Jan 31, 2007 at 10:22 AM
Join Date: Dec 30, 2005
Location: Germany
Posts: 3218
Age: 33
Pronouns: No homie
Slife said:I'm not sure exactly how the miminga mask sprite changing thing works. It isn't a simple check for the item in inventory (save game hacking doesn't do squat)... is it just triggered when you get it?
You SHOULD NOT have the mimiga mask in your inventary when you want to make a secound Charakter, because the player could de-equip it and your first charakter appears.
Just use the TSC command for equip the mimiga mask (Well I think it just tells that Cave Story has to use the mimiga mask Sprites.)
<EQ+x EQuip + Add X to equip flag bytes
Thats the Command.
Equip (EQ+/EQ-) Profile.dat bytes 0x02C-02D (low byte first)
0001 Booster v0.8 (ignored if v2.0 on)
0002 Map System
0004 Arms Barrier
0008 Turbocharge
0016 Curly's Air Tank
0032 Booster v2.0
0064 Mimiga Mask
0128 Whimsical Star
0256 Nikumaru Counter
NOTE: these are bitwise flags, the final value is the sum of the equipped items
So for equiping the mimiga mask: <EQ+0064
For de-equiping it: <EQ-0064
Thats it