn't quite speed the same as the car/bike thing. The place was rather interesting, colorful; in the center were raised train tracks and underneath a kind of lowered retention pit or tunnel or something; and on either side there were streets [where Quote was running]. Crowded houses/buisnesses lined up one after the other on hte side. Bright day or something with a couple clouds.
Anyways, all the time I definitely was thinking the main person was Quote the robot. He had his hands full

[don't think I had any other guest appearences though...]
(I could try to remember more, as there was a pretty seemingly epic story tying all these events together [really longer than normal dream actually]; it's just eh I'd really be spending time trying to remember what all the people were saying and I gotta get going

#133 : You're so addicted to Cave story that you wrote the dream down hours later...