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What did you dream about last night?

Oct 21, 2010 at 8:11 PM
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I just recently had a dream about playing a certain game with people that had some kind of tropical login screen with a distant volcano in the background. I would hear some kind of announcer in the background as well, but I didn't really understand what he was saying. Soon enough I actually found out that I was playing on my computer in my room, but my room was much larger than it was orginally, and there were vines and spider webs everywhere, like no one was ever in this room in years. I went outside my room and my dad was just walking down the hallway in my house and there were a bunch of people at the desk that seemed familiar, but I couldn't put my finger on it. Later on, my dream transported me into this other world, where it was some kind jungleish paradise, with beds and a lake that was named "pool". The beds had some kind frog design on it as well. There were these odd curtains that would hide all of these pool objects (like those floaty things and such), and poles and all of this other shit. I decided to walk across the ridge of the pool and I found this entrance to some kind of city that had some kind of chain fence, and there were people inspecting it. I came up to the fence and found out that the people wanted to open the gate, and soon enough they were able to open it. It was a bunch of pool objects, but in the middle of the stack there was a giant dog head. The dog was still alive, and it had this giant buldging black eye. It was looking at me. I decided to go up to it and put my hands on it's muzzle and open it up, to break it in two parts and kill it. While I was opening it's mouth, there was this odd ear-piercing scream going on, and while that was happening I woke up, and I saw that the dog head was still there, but it was actually my cat sleeping on the bed, and the noise was some distant mower going off.
Oct 31, 2010 at 7:00 AM
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I remember a dream I had in 3rd grade:
I was a high-schooler, walking down the school steps on the last day of school, with my girlfriend. She said, "So, how are you going to spend your summer?" Then I said, "I dunno yet. I guess I'll just sit on top of our secret spot and eat some 'salty-sweet ice cream.'" (Kingdom Hearts 2 reference) She said,"I'm going to start my job applications soon." I asked her," You aren't going to college?" She said,"Nah. I'll just start wor-" then she got crushed by an anvil. I ran as fast as I could, covered in blood, towards my house. When I walked through the door, Mike Myers, Freddy Cruger, and Jason Vorhees started chasing me (this is where things start to go to hell).
I ran to the library (for some vague reason) and i stopped, remembering that there was a huge gap between my house and the library, and the only way across was one of those natural stone bridges. I took a step and fell. When I hit the rocks, I woke up.

And the dream I had last night and two years ago:
I was playing my DS, when I looked to my right, and my cousin was a zombie! I ran to the bedroom, and my mother and grandmother were zombies, too! When I went to the bathroom, my sister was a zombie! While all of them were chasing me, I went downstairs, closed and locked the door, and searched for the source. I found two kid vampires, who tried to bite me. I ran with a tear in my shirt. I got trapped in a corner, when I freezed time. I used my space-bending powers to move them away from me. I threw bunches of wooden stakes at them, then unfreezed time, where they died, along with my family. Turns out, there was a third vampire, who bit me and killed me. I then woke up.

How I remember all of this, I have no idea.
Oct 31, 2010 at 7:01 AM
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I created an entire bitterfilms-esque parody in my mind after I went back to sleep this morning, which prominently featured Smugking for some reason. It ended after I woke up because I couldn't concentrate on trimming the threads off a tennis ball properly.
Oct 31, 2010 at 1:48 PM
In my body, in my head
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I had a dream, but all I really remember was that first I had to reconstruct a rusted, broken railroad track with my bare hands, and then I didn't have enough metal so I had to go for a drive with my brother to get some. I ended up somewhere autumn-y and I met Jonny Paula from the Microwave show, who offered to drive us home.
Oct 31, 2010 at 1:55 PM
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i had a dream that 4-5 of the neko100 came to our house for trick or treating. but then some guy who had a really stupid-looking costume-I think it was supposed to be this guy but it had badly made wings and was the wrong color- came and punched one, so we put him on a roller coaster that launched him into outer space.
Oct 31, 2010 at 3:03 PM
In my body, in my head
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Oct 31, 2010 at 3:19 PM
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I had the weirdest dream ever that doesn't involve boring ass shit related to the internet.

Here's how it went:

Me and my brother are preparing to go (drive) somewhere but I have no idea where, and my brother doesn't even have a car or ever driven one. We have a few backpacks, in one of them lies a medieval sword which undoubtly belongs to me. We finally get ready and drive to some hill, and before I know it we're fighting off gigantically colossal ants! We're fighting our asses off and it seems like we're winning but then those assholes manage to climb near us which forces me to use my sword (I have no idea what we used against them in the beginning of the battle). Finally we decide to retreat, there's no way we can kill all of them.
We drive home safely, however two dudes come near my bro's car and start stealing shit. I get freaked out, run away and ask for help. And whaddya know nobody has any intention of helping me. It was as if they all knew what was going on and were helping the thieves (I had a similar situation in a dream a year ago). So I start running even faster to hide behind my house, before I get there though I see a thin 7 feet tall man/woman in nun's clothes but I have no time to talk with him/her. Common sense tells me to pull out my cell phone but shit man I forgot what number to call for an emergency! I finally remembered since someone said "Call 003, but it won't help you much. You can try though." And he was right, all I could hear on the phone was white noise and random mumbling. There is no way I can escape this world gone mad. So I decide to hide. But fuck they're everywhere! Behind every corner they try to get me, behind every tree there's one of them. Fortunately I'm too scared and too fast to get caught. After a bit of random running and hiding behind trees, below balconies and shit I meet that 2 metre grotesque man/woman I was talking about. He takes of his hat which reveals his true gender, which is male. He is extremely skinny, with pearl white skin. His glare almost as dead as his stature, his black clothes doesn't help his appearance either. Before I can ask him anything, he says "Come with me" - his old unnatural voice makes me instinctively respond "Hell no!". He tries grabbing me and he's surprisingly strong. I try punching him, but to no avail. Or maybe not! Yes I finally slip out of his deadly embrace and run away...

And then I woke up, took me a good minute to realise all of this wasn't real.
Nov 4, 2010 at 3:51 PM
In my body, in my head
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Last night I had a dream where I was playing hockey with a puck made of ice and drinking maple syrup from a can.
Canada 4 lyfe
Nov 5, 2010 at 12:48 AM
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Last night I had a dream that I was a track/field club member. I was doing the pole vault event. When I reached the bar, I made it over, but fell down into a pit of needles, which gave me HIV. I had 20 years (quite a long time to die from AIDS) to live. I somehow fastforwarded through to when my dream had came true (I had a Doctorate in medicine-making, PHD in Business, and have my own medicine company). I create a cure for AIDS, but John Wilkes Booth shot me in the back of the head. I woke up.
Nov 24, 2010 at 1:05 AM
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19 days, and NO ONE posted anything? Ugh....
I had a dream (look at me, I sound like Martin Luther King Jr.) that I was looking through a room's skylight. Two girls were undressing. When they were completely undressed, they started kissing. I think you can tell where that leads. After they were done doing "partner" stuff, I fell into the room. I almost got mauled. Then I woke up.
Jan 10, 2011 at 4:25 PM
In my body, in my head
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Oh boy, what an act to follow.
I'll never be able to capture the absurdity of what just happened in my mind, but here goes..

Part one was Cave Story. First it was playing hell, then it was playing something like hell but with levels that didn't actually exist, then suddenly it was three-dimensional and I was flying around shooting the machine gun at snakes, and momentarily riding one trying to make it eat things.
Part two was an epic drama about a space-marine gerbil fighting the war against the evil serpent race. In the end, he takes off his helmet in space for reasons that I don't recall or perhaps never bothered to invent, but it was a very touching scene somehow relating to the futility of war. Loosely based on what I remember of the last halo game.
Part three was just retarted. I was an actor in this children's show/sitcom about these three rainbow plants (of which I was one) who live in a technicolor house. I can't remember any of the dialogue exactly but I think it was alot of jokes based on the odd familial relations of plants (I was an uncle but also the brother?). The performance was intentionally the shittiest I could muster, as was everything else because this show was not for television but for the internet. At the end the (retarded) evil genius next door had stolen the baby and we went over to get it. He strung a peice of wire so that a water balloon fell on my head when I went in the door and I noticed he was entertaining guests. After some akward dialogue I woke up.

This was all during my mid-day nap >.>
Jan 11, 2011 at 7:16 AM
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Had a poorly-remembered dream of eating Cha-siew with the girl I like at the university food court. I asked her why she chose cha-siew even though she didn't even like it and I didn't either. She said it was because it was familiar. Some more things happen, and she falls asleep and I sit there lovingly looking at her smiling face.
Jan 19, 2011 at 4:32 AM
Been here way too long...
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I had a touhou dream.....


'twas wonderful.


I've probably been reading too much fanfiction.


It involved Koishi riding on a dolphin.
Jan 19, 2011 at 4:34 AM
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I have nothing to say about that, except :chin:

I had one of those dreams where you're really late to something, and you're all tense the whole time.

'Twas lame.
Mar 24, 2011 at 12:06 PM
In my body, in my head
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This morning I woke up and was petting the cat while I reflected upon the dream I'd just had about being forced to dig a huge garden for my (ex) step-father....

when I woke up and realized that I'm in University and I haven't got a cat here ]:
It was like a dream within a dream or something
Mar 24, 2011 at 1:57 PM
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Creepy, I also had a dream I was chilling with my cats.
One was really big and I was riding on it.
But then I woke up and was on vacation ]:
Mar 24, 2011 at 2:09 PM
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I had an interesting dream, the first notable one in a while in fact.

So... I was fighting Misery in my school's cafeteria with some of my friends...

...and sadly thats all I can remember before I woke up... :toroko2:

I do with it could have continued
Mar 27, 2011 at 8:58 PM
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Wow you guys have weird dreams, mine included lol.
I had a dream that I was in an old middle school (idk how I knew) and I was sitting in the hall watching a dog give birth to puppies. But the thing is, they were coming out of her nipples. And they grew from cell form to the full puppy size, and I was freaked out and ran away... And then i saw Kanpachi fishing from the top of a vending machine, and I didn't think it was possible for him to he in my dream because I've only seen him 2d...
Mar 27, 2011 at 9:09 PM
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Hmm I almost never remember my dreams these days and practically never have nightmares (like one in 4-5 years maybe). When I was much younger I dreamed often something about pirates. That wasn`t a nightmare.
Mar 27, 2011 at 11:30 PM
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I dreamt sex.