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Which is the hardest boss in Cave Story?

Jan 2, 2011 at 9:38 AM
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Personally, I think Monster X is the hardest, with The Core second and Ballos third.

What are your opinions?

EDIT: The Core's only in second spot if you don't have the Booster 0.8.
Jan 2, 2011 at 12:11 PM
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Really? For me Monster X was always easy and beat him at the first try I was first played Cave Story. I died 100x from Curly though, weird. After Curly the most trouble I had with The Core, and Ballos`s 2nd form. People are saying his 3rd form is hard, but it was always one of the easiest fights for me in the whole game. Conclusion: I`m weird :awesomeface:
Jan 2, 2011 at 12:18 PM
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trickybilly said:
Really? For me Monster X was always easy and beat him at the first try I was first played Cave Story.

What weapon were you using against it?

Also, were you using a walkthrough?

Monster X was the first boss that drove me to consult a walkthrough IIRC.

I died 100x from Curly though, weird. After Curly the most trouble I had with The Core, and Ballos`s 2nd form. People are saying his 3rd form is hard, but it was always one of the easiest fights for me in the whole game. Conclusion: I`m weird :awesomeface:

Nah, I've never really thought Ballos 3 was particularly hard either.

I mean, all you have to do is avoid getting hit by the eyes. That's pretty much it. There are huge gaps between the eyes.

I beat the Core after about 3-4 tries, and I didn't even figure out that it was only vulnerable when open.

When I played through without the Booster v0.8, THEN I had trouble.
Jan 2, 2011 at 12:30 PM
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What weapon were you using against it?
First attacked him with lvl3 Blade + rockets. Switched to Lvl 3 Fireball (shooting upwards) & Polar Star when I had ran out of rockets and the Blade leveled down.

Also, were you using a walkthrough?
No, I haven`t used walkthrough when I first played CS. That`s the reason also why I have only managed to get the normal ending for my first run (I took the Booster v0.8 + Curly died).

When I played through without the Booster v0.8, THEN I had trouble.
I have played against him WITH the Booster v0.8 yet I kept dying from everything: the bullets, drowning, energy balls...was hard.
Jan 2, 2011 at 12:37 PM
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trickybilly said:
First attacked him with Blade lvl 3 + rockets. Switched to Lvl 3 Fireball (shooting upwards) & Polar Star when I had ran out of rockets and the Blade had leveled down.

Yeah, one of the biggest holes in my playstyle is that I don't use rockets enough.

I have played against him WITH the Booster v0.8 yet I kept dying from everything: the bullets, drowning, energy balls...was hard.

Did you figure out that the bullets can be killed to give you health and energy back?

Especially if you're using the Blade lvl 3, you'll almost never get hit and can simply pick up hearts when you do.

And I picked up the trick to dodging the energy balls pretty fast (stand at the bottom of the staircase after being blown across the room, jump up two steps each time it shoots a blast).

The reason it's hard for me without the Booster is that you can get unlucky with the flooding and drown.
Jan 2, 2011 at 12:46 PM
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Did you figure out that the bullets can be killed to give you health and energy back?

Yes, but I had lost more health than I had gained. Somehow the Core fight always lasted long for me, and felt like a chore. Nowadays, after playing CS 3-4x and playing many CS mods I can always beat the Core, but still don`t like it.
Jan 2, 2011 at 1:04 PM
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trickybilly said:
Yes, but I had lost more health than I had gained. Somehow the Core fight always lasted long for me, and felt like a chore. Nowadays, after playing CS 3-4x and playing many CS mods I can always beat the Core, but still don`t like it.

The first time I beat it I used nothing but the Blade.

You can imagine how long that took.
Jan 2, 2011 at 5:06 PM
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That's a tough question. Because right now, after playing cavestory a hundred times, all boss fights are easy. I'll just post the results concerning the boss fights' difficulties on my first play through.

There were a few bosses I got stuck on my first try. One of them was Monster X (it made me rage quit for a few months) and the other one was The Core. The Core was hard for obvious reasons - my motor skills in cavestory weren't as advanced as they are now. In other words, I was a newb. But Monster X...I have no idea why I found it difficult, the most probable explanation though is that I couldn't DPS fast enough and just spent too much time grinding experience and hearts not noticing that it doesn't pay off. I can't find a rational explanation for it, but it was the hardest boss fight.

Surprisingly, the last fight with the doctor and everyone else was easy as hell. Figuratively speaking. Ballos didn't prove much of a challenge either. They weren't as hard because you can nuke them with rockets pretty fast.
Jan 2, 2011 at 5:13 PM
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WoodenRat said:
That's a tough question. Because right now, after playing cavestory a hundred times, all boss fights are easy. I'll just post the results concerning the boss fights' difficulties on my first play through.

There were a few bosses I got stuck on my first try. One of them was Monster X (it made me rage quit for a few months) and the other one was The Core. The Core was hard for obvious reasons - my motor skills in cavestory weren't as advanced as they are now. In other words, I was a newb. But Monster X...I have no idea why I found it difficult, the most probable explanation though is that I couldn't DPS fast enough and just spent too much time grinding experience and hearts not noticing that it doesn't pay off. I can't find a rational explanation for it, but it was the hardest boss fight.

Surprisingly, the last fight with the doctor and everyone else was easy as hell. Figuratively speaking. Ballos didn't prove much of a challenge either. They weren't as hard because you can nuke them with rockets pretty fast.

I'd say Ballos, since he's the only boss that I've never beaten. The closest I've ever come is about 2/3rd of the first form. I just don't get it, since everyone else makes it look so easy.

(I've got MG, Nemesis, and maxed out HP and Super Rockets in case you were wondering.)
Jan 2, 2011 at 5:24 PM
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For me, it was definitely the Core. Almost every other boss was very easy, especially Monster X. The Core was hard, and for one reason only:
I still had the Polar Star, and I didn't have any booster. And thanks to that, it made the Waterway hard, as well. I never truly thought that Ballos was hard. It was always the level before it that I had low health on. Eh, I beat him on my third try, I'd say. It's funny how everyone thinks Monster X was hard. One other hard boss would be Toroko, for a strange reason that I'm not sure of.
Jan 3, 2011 at 2:40 AM
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Story said:
I'd say Ballos, since he's the only boss that I've never beaten. The closest I've ever come is about 2/3rd of the first form. I just don't get it, since everyone else makes it look so easy.

(I've got MG, Nemesis, and maxed out HP and Super Rockets in case you were wondering.)

There's a trick to it.

When he charges (he screws up his face right before charging, so that's the cue) do a long jump over him. He'll fly at you, so run to the left. Do a high jump over the fireball and bone spray (a classic mistake is to be running away from Ballos and jump in the same direction the fireball's going - this basically ensures you get hit). You only need a distance of about half a screen between yourself and Ballos to ensure that you'll be able to clear him.

When he flies into the sky (which he does after every four charges), run back and forth under him, trying to keep the direction change for a point when a crosshair appears. You won't get hit that way. It'll probably take a few goes to get the rhythm down.

His final attack is to lay down lightning bolts across the whole screen. Stand betweem two crosshairs and you'll be fine.

The safest times to hit him are 1) between his charges, when he's resting, and 2) when he flies up into the sky, before he starts using the lightning (there's quite a pause).

This method allows me to beat his first form with no damage over 50% of the time (occasionally I misjudge a lightning bolt or something).

The second form is a bit of a breather, but requires a tricky maneuver to hurt.

Basically, he jumps at you. Every three impacts, he'll wait for a moment. When he comes down out of the ceiling, that counts as one impact, so he'll pause after only two jumps the first time.

Here's the "safe" way I first beat him with.

First, you have to place him properly. Stand between the two leftmost columns in the Seal Chamber after defeating the first form (there's quite a bit of time between the two forms, so it isn't really an issue to get into position). Once the crosshair appears, move to the right.

When he jumps at you, if he lands on you it does a ginormous 16 damage, so avoid that. It also sends out a fireball which kicks up bones, identical to the first form. Generally, you should try and keep your distance, so that you can concentrate on high-jumping the fireballs, instead of having to also worry about not being crushed.

When he pauses, jump and boost up to the level of his eyeballs and shoot him. Then boost sideways under him when he does his next jump and wait for him to pause again. Repeat until he's dead (without the Spur, I can see this getting exceedingly tedious. The Nemesis should work okay, though, just don't shoot the mooks flying around the top of the screen.).

The third form may seem a little scary, but you just have to keep a cool head.

Basically, he rolls around the room on eight auxiliary eyeballs that he grows. Getting crushed by the eyes when he's on the ground deals 14 damage. He'll also drop a few skulls when he's on the ceiling, and those deal 4 damage.

You have to shoot out all the eyes to move on to the fourth form; when you've done enough damage to an eye, it will close.

When he's on the ceiling, avoid the highly obvious skulls while shooting at the eyes. While the skulls are easy to avoid, be aware that they don't disappear immediately upon hitting the ground, and touching them still deals damage until they do disappear.

When he's on the ground, simply stand between the eyes. Shoot at any open ones.

The shortcut to beating the fourth form is pretty well known (get hurt by the spikes, jump up into the eye socket, spam missiles). Even without using it, all you really have to do is button-mash Curly's Nemesis at Ballos and he'll probably die before you do.
Jan 3, 2011 at 5:40 AM
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Good strat man
Jan 3, 2011 at 5:43 AM
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Well, Monster X is made out of metal, so I guess it'd be the highest on the Mohs scale.
Jan 3, 2011 at 8:43 AM
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Schilcote said:
Well, Monster X is made out of metal, so I guess it'd be the highest on the Mohs scale.

No, Monster X is a cat.

Balrog appears to actually be metallic, so he's probably the highest.

@sinophile: Thanks.
Jan 3, 2011 at 9:52 AM
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Jan 3, 2011 at 10:31 AM
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Yeah, Pixel has some kind of obsession with cats...
Jan 3, 2011 at 11:21 AM
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Someone has mentioned Toroko was hard. There is a way to beat her flawlessly. There is a V shaped hole in the room where you fight - use that. Just walk underneath her when she`s in the air (jumping towards you) and shoot her with fireball when she lands (similar tactic for a flawless victory against the Red Demon). If she freezes for a sec or two that means she will throw a rock at you WITHOUT jumping - dodge that by a simple jump. Then she will jump at you again - walk underneath her when she`s in the air, etc.
Jan 3, 2011 at 12:21 PM
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Schilcote said:
Inside a tank.

I thought it was more of a mine-car, really.

It certainly reminded me of the hilarious minecar in Abe's Exoddus. I was just on the wrong end of it. :p

trickybilly said:
Someone has mentioned Toroko was hard. There is a way to beat her flawlessly. There is a V shaped hole in the room where you fight - use that. Just walk underneath her when she`s in the air (jumping towards you) and shoot her with fireball when she lands (similar tactic for a flawless victory against the Red Demon). If she freezes for a sec or two that means she will throw a rock at you WITHOUT jumping - dodge that by a simple jump. Then she will jump at you again - walk underneath her when she`s in the air, etc.

Yeah, that's close to how I do it.

She's not nearly as predictable as the Red Demon, though.

Incidentally, is there any way to make the Core on a 3HP run not luck-based? The shots carve through a Bubbler shield like it's not there, the Blade is pretty random, and I don't know of anything else I can use to fight its spamming. And you can't dodge very well underwater. I'm using Blade and Missiles, but I never seem to be able to finish it off. Should I just keep trying, or is there a trick?
Jan 3, 2011 at 12:24 PM
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I always found Balrog 4th form hard. Just move the boulder already! >.<
I don't know why, probably the jumping and missiles, but I always had troubles with him.
Jan 3, 2011 at 2:08 PM
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magic9mushroom said:
Incidentally, is there any way to make the Core on a 3HP run not luck-based? The shots carve through a Bubbler shield like it's not there, the Blade is pretty random, and I don't know of anything else I can use to fight its spamming. And you can't dodge very well underwater. I'm using Blade and Missiles, but I never seem to be able to finish it off. Should I just keep trying, or is there a trick?
