The Well - Polaris

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Feb 20, 2014 at 4:57 AM
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"What're YOU lookin' at?"
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Hallelujah. =o

I have full faith, actually. Perhaps it will require bumps every few months, but there will probably always be a member interested enough to post in it. It's an interesting concpet, and it's kind of almost finished! I'm sure we'll see it completed eventually. c:
Feb 20, 2014 at 5:00 AM
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Heyyo Polaris. What are some of your favorite things to do to kill time?
Feb 20, 2014 at 5:36 AM
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"What're YOU lookin' at?"
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Oh, well...I really like reading to the point that I am near constantly doing so in one way or another. I play quite a few videogames, I like writing and have a few massive stories I'll likely never share, I sometimes appreciate some controlled YouTube splurging, especially Let's Plays and the like...although YouTube can be addicting and unhealthy, so I prefer to stay away from binges whenever possible. I've recently taken up novice artwork, which is pretty difficult to do well, but eventually pretty satisfying, and I like listening to music and talking to people who live on the magical world of the internet. Also, I like modding when I have the chance, which is more frequent lately...

Honestly, I'm pretty much constantly engaging in all this while also trying to get things done and be sociable and productive back here in Earth. Sometimes I fail, sometimes I don't, but at least for now my balance isn't TOO terrible.
Except homework, I never do homework
Basically, what most consider time-wasting I value as plain vanilla progress. I only really dislike times where I literally get nothing done, on either side of the fence. Makes me quite angry with myself.
Feb 20, 2014 at 11:27 AM
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Are you a morning or a evening type of person?
Feb 20, 2014 at 3:47 PM
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"What're YOU lookin' at?"
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I'm naturally more inclined towards the evening, often staying up very late and all that. I've sometimes taken evening walks and never regretted it, and it seems that everything becomes a bit more reverent and sacred late at night. Long road trips are punctuated with lovely midnight rest stop food. Night is pretty.

Even though I have lots of difficulty waking up early sometimes, I do love the morning, though - especially really early morning when light is only beginning to creep into the world again. It carries a lovely feeling to it, birdsong and quiet are pleasant to listen to. Light is also pretty.

I guess I like morning more than evening, and it takes a bit more luck and/or effort to appreciate it as opposed to evening. Ah, well. I'm a little of both.

(Note:this thread is sleeping, not dead! There's no reason to close it since this is the only Well left, so if you think of some questions you'd like to ask out of the blue, don't be afraid to bump the thread. c:)
Apr 22, 2014 at 12:37 AM
"Life begins and ends with Nu."
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What is your first name?

Apr 22, 2014 at 2:08 AM
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"What're YOU lookin' at?"
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Direct as always, Meta. Really, it's a surprise it took this long for someone to ask.

But we've already discussed this. And I've said before that my name isn't interesting in any way.



Once upon a time, in a magical kingdom far from my home called Elgin, a mother had her fourth child, a son. He cried a lot, but she loved him dearly anyway. No matter what errors they'd both make, it'd all be alright in the end, if God willed it so.

She named him •Alfonso•...
... mother told me once that she named me after Al Capone. This was...a surprise. Because it's Al Capone. But she said it was because he was so smart, regardless of what he used that intelligence for. At least, that's as well as I understood and can translate to English. And that's fair enough, I suppose. Maybe she was joking, but she never did say. She doesn't explain herself often, and the words were sincere enough.

But looking back, I thought...why be intelligent, if you use it for something wrong? It felt like what was behind my name is a reverse of who I am. I've always been very smart, even from a young age. I could be the top of the school, I could make so much money someday. I could acquire all of that meaningless power. But would I want to?

It also means "capable in battle", or something to that end. Equally untrue, and unnecessary. I'm too soft to seriously hurt or kill intentionally. I want to fire a gun someday, I want to learn to use a sword. But all my problems with others, I want to solve with kindness if I can. Not force.

Maybe the meanings of this name really described me well, once. Not anymore.

I don't mind it. I've always liked it, after all, it was tied to my soul. In the mouths of the people around me, here on Earth, it sounds right. But sometimes, it feels a little odd to me. A name's just that, after all. It's like your starter. Most never get rid of them, because it's the one that's always been with you. But you choose to make it mean something. Not anything else.

I'm just talking now. Not sure what I mean to say. Names are really important, it's why I'm putting so much weight behind this simple post in a thread on an internet forum. At the same time, names aren't important at all.

It's up to you, of course, what you want to call me, or think of me as. Some will want to use the real name, for any reason or another. Some will go with the shorthand of just "A". Of course, most will be happy with "Polaris".

I was so fearful starting to write this post, and now I feel fine. The entity behind it is the same, either way. Same light, just going through different mirrors - one goes out here, one goes out there. Maybe there was nothing to worry about, after all - maybe my grasp on identity is just fine.

That's a pleasant thought.

Apr 22, 2014 at 6:50 AM
Been here way too long...
"Life begins and ends with Nu."
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Polaris you could have answered with a single god damn word holy fuck.
Apr 22, 2014 at 8:56 AM
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"Ha! Ha! Ha! Mega Man is no match for my Mimiga Man!"
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Captain Fabulous said:
Polaris you could have answered with a single god damn word holy fuck.

Don't fuck with Al Capone
Jun 22, 2014 at 9:24 PM
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"What're YOU lookin' at?"
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Polaris you could have answered with a single god damn word holy fuck.
I'm calmer now. But I still put so much meaning into this. Maybe it will seem almost melodramatic, but I can't do it any other way.
Don't fuck with Al Capone

This is just a tad two months too late, but oh well...

Anyway, this thread is kinda sorta closed now. Questions stopped months ago, and I don't really mind because I had a pretty good run. 7 pages is nothing to laugh about, in my opinion, considering I'm a relatively small member. Thank you all for your questions, many of them were very interesting to answer. :3

I guess my name is a decent way to end the thread. Names are weird, complicated things. In some ways, they carry a lot of weight. In other ways, they don't matter much. But disregarding that, I'm always up for extra queries or just regular discussion on my profile or a PM. I'll try to bite less often.

If you're a visitor from the future, thank you for reading any of this. If you're a visitor from the past, you may want to withhold your time-traveling information, the world isn't ready for it yet. And if you're a Moderator or Admin, it's your call whether to lock this or not. I think it may be a good idea, though.

I've spent way too long either inactive or taking a break, recently. And I still don't feel...normal. Still really flighty, happier alone, not sure how to talk to people without being awkward or sad. It's very clear that time away from the forums won't help me, so I just have to learn to be social again. There's a basically good person somewhere around here that people don't mind talking to, and I need to reintroduce him to society.

New Year's Day was such a halcyon time. Since then, stuff has happened, as it always does, but I'm still sure that I have lots of room to grow, and still sure I can get there with time. No one said it'd be easy, right? But that's rambling that can be saved for another day.

Thank you for reading. Goodbye. :)
Jun 22, 2014 at 9:26 PM
The Preacher
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a well is supposed to last like 3 days
Jun 22, 2014 at 9:34 PM
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"Life begins and ends with Nu."
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The longest well is now closed.
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