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Quick Modding/Hacking Answers Thread

Oct 1, 2010 at 2:42 AM
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carrotlord said:
Nah, windows XP does this too. I suspect it's partly ResHacker's problem, or perhaps not.

I think it's because explorer only loads the icons for programs/files once, and then just uses the icons in it's memory for the display.

I've noticed pressing F5 seems to fix this, since I had similar issues on my XP.
Oct 1, 2010 at 3:00 AM
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HyMyNameIsMatt said:
Don't listen to them!
Windows 7 has major problems.
Have you tried recording audio with it?
They broke the rercording program.

I use Hypercam and extract the audio. :D
Oct 6, 2010 at 4:11 AM
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Yes, I modify post names.

Does anybody know a way to recover a map that CaveEditor has ceased being able to open? It seems like it's corrupted, but for some reason it works perfectly fine when run with Cavestory.exe.

Also, again, what's the deal with motionwalls?
Oct 6, 2010 at 4:15 AM
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You could try copying all files from the stage folder with the stage's name (*.pxm, *.pxe, *.tsc) into a fresh, unbroken mod. That oughta work. And again, I have no clue how to use the motion walls. maybe just play with it?
Oct 10, 2010 at 11:45 AM
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All right, another problem. I'm trying to set up a spot where it runs an event once you defeat all the enemies. I'm doing that by setting flag 0200 for all of them, linking each to a different event. The problem is that for some reason, when I set flag 200, they have an infinite amount of health. Does anybody know why this isn't working, and how I can fix it?
Oct 10, 2010 at 2:08 PM
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Setting flag 0200 overrides their normal death, forcing them to execute the event that their event number is. You have to kill them manually using <DNP.
Oct 11, 2010 at 1:36 AM
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Thank you very much, that solved my problem. Next up: Tileset editing. For a boss fight, I'm making a tileset with a lot of destroyable blocks with various different tiles behind them. For some reason, however, when I get to that level in the game, most of the tiles appear to be... tiles from a different tileset? They also do not function like they should. So it seems to be loading most, but not all of its tiles from a different tileset altogether. Anybody know why?
Oct 11, 2010 at 1:40 AM
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jed37 said:
Thank you very much, that solved my problem. Next up: Tileset editing. For a boss fight, I'm making a tileset with a lot of destroyable blocks with various different tiles behind them. For some reason, however, when I get to that level in the game, most of the tiles appear to be... tiles from a different tileset? They also do not function like they should. So it seems to be loading most, but not all of its tiles from a different tileset altogether. Anybody know why?

First tell us the dimensions of the new tileset you are trying to load. (in pixels)
Oct 11, 2010 at 1:42 AM
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Sorry, I misspoke. It's not new, it's modified from the "labo" tileset. So, 128x64.
And I'm using CaveEditor, if it matters.
Oct 11, 2010 at 1:50 AM
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jed37 said:
Sorry, I misspoke. It's not new, it's modified from the "labo" tileset. So, 128x64.
And I'm using CaveEditor, if it matters.

Try expanding the width of the .pbm to 256, and then redoing the map. It's probably a bug in the way you mapped that map with CE, since CE handles the tilesets in a slightly different way from the actual game.

So be sure that all the tilesets you are using are at least 256 pixels wide.
Oct 11, 2010 at 3:06 AM
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jed37 said:
Thank you very much, that solved my problem. Next up: Tileset editing. For a boss fight, I'm making a tileset with a lot of destroyable blocks with various different tiles behind them. For some reason, however, when I get to that level in the game, most of the tiles appear to be... tiles from a different tileset? They also do not function like they should. So it seems to be loading most, but not all of its tiles from a different tileset altogether. Anybody know why?

Oh, did you use the labo tileset?
I had troubles with that tileset before, so I gave up and used a different one.
It's the only one I had any issues with.
Oct 11, 2010 at 3:14 AM
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cultr1 said:
Oh, did you use the labo tileset?
I had troubles with that tileset before, so I gave up and used a different one.
It's the only one I had any issues with.

jed37 said:
Sorry, I misspoke. It's not new, it's modified from the "labo" tileset. So, 128x64.
And I'm using CaveEditor, if it matters.

Also read my above post please for directions on how to fix the problems that you are having with the prtlabo tileset.
Oct 11, 2010 at 3:26 AM
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All right, thanks. It works now. By the way, I can't seem to get npc 0118: Curly (boss) to attack the player. Is there some strange prerequisite or something there?
*Sigh... There's always something to fix.
Oct 11, 2010 at 3:41 AM
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jed37 said:
All right, thanks. It works now. By the way, I can't seem to get npc 0118: Curly (boss) to attack the player. Is there some strange prerequisite or something there?
*Sigh... There's always something to fix.

Try to <ANP her using method 0010.
Oct 11, 2010 at 3:56 AM
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Thank you very much! That works.
Oct 11, 2010 at 5:04 PM
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@ jed37 (forever ago) Motion walls are an entity that are placed on the top and bottom of the Ironhead fight. They have a flag that makes them solid for Quote (but not for enemies) like the fan entities. I think they just take some specific tiles (I can't find an unmodded Doukutsu to look in, so I don't know which tiles) from the tileset for the room and scroll them endlessly. Flag 0x1000 makes them flip vertically (scroll the other set of tiles).
Oct 11, 2010 at 11:01 PM
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Ahhh, so there's a tile underneath that's needed! Thanks!
Oct 12, 2010 at 12:55 AM
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Does anyone know how the animated backgrounds were done? As far as I can tell, they are stored as static images.
Oct 12, 2010 at 1:05 AM
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Set the background type in a editor. They move to the side on their own, so have one that looks like it loops
Oct 12, 2010 at 1:25 AM
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So are the y values and speeds for each cloud layer hardcoded in?