Recommend a game that you like that no one else seem to play

Jun 13, 2008 at 2:32 AM
Starbound sucked sadly
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Im not sure if i mentioned this before, *probably did lol*

Another World is a great game, and flash back-quest for identity is as well
Jun 13, 2008 at 7:34 AM
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Gannatsu Portable
Jun 23, 2008 at 3:16 AM
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Imma playin' a old RTS game for the Playstation 1 called Monsterseed at the moment. It's nothing special but it's pretty good for what it is. Also monster hatching.
Jun 23, 2008 at 6:33 AM
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Ikiki's games pwn. They almost all involve naked ninjas. They're great games. I recommend Nikujin, Tekkyuuman, Teppoman, (all containing naked ninjas) and Kamutaro (containing an elf in pajamas). Rocketaro is also pretty good (containing Mario with unlimited jetpack). All of those are platformers.
Jun 23, 2008 at 8:04 AM
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DoubleThink said:
Imma playin' a old RTS game for the Playstation 1 called Monsterseed at the moment. It's nothing special but it's pretty good for what it is. Also monster hatching.
From what I hear it is a Monster Collecting SRPG, it looks and sounds nice. I might get this game. But first I shall buy Azure Dreams. :rolleyes:
Jun 27, 2008 at 7:09 AM
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Already played Barkley Gaiden, I like the look of that other one though. Seems like it's been out for quite a while...
Jun 29, 2008 at 9:51 PM
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Seven Kingdoms 2 - The Fryhtan Wars, often less than ten dollars. Try amazon.
Came out in 1999 and it's still great fun to play. Works on XP. Don't know about the newer operating system. War, trade, economy, spying, troops that learn and can defect, villagers that can rebel, spies that can assassinate, take over forts full of enemies, gods that can bestow gifts or attack, racial harmony.

It's a bit like Age of Empires. You have the Romans, Persians, Greeks, Chinese and some others. Then you have the Fryhtans, who are monsterous creatures that start off very strong and get stronger the more people they kill. There are resources to mine and factories that employ townspeople to make goods, but each person in the game has numbers for loyalty, combat ability, hit points, leadership and some have spy abilities. If your troop's loyalty falls below thirty, you run the risk of them defecting to other kingdoms. This can happen to generals too. You can adjust the loyalty of everyone by giving honors which cost money or you can keep them in your fort under the guidance of a good general of the same nationality. Your kingdom has a reputation number too. It can go up or down. It can plummet dramatically for a number of reasons, perhaps the most crucial being you've attacked civilians of your own nationality or someone you're at war with. When your reputation drops, it gets harder to bribe other generals and loyalty throughout the kingdom goes down. The most common problem with low loyalty is rebellions. Peasants will leave teh town and start attacking it or other buildings. This can start a chain reaction. It's very difficult to control a rebellion. Killing rebels counts as killing civilians and that makes your reputation go down which lowers loyalty throughout the kingdom causing even more rebellions.

Losing your king in battle causes a drop in reputation. Losing an important fighter also causes a drop in reputation. If your towns are taxed to the point where they are not very loyal, the loss of a king or important fighter can trigger rebellion which can spread like wildfire. Lack of work will lower loyalty. Full employment will increase loyalty and so taxes. With more money you can hire skilled fighters and heroes. In the beginning of the game you'll try to convert independent towns to your kingdom so that you'll have a larger tax base and a base to recruit troops from. They have a resistance number which goes down if you connect a fort to the town and put in a general or king, especially if the general or king is of the same nationality. At that point you can tax them or recruit from their ranks for your army. If you don't have a general of the same nationality, you can still bring the independent town on to your side by giving them grants of money or by giving them jobs in a science tower where they'll do research for you. Or you can put them to work in a factory or war factory, but that last one might get you on the dangerous kingdom list of the fryhtans and they'll attack.

Then there's spying. You can hire them at inns or build an espionage college where you train your own citizens to spy. Spies can change themselves to appear as other nationalities. They can go into enemy forts and towns and show you the troops inside. With research and good spy skills, your spies can steal information about other kingdoms, steal technology, assassinate generals, counter spy in your own villages and forts (expose enemy spies), bribe and steal forts full of troops, create incidents between other kingdoms that turn them against each other while you remain neutral... and a few other things.

There's also diplomacy. You can form trade agreements with other kingdoms or reject proposals. You can ask for aid or military assisstance or a cease fire. You can form alliances or break them (breaking them is bad for the reputation). You can trade technology. You get the picture; there's a lot to think about.

You can improve your reputation by killing independent fryhtans or fryhtans from kingdoms. You can avoid breaking treaties or killing civilians. If you start losing money, your buildings will fall apart and if work places fall down, you'll lose loyalty of your subjects and they won't pay as much in tax. You can also hire townspeople to pray to gods and the gods have many different abilities and benefits as well as a general benefit. Some are destructive like earthquakes and some are beneficial like improving the leadership of targeted generals.

It's a huge headache when you start playing, but it's all very well thought out, an incredible game that makes AOE and most every other RTS look shallow. Single player games can easily last ten hours real time, much of it on pause, trying to figure out what to do or just catching your breath. One negative - the game won't tell you why things have gone wrong. It might look like a bug, but there's always a reason why all your citizens have turned against you, like if your generals disappear - your forts are probably infested with spies. It can be frustrating, but eventually, you'll see the genius of Trevor Chan if you stick with it.

There is a campaign. I haven't finished it. You get choices during the campaign so that it's different every time you play it. It's not that long, but it's somewhat different. Not the most impressive thing about the game though. I've played games with more gripping stories.

There are some nice guides on the internet, but you'll have to look around.

the 1.20 patch and instructions on how to install...

The seven kingdoms forum at enlight...

I don't know if there's anyplace to play online. The game works well on XP. I've got the 1.20 patch. Some of the tutorials within the game don't work though; I hear it's a problem with service packs.

Video of gameplay at youtube. look up fryhtan wars. Kind of confusing to watch. The graphics are similar to AOE/AOK, but probably a little worse. The gameplay excels!
Jun 29, 2008 at 11:30 PM
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MetaSeraphim said:
You haven't played Xenogears then.
Just to be sure, I am hearing this from someone who has played through to each of The Way's endings, right?
Jun 30, 2008 at 5:10 AM
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Grim said:
Just to be sure, I am hearing this from someone who has played through to each of The Way's endings, right?


I've played tons of RPG's and not a single one of them can compare to Xenogears. The story in Xenogears is even better than most books.

That is if you can even comprehend it in the first place. It's not like most RPG's where the story is super easy to understand, the complexity of it alone will make most people replay it just to understand it.
Jul 10, 2008 at 12:25 AM
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MetaSeraphim said:
That is if you can even comprehend it in the first place.
Oh. I'll pass then. What I have goes over the top of bad comprehension; I'm just flat-out dumb.

Roonil Wazlib said:
Lion King from Sega, anyone?
I've seen it quite a few times, but never played it.
Jul 10, 2008 at 1:24 AM
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MetaSeraphim said:

I've played tons of RPG's and not a single one of them can compare to Xenogears. The story in Xenogears is even better than most books.

That is if you can even comprehend it in the first place. It's not like most RPG's where the story is super easy to understand, the complexity of it alone will make most people replay it just to understand it.
Xenogears didn't stick with me the way some other games did. But, at the time I was playing it I found it to be "the PERFECT anime in Game form.." Everything clicked. It was a game that I'd seen others try to be and it was Great. But, disc 2 killed it for me.

When they decided to just skip and fast forward through time to the important events I lost the hardcore love I had with disc 1. It wasn't bad at all, but it was like somebody kept hitting "next chapter" when even the non-action parts or "slow scenes" are a ton of fun...
Personally I think the game should have ended at the point where they begin to skip around. Picking up in a second game which runs till the end of Xenogears....

Oh well... It's definitely a classic though.

DB said:
Google Image Labler
What's your highscore?

xristosx said:
Im not sure if i mentioned this before, *probably did lol*

Another World is a great game, and flash back-quest for identity is as well
Another World was a lot of fun lol So many ways to die... argh
But, yeah that was a fun (although short) game. Wish there were more like it. Hated the cave with the falling rocks though + flood... UGH! lol

Roonil King said:
Lion King from Sega, anyone?
eh?? Was it any good? I never played many games based on movies/TV...

And finally my two cents ...
Here are some of the games I have good lasting impressions of :
Lunar2 : Eternal Blue Complete -
Lunar : Silver Star Story Compete -
Saga Frontier 2 -
Xenogears -
Final Fantasy Tactics -
Final Fantasy IV -
Final Fantasy VI -
Final Fantasy VII -
Final Fantasy VIII -
Final Fantasy Adventure -
Final Fantasy Legend 1 -
Final Fantasy Legend 2 -
Final Fantasy Legend 3 -
Mega Man X4 -
Castlevania : Symphony of the Night -
Breath of Fire 3 -
Legend of Zelda : Link's Awakening -
Super Mario Land - <<<<< JACOBX
Chrono Trigger -
Super Metroid -
Wanderers from Ys III -
Legend of Zelda : A Link to the Past -
Odin Sphere -
Zone of the Enders -
Zone of the Enders 2 -
Digital Devil Saga -
Digital Devil Saga 2 -
Eternal Darkness : Sanity's Requiem -
Resident Evil 2 -
Phantom of Inferno - AND
Utawarerumono - AND AND
Ys 1 Complete -
Ys 2 Complete -
Cave Story - ...
Planetarian -
Crescent Pale Mist -
Tribes (with mods = tons of possibilities) -
Quake (with mods = tons of possibilities) -
Quake 2 (with mods = tons of possibilities) -
Duke Nukem 3d -
Ultima VII : The Black Gate + Forge of Virtue -
Ultima VII : Serpent's Isle + Silver Seed -
Ultima VIII : Pagan -
Master of Magic -
Diablo 2 -
Morrowind -
Daggerfall -
Wing Commander III : Heart of the Tiger -
Wing Commander IV : The Price of Freedom -
The Sims -
Privateer -
Crusader : No Remorse - AND
Crusader : No Regret -
Half-Life -
Loom -
The Longest Journey -
Golvellius -
Ancient Ys I : Vanished Omen - [not really the right video... Ys related though]
Wonder Boy in Monster Land -
Wonder Boy 3 : The Dragon's Trap -
Shining Force II -
Iron Tank -
Gauntlet II - (lol 4 people multiplay)
Baldur's Gate -
Baldur's Gate II : Shadows of Amn -
Baldur's Gate II : Throne of Bhall -
Ecco the Dolphin
Sonic 2
Sonic 3
Sonic 3, and Knuckles
Ninja Gaiden 2 : The Dark Sword of Chaos
Mega Man 2
Kirby's Adventure
Wizards and Warriors 2
Bionic Commando
Double Dragon 2
Contra 3 : Alien Wars
Out of this World (Another World)
Front Mission : Gun Hazard
Super Ghouls and Goblins
Lufia : Fortress of Doom
Super Mario Bros 3
Legend of the Mystical Ninja
Seiken 3 (secret of mana 2)
Shin Megami Tensei
Assualt Suits : Valken
Ys IV : Mask of the Sun
Dungeons and Dragons : Tower of Doom
Vampire Savior
Dungeons and Dragons : Shadows Over Mystara
Mega Man Zero
Mega Man Zero 2
Galaxy Force II
3 demon
Dig Dug
Solar Winds
Traffic Department 2192
Soul Blazer
Pilotwings 64 [for messing around]
Mario 64 [for messing around]
Wave Race 64 [for messing around]
Mario Kart 64
Bomber Man 64
Starfox 64
Gradius III
Super R-Type
Super Bomberman
Super Mario Kart
Kid Icarus
Advanced Dungeons and Dragons (Intellivision), Lock n' Chase, Burger Time, Nightstalker, Astrosmash,
Goldeneye 007

Max Payne, 2 [not finished]
Shadow Hearts, 2 [not finished]
Persona 3 FES [not started]
Fate / Stay Night [not finished]
Dreamfall The Longest Journey 2 [not started]
Snatcher [not finished]
Policenauts [not started]
Planescape Torment [not started]

SHAZBOT I AM TIRED OF FINDING LINKS! I might edit them in later~
Jul 10, 2008 at 2:31 AM
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X-Calibar said:
Dungeons and Dragons : Tower of Doom
I've played this game on Intellivision Lives! for PS2. Not too hard to kill the enemies most of the time required you don't run from them, but the short food meter (Capped at 255 and decreases at a slightly fast pace) can make it challenging. Still a fun game, in my opinion.

I've almost completely compiled a chart that explains what each color of an item does what in a Notepad file (With the "base color", or most of the starting items' color, being dark green) but it's usually hard to find a randomly placed Grail in the game. When you do, though, their effects can be extremely helpful. I managed to find one on floor 18 or 19 that gave a speed boost that lasted through the entire game for that character (I started with a Warlock, as I usually do), which helped me complete a 32 floor long standard quest from top to bottom.

I've also completed the Grail Quest (Where you find the grail on a random floor and keep it in your possession without using it to the point when you escape to win the game) and the Wizard Hunt modes (Though this one was kind of short because the game put the wizard on floor 16 when I tried it that time).

A lot of the other games you mentioned in your list I've played, as well.
Jul 10, 2008 at 6:40 AM
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I own Mosssssssst of them so I just opened up a drawers and looked around the computer trying to remember which ones I don't regret spending time on and would do it again~
There are tons of other games and a lot of good ones, but trying to narrow the list down to just a bright few...

So it didn't take too long to remember the games :rolleyes: But, finding the youtube links wasted a hour... arrrrggggh lol But it's fun to see stuff I haven't seen in a while. I doubt many people will look though the youtube videos or even the list lol but meh...

I have a problem though, I will need to look through this thread to see what everyone has listed because if you look at the games I list, they are PS2 or older. Meaning I have fallen behind the times ;p I know nothing about the DS, Wii, PS3, PSP, Xbox, Xbox360. Thanks to anime and games like Cave Story, Morrowind, Tribes with their mod communities I just stopped buying new consoles...

But I wonder what I'm missing out on.

EDIT: Editing one sec