@Lowell: It's not a trick, it's the proper way to do things. Declaring your IP as the 'host' IP which others can connect to. The part that fails is when trying to use the 'Search' option, which sets it to (if you're behind a router like myself) your internal LAN IP. Or so I've discovered. Noxid and I have had several games in this manner. Also, WarZone isn't crappy - it gives good, stable connections and stuff, and in a lot of ways is like BNet. The part that sucks is that most modern routers and firewalls can't open suffecient ports or block them all together, respectively, to use WarZone - It requires about 1000 ports, where as TA itself only requires 2 per player you're playing with (inbound and outbound).
tl;dr: It works.