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What did you dream about last night?

Dec 31, 2012 at 10:38 AM
The Eternal Darkness
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10 December 2012: I dreamt that someone gave me a blue screen and the moment it touched anything it died. Then it fell on top of me and I died so painfully that... describing that death would give everybody nightmares and I can't do that, can I.

20 December 2012: I dreamt that I went to Canada and that everyone wanted me dead just because I exist. I ran so much that, if it wasn't a dream, I'd probably be dead twice over from exhaustion. When I finally stopped running, a giant statue made of concrete fell on my head.

30 December 2012: I dreamt that all the members of the SCS Forums joined these forums (except for me, Randolf, Kanpachi, hate9, Rebelle and Carrotlord, who already are members of these forums) because they all modded Cave Story. After I received like 25 PMs from each SCS Forum Member asking me for modding help, I left my computer, to open the front door, because somebody was knocking on it. When I opened it, a girl stood there holding a dagger and threatened to kill me if I didn't stop modding. I already said that I had stopped modding, when she stabbed my right hand, preventing me from using it for who knows how long. Then I accidentally encased the entire house in ice, somehow. That resulted in me waking up with a major headache because I accidentally hit my roof against a wooden beam again. At 05:30 AM (GMT+2).
Jan 6, 2013 at 4:34 PM
In my body, in my head
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I had a dream last night that I stood up to the basement window
and looked at the clear blue sky and green grass
and smelled the smell that summer makes

Jan 7, 2013 at 4:09 PM
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"I, Ikachan. The Life and Documentary of the OrigiNAL SQuiD."
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So yeah, I'm back. Again. Somehow I keep coming back to this place. I see Team 9 finally decided to come over here as well.

I've had a few dreams since I left here forever ago, they're on a thread on GTM. Most of them are robot-related (probably stemming from the fact that I spearheaded the BattleBots Wiki forever ago) but here are the ones that weren't:

There was one where I looked in the shelf that runs alongside my basement stairs and found a Wii Cheetahmen compilation which contained Action 52, Cheetahmen II, and a new game: Cheetahmen III: Revolution. I thought (in the dream) "oh hey 027 would like this" and then the dream ended.

There was another one where there were a ton of kids in my house for no reason, and my clarinet was mixed up with all these other parts, so I had to find them assemble the clarinet for some reason. One of the parts (the bell) which wasnt mine looked really cool to me (it had like silver circuit-like stuff going around it, but it had this weird bend in it) and I was like "oh cool" but then the dream shifted out of focus or something because I forget what happens next.
Jan 8, 2013 at 9:10 PM
Demon taming, headphone wearing, casanova
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Last night i had a dream where i was attending what might have been a video game convention (im not sure since i forgot almost the entire dream), eventually i went through a door. I forgot everything that happened after that.
Jan 9, 2013 at 8:13 PM
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"I, Ikachan. The Life and Documentary of the OrigiNAL SQuiD."
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I had a dream last night where someone who sent me something for a mod I'm working on for Robot Arena 2 to fix two of the robots of his that didn't work, but they looked nothing like the earlier versions, they were literally boxes of scrap with motors in them.

The jury is out on whether I'm completely obsessed with robot combat yet.
Jan 10, 2013 at 12:31 PM
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I was in some sort of first person dungeon exploration game, and just as I unlocked a door, my alarm rang and woke me up.

Another dream I had a couple weeks back was that I visited some sort of gladiator arena. To get there, you had to take some sort of special monorail. Oddly enough, the surroundings was a futuristic version of a corridor in my school.
Jan 10, 2013 at 4:46 PM
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i dreamt i was a cloud. no, really. it was really surreal
Jan 13, 2013 at 10:49 PM
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"I, Ikachan. The Life and Documentary of the OrigiNAL SQuiD."
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last night I had a dream where my laptop screen wasn't cracked and I could still use it.

Stop mocking me, subconscious...

Badnik96 said:

last night I had a dream where my laptop screen wasn't cracked and I could still use it.

Stop mocking me, subconscious...
I had another one of these last night.

Stop it brain, I don't like it...
Jan 15, 2013 at 7:40 PM
daughter of chivalry
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I was at some big dinner party with all of my dad's side of the family. Everyone was alive and happy. I saw my papa (grandpa) and hugged him really hard and began crying. tfw
Jan 15, 2013 at 7:43 PM
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Jan 22, 2013 at 10:55 AM
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Oh god that comic's creepy '~'

Anyway, I have a veritable gold mine of really strange dreams to tell. The following account is copy-pasted from the "Dream diary" I have on my phone. Excuse the spelling errors V_V



This was mildly confusing.

A couple of people were in the Eisenhower library...as far as I can tell, all girls. One looked like Relm. Anyway, Stuff Happened, and something that had to do with some sort of magic happened, and Relm learned some sort of new skill that may or may not have had something to do with changing appearance or abilities. Anyway, most of the group were taken by ... something ... and only "Relm" and a girl I've never seen before named ... um...something escape. She had strange silverish-brown hair and some sort of white clothing, and was named something like Quatarin, but lets just say she was named Kristin. Anyway, Relm and Kristin,despite not knowing each other, somehow manage to get away to the end of the (floating)continent,which is kind of steampunkish. They're still being chased, so they get help from a kind-hearted man named Mr.Man, tall and resembling Hagrid. He hides them temporarily, giving them whatever pieces of food and tools he has in his small machinery shop, and giving Kristin more suitable clothing. Later, he realizes that their pursuers are closing in, so he offers to help them by putting them on a small glider to reach the next (also floating)continent. The glider is just what it sounds like, and with the help of air currents and a small amount of fuel the two barely manage to get to the bottom ledge of the snowy continent. The continent, like all the others, is floating thousands of miles above the cloud layer, so obviously Relm and Kristin are quite nervous. Staying on the inside of the wall, they turn the corner and discover a passage with lots of small monsters, all difficult to fight in such a small space. After all, the girls only have a pickaxe, a sword, Relm's paintbrushes, some food, and a tent. They manage to get through, nearly falling at one point, and get out of the passage and into a wide open path to the other end of the continent and a town. They hope to get to the town for some help in finding Relm's group and Kristin's brother.


...That's all I remember.

My dreams are more like movies. It's awesome :pignon:
Feb 4, 2013 at 6:39 PM
daughter of chivalry
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I spent the last 5 hours reliving the same nightmare and "waking up" to learn it's "real". The basis of the dream was that at the last minute, my sister decides she wants to go to western australia to get a car with mom and dad. Then the next day I was supposed to drive to Texas, take a flight to W. Australia, and "pick them up"? I kept waking up in my dream asking someone if it was serious, and even posted in the negativity thread about it. It just kept going on and on after that. Then unrelated shit happened.

My main point is that dreams like that suck
Feb 5, 2013 at 5:42 AM
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I saw tennis balls in a store yesterday and got an extremely vague flashback to a dream of something horrible involving tennis balls.
I'm really curious what it was.
Feb 5, 2013 at 8:05 AM
The Eternal Darkness
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I dreamt that everybody hated me and attempted to kill me on my birthday (25 February), and that I managed to evade that death, only to fall off a cliff that led to nowhere... and then drowning to death while falling - weird thing is, there was no water at all.

Then I woke up in a castle full of Nobodies - a group called Organization XIII were there and tried to attack me, but one of the thirteen decided to fight them instead. And then an anvil fell on his head.

Then I woke up for real.

If I had to guess, the weird nightmare relates to:
- people actually trying to kill me on my 13th, 14th and 15th birthdays at school
- falling off the edge of the map in Cave Story and remaining in free fall for who knows how long will eventually end up in drowning
- Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days, when Roxas defected from the Organization
Mar 15, 2013 at 1:24 AM
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I had a dream this morning(I sleep at mornings sometimes) that took place in my town, but one of my neighbors houses wasnt theres in the dream, looked different, and had really vibrant grass. But anyways, i was in a dispute with the owner of that house, because for some reason, some of me and my brother's property was in their house, and after a ton of arguing, me and my dad ran over to their house holding mattresses that were for some reason called "Quattrix Cubes", and then kept smashing them against the vibrant grass (which made giant rectangular dents, but without deteriorating the grass), and going back to the house to grab more (for some reason i had infinite quattrix cubes) to smash, and eventually the owner of the house ran outside, and said he was going to call the police, and then me and my dad ran home fast. Then after that in the dream, i went into one of the bedrooms, and was really scared, like i was going to die or something, then after a few minutes of that, i went into the living room, and fell asleep on a bed that was for some reason in there. Later i woke up (in the dream) and i was under house arrest (somehow i knew it without being told), and for some reason i couldn't use internet or watch TV without getting really arrested. i forget what happened after that, but i dont think it was much, and then i woke up in real life. I love it when i have really weird dreams like that XD
Mar 15, 2013 at 3:12 AM
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God should I go into detail of the "Nightmarish" dreams I've been having? (It's mainly just me thinking a whole lot before I go to sleep)
No, but then what's the point of this comment? I've been 'reliving' something I read which basically caused me to snap.
This book series has kinda been haunting me for the last 2 weeks. (In a good way, I can't stop thinking about it since I've read it almost 3 times in a 2 week period) I've been put in a really bad (and by my definition, good) Spyro mood/craze/phase (Causing me to not work on my own mod/novelization) and after reading something that happens later in the book series, I snapped. (Hard, I wanted to go wrecking stuff and I've literately snapped only twice as far as I can remember.) I pushed on, finished the book series as far as it goes. Now I run various scenario's/scene's and wonder what would happen if certain event didn't happen.
Oh, and I also dream about possible Fan-Fic Ideas.
Apr 14, 2013 at 5:09 PM
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I haven't been posting my dreams in a long time... not going to start right now!

Though there was something I wanted to mention...
I was rick rolled in my dreams............ Woke up humming the song even...
"Never gonna give you up... NOOOOOOOOOOO"

(It's your fault WD! :
http://www.cavestory.org/forums/posts/161597 )

EDIT: Oh no, I'm starting to enjoy the song... must... s...
Apr 14, 2013 at 7:39 PM
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Oh... a little too late. Well, I was on the ground when my vibration woke me up.
Apr 15, 2013 at 7:03 AM
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Not per-se last night, but it was a few weeks ago.

I was in a massive cobblestone tower of bright grey titles. It was really high up from the looks of it, i looked to my right and and it was plain open sky with no signs of ground. The tower itself was very open, it had a massive plain with some large stairs scattered about. As i looked around, i heard a voice speaking to me "Get out of here as fast as you can!". Soon after i heard that, i saw all these red dots arrive on the edge on the distance.
They eventually got close, revealing themselves to be humanoids made of bright red meat and veins with some of them having exaggerated atanomy(One of them had a long neck, other had a massive stomach). They all had these glowing yellow eyes and this gaping expression on their faces and had a very fatigued posture. Even as they were everywhere they completely ignored me, walking everywhere around me but worryingly none of them did anything to me. Then the dream cuts to a empty barred in-room filled with green beds in a cobblestone room, and then it ends.

Most of my dreams are really short.