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Which is the hardest boss in Cave Story?

Jan 3, 2011 at 2:26 PM
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Noxid said:

Wait, the Fireball works in that fight?

I didn't know that.

Hmm. It still looks at least a little luck-based.

And mashing one button's quite enough for me.

EDIT: Oh look, first attempt after posting this and I pull it off. Irony!

I am using the missile launcher though. I'm not reallyjoel's dad.
Jan 3, 2011 at 4:27 PM
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Still trying to defeat Ballos. So for me Ballos is the hardest..
Jan 3, 2011 at 4:58 PM
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Revolution said:
Still trying to defeat Ballos. So for me Ballos is the hardest..

Walkthroughs help. I posted my take on it earlier in the thread.

Thing about Ballos is that he punishes you really nastily if you screw up, but he's very predictable except in the last form. Hence he's "easy once you know how" as opposed to "hard, even when you know how".
Jan 3, 2011 at 5:17 PM
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The hardest thing about Ballos is that you have to get through hell again. So you can't really practice or something like with other bosses.
Jan 4, 2011 at 5:48 AM
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Revolution said:
The hardest thing about Ballos is that you have to get through hell again. So you can't really practice or something like with other bosses.

I had the same problem.

Download the Boss Rush mod and practise on Ballos. It works a treat.
Jan 4, 2011 at 5:59 AM
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Hell in and of itself is predictable.
i find the hardest boss for me is Heavy Press due to the spawn spam and low manuvering room + tiny-ass hitbox guarded by periodic laser lightning strikes.
Jan 4, 2011 at 6:05 AM
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Malpercio said:
Hell in and of itself is predictable.
i find the hardest boss for me is Heavy Press due to the spawn spam and low manuvering room + tiny-ass hitbox guarded by periodic laser lightning strikes.

Yeah, Heavy Press is hard.

I once got killed by Pooh Black on my second playthrough. If he lands on you, you take a whopping 20 damage.
Jan 4, 2011 at 7:00 AM
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Ballos is definitely the hardest. During my first 'good ending' run of CS, he was the boss that took the longest to beat. He has 4 freaking forms, after all.

I never thought Monster X was hard since you can just lvl 3 blade him to death easily. 3hp minimal items with monster X is a different story, but you can still use a blade + polar star strategy for minimal danger of dying.

Core was more of a cool boss rather than a hard one. Took a few tries on the first run, but it wasn't exceedingly hard.

Once you get good or at least decent at speedrunning hell, Ballos becomes systematic. But of course, the same idea can be applied to all bosses, so they also will become systematic. In the end, whether a veteran or beginner CS player, I think the true final boss is still the hardest.
Jan 4, 2011 at 8:28 AM
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Carrotlord said:
Ballos is definitely the hardest. During my first 'good ending' run of CS, he was the boss that took the longest to beat. He has 4 freaking forms, after all.

I never thought Monster X was hard since you can just lvl 3 blade him to death easily. 3hp minimal items with monster X is a different story, but you can still use a blade + polar star strategy for minimal danger of dying.

Core was more of a cool boss rather than a hard one. Took a few tries on the first run, but it wasn't exceedingly hard.

Once you get good or at least decent at speedrunning hell, Ballos becomes systematic. But of course, the same idea can be applied to all bosses, so they also will become systematic. In the end, whether a veteran or beginner CS player, I think the true final boss is still the hardest.

Ballos is more predictable than most other bosses. So yes, you need to memorise how to beat him, but once you've done that you don't have to think on the spot much.

Not so true with the Core or Monster X.

And I'd agree that the Core isn't hard if you have the Booster 0.8. If you don't, though, it's a pain to climb back up.
Jan 4, 2011 at 10:20 AM
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magic9mushroom said:
There's a trick to it.

When he charges (he screws up his face right before charging, so that's the cue) do a long jump over him. He'll fly at you, so run to the... etc etc etc.

I have a slightly separate strategy when versing Ballos myself. Just before he raves on about his speech with the whole "losing control over his magic powers" and stuff, I use the life pot, so as to gain full health. Then, when it is time to attack, I boost up to him, and make sure I am directly on him, then press the "Up" arrow, and fire like hell, using the Nemesis. This way, both Curly and Quote fire together, causing more damage. You have to make it so that Ballos is always directly above you, even when he charges. If you can defeat him quick enough, you will only have 39 hp left. But don't worry. If you manage to complete the next steps without any problem, then this won't matter.

Before his second form drops down, you need to zoom to the far right side of the room (don't worry, those gray and red spikes don't hurt you). Swap to the Super Missiles (if you have them). As his big head falls to the ground, quickly dodge aside and leap up onto his left cheek. As soon as his eyes flick open, fire away. And I mean, tap the "X" button like hell. He should stop in about 2 seconds. Switch back to the Nemesis and hop off. Move a safe distance away.

As those floating eyes come out of his head, make sure Curly and Quote are firing at the same time at each of the open eyes. AND PLEASE DON'T GET HURT BY ONE. THIS MIGHT MAKE VICTORY A LITTLE SLOWER. Then Ballos should float to the middle of the screen, with the platforms around him. Move just underneath the cheek that you want to leap onto, and wait for the spikes to grow under you and hurt you. You'll only lose 2hp, and in your invincible state, boost onto the specified cheek. Don't forget to switch to the Super Missiles. As soon as he explodes with the red stuff everywhere, tap the "X" button. You can go crazy, but I always sort of tap it at a medium-ish rate. For some odd reason, this works better for me.
And that's it, I guess
Jan 4, 2011 at 10:41 AM
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Malpercio said:
Hell in and of itself is predictable.
i find the hardest boss for me is Heavy Press due to the spawn spam and low manuvering room + tiny-ass hitbox guarded by periodic laser lightning strikes.

No, Heavy Press is incredibly easy and can be taken down in like ten seconds.

Equip Nemesis and jetpack to the center of the room and spam shots directly up. Together with Curly, your double Nemesis shots unleash a very high rate of damage. When the first lightning bolt is about to strike, sidestep a little. If those rolling balls are going to hit, hop up one sqaure (but don't forget to keep shooting while you're in the air). The butes can be killed easily. When you're standing in the center, they will fly over you and be intercepted by your shots. If you want to avoid taking the XP nachos, preemptively destroy them by hopping to their height and shooting to the side. They'll go down in one hit before they reach you. If you're fast enough (and its fairly easy to do it), you can destroy it before the second lightning strike occurs.

The first two times I fought the Heavy Press I didn't know that only shots straight to the middle of it hurt the boss. Yeah that sucked.

If its any relevant to this thread, Curly Brace is the boss which makes my penis the hardest.
Jan 4, 2011 at 2:12 PM
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sinophile said:
No, Heavy Press is incredibly easy and can be taken down in like ten seconds.

Equip Nemesis and jetpack to the center of the room and spam shots directly up. Together with Curly, your double Nemesis shots unleash a very high rate of damage. When the first lightning bolt is about to strike, sidestep a little. If those rolling balls are going to hit, hop up one sqaure (but don't forget to keep shooting while you're in the air). The butes can be killed easily. When you're standing in the center, they will fly over you and be intercepted by your shots. If you want to avoid taking the XP nachos, preemptively destroy them by hopping to their height and shooting to the side. They'll go down in one hit before they reach you. If you're fast enough (and its fairly easy to do it), you can destroy it before the second lightning strike occurs.

The first two times I fought the Heavy Press I didn't know that only shots straight to the middle of it hurt the boss. Yeah that sucked.

If its any relevant to this thread, Curly Brace is the boss which makes my penis the hardest.

Heavy Press I said was hard because "victory" is more defined by "having a lot of health left" than by "not dying".
Jan 4, 2011 at 7:35 PM
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magic9mushroom said:
Heavy Press I said was hard because "victory" is more defined by "having a lot of health left" than by "not dying".

He's pretty easy to defeat quickly without taking damage, so I don't know what you're talking about. His simple attack pattern is what makes him easy.
Jan 4, 2011 at 9:18 PM
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Spam Heavy Press with Super Missiles and he busts even quicker. And before he lands, let one of those Butes to hurt you, so that you are invincible when he lands on top of you. Then you don't waste as much time.
Jan 4, 2011 at 9:34 PM
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need ya supermissiles to finish balloss quicker :)
Jan 4, 2011 at 10:20 PM
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If you levelled them to max you have plenty. Last form Ballos needs only like 5 fully levelled missiles I think.
Jan 4, 2011 at 10:23 PM
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sinophile said:
If you levelled them to max you have plenty. Last form Ballos needs only like 5 fully levelled missiles I think.

O rly?

I'm always down about 15 from all the spamming I do :)
Jan 4, 2011 at 10:29 PM
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Yeah you need about 5. I constantly lose all my missiles before the last form, but the NPCs flying around him help me acquire at least some of them. Plus you can easily have a charged Spur and if that doesn't help then just spam Sword lvl 2.

Or if you're a grotesque faggot who uses the Nemesis, spam that.
Jan 4, 2011 at 10:44 PM
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The hardest boss is ballos i had to repeat hell so many times just because of him.
Jan 5, 2011 at 12:12 AM
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I never really had any trouble with Monster X... Spamming level 2 Blade at point blank range pretty much takes it down in a few seconds.

And they say Blade sucks. :p