Jan 21, 2007 at 10:16 PM
Today "ShInInG PhAnToM" asked me to continue working on Sue's Workshop. At least fixing this Boss-Bug.
Then I thought about fixing this bug (tomorrow maybe) and rewriting sue's workshop to make it Open Source. (At the moment the source has too many negative things to make it open source).
Well. But before I start over again, I ask you for ideas.
That means: What could I make better with the user interface? Editor interface? What would make it easier to edit the maps?
Well, I had a few ideas that I would add to the new version (step by step), like a script editor for NPCs (and yes, I know it's native code!).
However. What ideas do you have for a cave story editor?
And feedback for the old version would also be nice to increase my motivation
Today "ShInInG PhAnToM" asked me to continue working on Sue's Workshop. At least fixing this Boss-Bug.
Then I thought about fixing this bug (tomorrow maybe) and rewriting sue's workshop to make it Open Source. (At the moment the source has too many negative things to make it open source).
Well. But before I start over again, I ask you for ideas.
That means: What could I make better with the user interface? Editor interface? What would make it easier to edit the maps?
Well, I had a few ideas that I would add to the new version (step by step), like a script editor for NPCs (and yes, I know it's native code!).
However. What ideas do you have for a cave story editor?
And feedback for the old version would also be nice to increase my motivation