The Well - Polaris

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Jan 28, 2014 at 10:13 PM
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Did you name yourself after the Polar Star or the real-life star Polaris?
Jan 28, 2014 at 10:45 PM
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Both, actually. =o

And although I had played it before I joined, I didn't have the Jenka's Nightmare weapon in mind.

It took me quite a while to choose a one point I was actually going to go with Polar Star, but the name was already in use. In retrospect, I'm happy I chose this name.
Jan 28, 2014 at 10:51 PM
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The only game I'd really want for the Wii U would be Pikmin 3 and Armikrog when that comes out. Other than that this generation of gaming is pretty much dead to me from what I've seen.
Jan 28, 2014 at 11:04 PM
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Dunc2403 said:
I'm just glad you didn't go with the thing with 2401 in it
That'd have been weird
There was no chance of me going with it, just because I knew of your existence.
I could have just used Blue, but...that strikes me as odd.

edward18 said:
The only game I'd really want for the Wii U would be Pikmin 3 and Armikrog when that comes out. Other than that this generation of gaming is pretty much dead to me from what I've seen.
Um...are you in the right thread?...

That doesn't sound like a question.

Regardless...I think the Wii U is fairly neat, but I wouldn't get it if I had the option. And the PS4 is quite nice, I think. I'm usually a generation or two behind, though, at best.
Jan 28, 2014 at 11:10 PM
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I was just giving my thoughts on a previous question on page 4 since it mentioned the Wii U.
Jan 29, 2014 at 2:54 AM
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Ah, okay...
Jan 29, 2014 at 4:08 AM
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edward18 said:
I was just giving my thoughts on a previous question on page 4 since it mentioned the Wii U.
I'm not sure you understand how The Well works, then.
Jan 29, 2014 at 4:45 AM
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my apologies
Jan 29, 2014 at 1:14 PM
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If you were able to meet any celebrity in person, who would it be?
Jan 29, 2014 at 4:50 PM
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Um...well, I don't know about most modern celebrities...and I probably wouldn't care much I'll go with Mr. Rogers because he was basically among the best human beings ever.
Jan 30, 2014 at 12:47 AM
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Polaris said:
Um...well, I don't know about most modern celebrities...and I probably wouldn't care much I'll go with Mr. Rogers because he was basically among the best human beings ever.
*Gives you a high-five*

A younger person who actually knows the guy, AND depreciates normal celebrities. How more amazing can you seriously get Polaris?

Q: What's your favorite movie? (Or list a few if that's too hard.)
Jan 30, 2014 at 2:27 AM
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EnlightenedOne said:
*Gives you a high-five*

A younger person who actually knows the guy, AND depreciates normal celebrities. How more amazing can you seriously get Polaris?
*Returns high-five*
*Does it a bit too hard*
*Is sad*

In fairness, though, apparently I'm not /that/ young. Either that or I'm really lucky. I strongly remember watching him sometimes in the morning when I was much, much younger. Of course, because of the rarity of his show being on and the fact that I was not often awake at 3-4-5-whatever in the morning, seeing him was the ultimate rare treat. And I only gained more respect for the man later on in life. :>

And celebrities are just people...I don't pay attention to every person on the planet.

Q: What's your favorite movie? (Or list a few if that's too hard.)
No, no. I actually know this...

Although it's actually a list anyway.
★Instructions Not Included
★Wreck-It Ralph
★Scott Pilgrim v.s The World
★Enter The Dragon (that one movie with Bruce Lee)
★Forrest Gump

Honorable Mention:
☆The Adventures of Jay and Silent Bob

I just know I'm forgetting one...
Jan 30, 2014 at 1:46 PM
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Pens are the best :3

Especially really inky flowy pens. Most of my puny paper is no match for the power of its ink, so I have to use it pretty skillfully in order to not make the page a blurry mess, but I love using them. (I'm talking about the Bic Triumph 537R specifically, here.) Failing that, there's always the equally flowy, less inky pens like a Sarasa.

I actually prefer Android keyboards to both computer keyboards and iOS keyboards, although it's nice that computer keyboards are big enough to have all of the symbols and such accessible with Shift, even if there's no star symbol. (The iOS keyboard gets no such grace, I really dislike using this thing, especially since you can't replace it. Like, at all. :( )

When I actually need to get a bunch of stuff written down at once, I prefer Android over paper and pens. The Swype feature of Kii and such is really, really helpful if I'm careful, because it's pretty much the fastest thing ever. SwiftKey is probably better with that, but it costs an exorbitant amount of money. Even with the inherent lagginess and slight undependable nature of the Android I use, it's still easier to use for me. I tend to start writing really sloppily if I go fast with pens or pencils, and with ink, that's...less than optimal. Otherwise, the regular Gingerbread keyboard fits all my needs, really.

In the field of drawing, pencils and iOS are the most important. The Android is a little too imprecise, a little too small, and a little too laggy to utilise a drawing app effectively, and I don't even have the technology to use a computer for drawing unless it's pixel art with Paint.NET (which I can also do on Android now). And ink pens are too stark to draw with them well. Regular pens are a lot better, but really, pencils are best for this, since they're good with shading, light, and erase well. And iOS works pretty great for drawing, two apps in particular are what I use best (Adobe Ideas and ibisPaint X). Plus, one of its main strengths is that it's very consistent and screen size, even on the iPhone, is pretty generous, so it's less bad compared to the Android., I kinda rambled at you there. Sorry. ^_^;
Jan 30, 2014 at 3:05 PM
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What are your thoughts on Earthworm Jim?
Jan 30, 2014 at 4:52 PM
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Um...I don't know. I know what Earthworm Jim is, but I never had much interest in it. •.•

Sorry about that.
Jan 31, 2014 at 12:00 AM
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when's the last time you ate a pie? (any kind)

what are your feelings towards paper towels?

what do you find in crazy people?
Feb 18, 2014 at 1:14 AM
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CookedChef said:
when's the last time you ate a pie? (any kind)
Hm...a few months ago? I think I had pumpkin pie around November. Pie is delicious and I don't have it often enough :(

what are your feelings towards paper towels?
They're noble things. Very useful. Very easy to abuse, unfortunately...

what do you find in crazy people?
I don't know. But they're fun to be with!

Er, no. No, I feel lots of shame. Bluh. It's been a little over two weeks, so I think I'm maybe justified, but...

Well, whatever. I'm not the most interesting person in the world, but I'd still enjoy it if you left some questions or something. ^_^

On a side note, I once made a "smaller" Well over at Shane's Forums. I say "smaller" because I was given an insane amount of questions. However, most of them weren't that insightful, so they received shorter answers, and of course I was rather quiet on personal topics. Feel free to take a look, if you'd like.
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