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WTF story demo v 0.504

May 10, 2009 at 4:38 PM
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Hey, I was just wondering if anyone could make a quick sketch of quote standing (like a statue sort of pose), cuz I could really use one for the next area in the mod.

[EDIT]: Here's something I quickly made in ms paint, tell me if you think it'll work.

May 11, 2009 at 9:02 PM
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Actually, ?! combined is an interrobang.
May 12, 2009 at 3:31 AM
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Huh, I did not know that. Although to be honest, I liked my definition better. Why can't interrobang be a verb? It'd be a great combination verb.

And also, no comment on the pic i made? :(
May 12, 2009 at 4:06 AM
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JacobX891 said:
Interrobang (verb): when you rape someone in order to retrieve information they might be withholding from you. Interrobang.

Yeah, see? That's along the lines of what I was thinking (I thought you would approve of such a definition, jacob). Also, nice new avatar pic, that's a sweet king edit. Ima take a wild guess and say your using that in your mod?
May 14, 2009 at 9:44 AM
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Hey, I was just wondering if anyone could make a quick sketch of quote standing (like a statue sort of pose), cuz I could really use one for the next area in the mod.

[EDIT]: Here's something I quickly made in ms paint, tell me if you think it'll work.


Nice picture But i think it might clash with the normal graphics a little because it doesn't look like it belongs in the graphics. What I reckon you could do is find a wiiware sprite of quote and change the colour scheme to your heart's content. I assume that you'll wanna give it an exerpt colour scheme.
May 16, 2009 at 12:30 AM
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Uncy Dave said:
Nice picture But i think it might clash with the normal graphics a little because it doesn't look like it belongs in the graphics. What I reckon you could do is find a wiiware sprite of quote and change the colour scheme to your heart's content. I assume that you'll wanna give it an exerpt colour scheme.

Well actually that's supposed to be a giant statue of the good, "original" quote that will appear in game. Here's the finished one:

If any1 would offer to make a better statue pose however, I'd be willing to use it (because it would be nice to get an art style that follows pixel's original).

Also, here's the new and improved Excerpt Face pic, along with a new character:


Who could this be? A possible partner for Excerpt? Possibly named, Interrobang (really I think that name was what spawned the idea for her).

Also ty kurai for letting me borrow/edit his quote face edits.
May 16, 2009 at 1:58 AM
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Lovin the statue.
Nice job, cheezer!

Does the "Evil" Quote (Excerpt) have a connection with the
Cave story beta Quote?
May 16, 2009 at 3:07 AM
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Nice face sprites. What I wanna know is why Excerpt wants the main character dead (He kinda needs a name aswell if he doesn't have one already). Or will that be revealed next demo?
May 16, 2009 at 8:27 AM
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That would make sense but that's for Cheezer to answer.
As far as I know the main character doesn't have anything to do with quote
May 16, 2009 at 3:40 PM
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Uncy Dave said:
That would make sense but that's for Cheezer to answer.
As far as I know the main character doesn't have anything to do with quote

It's all very "plot" related, and saying anymore would give away key storyline elements. Chapter 4 is going to have more story than most of the other chapters, besides probably the chapters at the end.
May 22, 2009 at 4:09 PM
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Well actually that's supposed to be a giant statue of the good, "original" quote that will appear in game. Here's the finished one:

If any1 would offer to make a better statue pose however, I'd be willing to use it (because it would be nice to get an art style that follows pixel's original).

Also, here's the new and improved Excerpt Face pic, along with a new character:


Who could this be? A possible partner for Excerpt? Possibly named, Interrobang (really I think that name was what spawned the idea for her).

Also ty kurai for letting me borrow/edit his quote face edits.

Pleasure. Liking the new Excerpt. ^_^ By the by this is an awesome mod in a wtf kind of way:rolleyes:. Like your level design though the first level was darn tough with those teleport spots! >_< But tough in a good (I'M GOING TO BLOODY F@#$%^& BEAT THE DARN THING THIS TIME) kind of way. ^_^
May 23, 2009 at 12:16 AM
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It's all very "plot" related, and saying anymore would give away key storyline elements. Chapter 4 is going to have more story than most of the other chapters, besides probably the chapters at the end.

Cool a suprise is always good. If there will be more plot related stuff then I'm very much looking forward to the next chapter cause the first 3 were really fun but there really wasn't much plot to it so I'm sure the next demo will be great
May 23, 2009 at 5:01 PM
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This is really cool ! Sweet face sprites, can't wait to finish it :o
May 28, 2009 at 6:12 AM
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*shows support*

No really, this is the only reason why I check these forums every day, to see if this mod has been updated. Keep truckin' soldier! :D
Jun 1, 2009 at 5:43 AM
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Oh hey, I have fans. And supporting ones too :D.

Figured I'd post somewhat of an update, seeing as there hasn't been one in a bit. And by update, I mean a status report.

The reason it's been so long is because I was procrastinating for a long time, due to the large archives of webcomics that exist on the net. But I have a screeny for you, one which shows a new tileset I made, which will be part of chapter 4.

Jun 1, 2009 at 6:33 PM
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Looks awesome. The screenshot would've been hilarious if your (Quote Nukem? I remember hearing that was his name somewhere) had your little wtf? examining thingy rising from him.
Jun 2, 2009 at 6:41 AM
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Oh hey, I have fans. And supporting ones too :D.

Figured I'd post somewhat of an update, seeing as there hasn't been one in a bit. And by update, I mean a status report.

The reason it's been so long is because I was procrastinating for a long time, due to the large archives of webcomics that exist on the net. But I have a screeny for you, one which shows a new tileset I made, which will be part of chapter 4.


Ohh Awesome!
I like how you've used the 3d effect like xaser did in schism
Jun 9, 2009 at 2:26 AM
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Ok, since I'm playing this from start to finish, and I have the worst memory, I'm going to put my comments up in little chunks. {Edits, unless someone posts before I finish D=}

Oh yeah, why someone who hasn't played this yet, but is reading this far is beyond me. But just in case, SPOILERS.

I like the new music so far, it makes me want to hunt down more Orgs for my mod XD. One instant win comes from the death song.
But they're all good so far.
The story so far is pretty interesting {Although, I've only reached like the 3rd saving point}, and I'm already speculating on where exactly this is all taking place....
Although, one thing that freaked me out was the main characters portrait when he first talks.
I guess I just didn't like the sunglasses O.o;
Difficulty's not that bad yet, but some people called my mod's first part hard, so I dunno if I'm just that good :D
The spikes/exposed pins teleporting you back to one of the exposed wires is an interesting idea, and helps sooth the angry nerves of anyone who's platformactly challenged. :D
Found teh first secret mission too, so I'll be keeping my eyes peeled for more...

Huh, think I might've found a glitch already ^.^
After touching the live wire located after the first secret mission, the challenge right in front of it looks really complicated, but all I did was keep walking forward O.o;
Is that a mind game one, or did I find an easy way to beat it? :D;
Infact, the challenge right after it was similarly easy, a single jump had me almost cleared...

Oh god, that warning sign by the water didn't just say what I think it did, did it?

Uh oh, I drowned for lulz...
Where am I? O.o; {I had a sneaking feeling something like this would happen, with a redundant sign like that :D}

AWESOMENESS, I knew there would be something in these chests if I kept looking!! :D

Oh hey, I think I've figured out the chests, and maybe where this is all happening at ^.^

That evil door.....but, hey, found the item the blue robot was holding...

Darn, so I had to do all of that? XD
Anyways, beat Chapter 1, and I'm pretty sure I know where this is all taking place at O.o;
Although, Chapter 1 seemed a bit short to me....

Man, this tetris part must've taken awhile to script, but why did I die when I landed on top of a still floating piece? T.T;

Hmm, Chapter 2 seemed even shorter, but that's probably because of the less platforming involved, what with the Booster V2.0 now.
That, and that first part probably took forever to script...

Fighting's pretty easy, I just suck against Armored Gaudi's for some reason....
Although, the Generator room's pretty unforgiving, near the last part, after all of the stuff, and you've got the really hard 5 second running and jumping part to do before the water overtakes you and it becomes impossible...



Anyways, my arm hurts...
I can really kill with the Cube gun...
Fast tapping + no limit on projectiles + infinite range = Awesome.
'Cept my arm's actually tired from the rapid tapping O.o;

I've noticed that the chapter's areas have mostly been dominated by one colour. Red, Orange, than Yellow.
A pattern, perhaps?
Green better be the awesome one >=D {Oh wait....*Remembers screenshot of above post...*}

Missions one and three were easy enough to find, but I missed 2.
I think it might've been back at the first part of the tetris zone, but I didn't check...
I kept myself in the air when the blocks became gray and flew off-screen without ever touching them, incase they were fatal O.o;

Overall the mod's pretty awesome.
The only part I'd gripe about with difficulty would be the Furnace, but it was probably harder because of my missing RAM....
And because I never used the RPG >.<" {Always waiting for the perfect time...}
Story line's interesting, and I bet I know where it's all leading, too :D
New weapons were pretty cool, but, I was always afraid to use the RPG, XD, and the Spur and Cube gun seemed really alike, what with limitless ammo and range, but the Cube beats the Spur because of it's limitless projectiles and increased damage... {Even if the Spur's faster}

After seeing the difficulty of this mod, I think I'll re-amp up LMAP's real quickly, now...
Also better get to work on that new weapon I've been planning...
Which reminds me, are all of your weapons stuck on level 1? Or can you enable it and disable it as you please?
Or have you made the extra levels into more guns?
That'd give me a lot more ideas....

Also, how'd you change the "2004 Pixel" and "Version" on the title screen? I've tried many times already, but I've always ended up destroying a copy of my mod T.T
Jun 9, 2009 at 4:42 AM
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Wow, long post.

Well, first of all the GLITCH you found isn't a glitch, it's just a rather easy shortcut that appeared when i made the level. I did consider removing it, but I thought it was hard enough at that point.

Tetris part DID take forever to script. The reason you can't land on the falling blocks is cuz of their nature, otherwise they would be fundamentally impossible.

Use the rpg on bosses, there's normally a refill before each boss, for a reason.

The range on the cube gun isn't infinite btw, it's about 1 screen in length to be exact.

It's about time someone noticed a pattern in the color themes. I planned that from the BEGINNING.

The weapons CAN level up, but in this mod there's going to be no exp. Adds an element of originality and linear-ness I'd say.

Also, for the last 2 hacking questions.

Go to resource hacker, then go to version info. Edit the highlighted parts.
FILEOS 0x40004
BLOCK "StringFileInfo"
BLOCK "041104B0"
VALUE "FileDescription", "Doukutsu"
VALUE "FileVersion", "[COLOR="Red"]0, 4, 0, 0[/COLOR]"
VALUE "InternalName", "Doukutsu Monogatari"
VALUE "NoCopyRight", "[COLOR="Red"]GIRakaCHEEZER 2009[/COLOR]"
VALUE "OriginalFilename", "Doukutsu.exe"
VALUE "ProductName", "???Pixel ????"
VALUE "ProductVersion", "[COLOR="Red"]0, 4, 0, 0[/COLOR]"

BLOCK "VarFileInfo"
VALUE "Translation", 0x0411 0x04B0

You can edit the numbers, but I'd recommend that you leave the format they're in (x,x,x,x) intact. Once your done editing, hit the "compile" button in reshack.

And for the GIRakaCHEEZER thing, that's actually a bitmap. Use reshack again, then go to bitmap/pixel. There will be a single bitmap here. Extract it and edit it to your desire. Put in back in once your done (duh).
Jun 9, 2009 at 11:07 PM
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The new tileset looks great! And I have been waiting for an update for a while now so at least I have something to look forward to.