(RELEASE) Cave Story Caffeinated - fully playable, pure Java port of Cave Story

Nov 12, 2022 at 12:33 PM
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Cave Story Caffeinated
(a pun on java of course)

Cave Story Caffeinated is my attempt at making a faithful cross-platform port (written in Java) of the original version by Pixel.

The port is 100% pure Java and does not rely on external dependencies or natives, so it should run on any platform that runs Java 8+ and supports Swing/AWT.
I tried my best to re-implement nearly every feature the original version had.
That includes full DoConfig support and original dialogs and menus. The only missing functionality is joystick support, as I didn't have any to work on that (however I'll appreciate if someone contributes it back).
Note that the bundled DoConfig.exe comes from the original version, but I may port it to Java at one point.

Let me know if you find any issues. :)

Download: https://doukutsuclub.knack.com/database#index/mod-details/636cc3fc414fa10021505eb2/
(it was my best guess to upload it there as most recent mods seem to be uploaded there)

Source Code: Since it got removed from Doukutsu Club I'm unsure if I can link it, so I'll send it on request - just DM me on forums.

- CSE2 authors for doing the hard work of recreating the source code, as this port wouldn't likely be possible without it.
- Studio Pixel for making Cave Story of course.
Nov 13, 2022 at 10:14 PM
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This is neat :D I played it for a bit, it seems like a pretty accurate, solid port for the little bit I tried, the window buttons at the top seem to be broken though haha
Nov 17, 2022 at 5:00 PM
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Pretty slick, Kappu. I took this for a quick spin, and honestly, if I didn't know any better, and if I didn't need to troubleshoot my Java Runtime Environment to get this working, I would have assumed this is just normal Cave Story. It's so cool to see how far we've come with having something open-source that basically functions as the original Cave Story.