[7:54:01 PM] Dunc: I've mentioned I hate my english teacher with a burning passion right
[7:54:09 PM] Doors: yes
[7:54:11 PM] Dunc: k so
[7:54:19 PM] Dunc: can you guys tell me what a cliche is
[7:54:35 PM] Doors: oh
[7:54:37 PM] Doors: well
[7:54:44 PM] Doors: i know what it is but like
[7:54:48 PM] Doors: i can't put it into words
[7:54:52 PM] Dunc: just gimme an example
[7:55:10 PM] Doors: plot twists
[7:55:16 PM] Dunc: ...mhm
[7:55:21 PM] Dunc: that's a bit vague but yeah
[7:55:38 PM] Dunc: a better example would be say, it raining after someone dies
[7:55:50 PM] Dunc: that's a cliche, right?
[7:55:53 PM] Doors: yes
[7:55:54 PM] Dunc: NOPE
[7:55:57 PM] Doors: what
[7:56:08 PM] Dunc: (spoiler alert: you're right)
[7:56:14 PM] Dunc: here just
[7:56:19 PM] Dunc: let me get her definition
[7:57:07 PM] Dunc: "an expression that has been overused such as 'dead as a doornail'"
[7:57:28 PM] Shows: Garrett
[7:57:32 PM] Doors: oh i see
[7:57:41 PM] Dunc: which isn't wrong, I mean
[7:57:51 PM] Dunc: yeah, that's a perfectly acceptable definition
[7:58:00 PM] Dunc: there are more than one
[7:58:02 PM] Shows: So Dunc you're on the list
[7:58:02 PM] Bobbyis: hey
[7:58:03 PM] Bobbyis: hey doors
[7:58:06 PM] Bobbyis: want to cry again
[7:58:07 PM] Dunc: but
[7:58:13 PM] Dunc: there was a question
[7:58:15 PM] Shows: You can message me address later
[7:58:18 PM] Dunc: on our assignment
[7:58:33 PM] Dunc: saying to find a cliche in a chapter of a book we're reading
[7:58:33 PM] Bobbyis: "It's raining." "Sir, it's sunny outsi-" "No. It's raining."
[7:58:51 PM] Dunc: gah garret why
[7:58:53 PM] Dunc: agh
[7:58:56 PM] Dunc: you hurt me
[7:59:00 PM] Bobbyis: hahahahaha
[7:59:09 PM] Dunc: god dammit garrett it's raining
[7:59:17 PM] Dunc: in any case
[7:59:31 PM] Dunc: I put down that there was a damsel in distress the protagonist had to save
[7:59:38 PM] Dunc: which is totally a cliche, right?
[7:59:44 PM] Doors: of course
[7:59:47 PM] Doors: but
[7:59:51 PM] Doors: not an expression
[7:59:55 PM] Dunc: ayup
[8:00:00 PM] Dunc: but it gets better
[8:00:00 PM] Doors: jesus christ
[8:00:08 PM] Dunc: we corrected these in class, yes?
[8:00:27 PM] Dunc: so, when we got there, I tried to explain to her that the question was misleading and not entirely true
[8:00:38 PM] Dunc: oh yeah by the way she wrote the novel study for this book
[8:00:53 PM] Dunc: so I said
[8:01:28 PM] Dunc: "a cliche is also a common recurring theme between several different unrelated medias and pieces in those medias, such as [what I wrote]"
[8:01:32 PM] Dunc: her response?
[8:01:47 PM] Dunc: "no, when something happens more than once in a book, that's a motif"
[8:01:52 PM] Dunc: can you tell me what's wrong here
[8:01:53 PM] Doors: uh
[8:02:00 PM] Doors: uhhhhhhh
[8:02:24 PM] Doors: ok teacher
[8:02:31 PM] Doors: you need to get out of that class
[8:03:14 PM] Dunc: mhm mhm
[8:03:19 PM] Dunc: so, I repeated again
[8:03:35 PM] Shows: Hey doors
[8:03:38 PM] Shows: You want a card this year
[8:03:47 PM] Dunc: "no, I'm not talking about a motif. I'm talking about it occuring between several unrelated things, like a book and a totally different movie"
[8:03:48 PM] Doors: maybe later
[8:03:57 PM] Dunc: her response made me want to die
[8:04:06 PM] Dunc: "no, a motif is only within one book"
[8:04:16 PM] Dunc: "not several unrelated things"
[8:04:21 PM] Doors: holy shit
[8:04:47 PM] Doors: how do you
[8:05:11 PM] Bobbyis: say you were thinking of a fraymotif
[8:05:23 PM] Dunc: huh?
[8:05:37 PM] Bobbyis:
[8:06:53 PM] Dunc: hahaha
[8:07:04 PM] Dunc: but no then she'd have an excuse for not knowing what she's talking about
[8:07:48 PM] Dunc: but, then I continued
[8:08:00 PM] Bobbyis: " I can identify this perfectly Mrs.Teacherperson. That is a prime example of an Adagio Redshift"
[8:08:19 PM] Doors: the one guy in the class bursts out laughing
[8:09:48 PM] Dunc: "no, no. yes, a recurring theme within one continuity is a motif, but I'm talking about recurring themes between several unrelated things, like say... lord of the flies, and fight club. while I can't think of any cliches that would apply to the both of those off the top of my head, I'm sure there are some."
[8:10:01 PM] Dunc: this was probably my favorite response I've ever had from her:
[8:10:05 PM] Dunc: "what's fight club?"
[8:10:12 PM] Doors: oh my god
[8:10:17 PM] Doors: what was your response
[8:10:23 PM] Dunc: I was stupefied
[8:10:30 PM] Dunc: I legitimately said
[8:11:03 PM] Dunc: "you're an english teacher specializing in literature... and you don't know about one of the greatest modern novels ever written?"
[8:11:42 PM] Dunc: now, she refused to believe she was wrong, so she asked the class to raise their hands if they'd ever heard of "this strange novel fight club"
[8:11:49 PM] Dunc: everyone raised their hands
[8:11:53 PM] Doors: yes
[8:11:53 PM] Bobbyis: fufufufu
[8:11:59 PM] Bobbyis: you think you have a bad english teacher
[8:12:06 PM] Bobbyis: the first day with mine we were covering our books, right
[8:12:30 PM] Bobbyis: I raise my hand to ask if I should get a new cover thingy because I had my mother help me cut it at home because I'm shitty at paper bags
[8:12:37 PM] Bobbyis: she fucking unleashes hellfire wonan rage
[8:13:11 PM] Bobbyis: Bobbyis is sitting
[8:13:14 PM] Bobbyis: Bobbyis hasn't said a word
[8:13:16 PM] Dunc: covering your books?
[8:13:17 PM] Doors: holy shit
[8:13:22 PM] Shows: Wow
[8:13:29 PM] Bobbyis: yeah dunc like
[8:13:44 PM] Bobbyis: our school has textbooks that they just give to the students each year and take back once they're done
[8:13:55 PM] Bobbyis: so they have us cover them in paper bags so they don't get torn up as much
[8:14:06 PM] Bobbyis: anyways I know mine is too small but fearing the wonan rage I put it on
[8:14:11 PM] Bobbyis: < be me
[8:14:14 PM] Bobbyis: < close book
[8:14:21 PM] Bobbyis: < cover tears itself to shreds
[8:14:33 PM] Bobbyis: < spaghetti begins to drip out of teacher's pocket
[8:14:39 PM] Doors: uh
[8:14:41 PM] Dunc: yeah okay
[8:15:23 PM] Dunc: at my school they just have two condition coumns for the issuing teachers to fill out, issued and received
[8:15:43 PM] Dunc: if recieved is worse than issued they charge you like five bucks for each point lower
[8:15:54 PM] Dunc: anyway
[8:16:05 PM] Dunc: at this point my teacher was obviously seething with anger
[8:16:07 PM] Dunc: but
[8:16:12 PM] Dunc: to make things so much worse
[8:16:23 PM] Dunc: she's being fake sweet
[8:16:31 PM] Dunc: like I'm a six year old kid
[8:16:34 PM] Shows: I would have walked right out
[8:17:19 PM] Dunc: so what she does
[8:17:26 PM] Dunc: is she has me come to the front of the class
[8:17:35 PM] Dunc: and read out all my answers
[8:17:52 PM] Dunc: for the cliche one, she asked the students if I was right, fully expecting a unanimous "no"
[8:17:58 PM] Dunc: everyone in the class says yes
[8:18:01 PM] Dunc: she's furious
[8:18:02 PM] Doors: oh my god
[8:18:12 PM | Edited 8:18:15 PM] Dunc: so what she does
[8:18:13 PM] Bobbyis: oh gog
[8:18:17 PM] Shows: HAHAHA
[8:18:23 PM] Dunc: is she goes and grabs our english textbook...
[8:18:25 PM] Bobbyis: I can practically taste the wonan rage
[8:18:28 PM] Bobbyis: oh shit
[8:18:29 PM] Bobbyis: here it comes
[8:18:31 PM] Dunc: from 1974
[8:18:37 PM] Dunc: and what it says
[8:18:40 PM] Dunc: is her definition
[8:18:41 PM] Dunc: SO
[8:18:54 PM] Dunc: FROM 2013
[8:18:55 PM] Bobbyis: YOU MADMAN
[8:19:01 PM] Dunc: IT HAS MY DEFININTION...
[8:19:03 PM] Dunc: AND NOT HERS
[8:19:25 PM] Doors: your english classes sound more fun than mine
[8:19:28 PM] Doors: oh my god
[8:19:31 PM] Dunc: and what she does?
[8:19:37 PM] Dunc: she says the textbook is right
[8:19:46 PM] Dunc: she says that slang has ruined dictionaries
[8:19:50 PM] Dunc: she says
[8:19:52 PM] Dunc: she says
[8:20:06 PM] Dunc: "how would a thirteen-year-old like you know better than me?"
[8:20:10 PM] Polaris: Slap her.
[8:20:12 PM] Bobbyis: I would rather have your class honestly
[8:20:26 PM] Dunc: I stand up.
[8:20:33 PM] Dunc: zip up my binder.
[8:20:40 PM] Dunc: leave.
[8:20:47 PM] Dunc: the second before I get out the door
[8:20:50 PM] Dunc: the bell rings
[8:20:56 PM] Bobbyis: OHSHITNIGGER
[8:20:58 PM] Dunc: she can't get me in trouble for leaving early
[8:20:59 PM] Doors: oh god
[8:21:07 PM] Dunc: I fucking won
[8:21:16 PM] Doors: that sounds like a fantastic day actualy
[8:21:23 PM] Bobbyis: This is the point
[8:21:26 PM] Bobbyis: where you moonwalk
[8:21:27 PM] Bobbyis: out the door
[8:21:36 PM] Bobbyis: somebody plays the final fantasy victory theme
[8:22:05 PM] Shows: ^
[8:22:13 PM] Dunc: well one of my friends has his text tone set to the pokemon battle victory theme
[8:22:19 PM] Dunc: and he got a text soon after the bell
[8:22:26 PM] Polaris:
[8:22:58 PM] Shows: Heh
[8:23:03 PM] Bobbyis: I literally so no way
[8:23:05 PM] Bobbyis: that could have gone better
[8:23:09 PM] Shows: Dunc that must have been a fantastic day
[8:23:12 PM] Dunc: yeah
[8:23:17 PM] Dunc: in hindsight it really was