Notable Moments in IRC

Jul 4, 2012 at 7:24 PM
"Life begins and ends with Nu."
Join Date: Dec 30, 2005
Location: Germany
Posts: 3218
Age: 33
Pronouns: No homie
This is what started it all...

[07:33] * SPGardaebiter2 is now known as SPGardaebiter
[07:33] <DragonBoots> ;x
[07:33] <SPGardaebiter> Hey jet
[07:33] <Fire1052> YOU'RE SPELLING IT WRONG
[07:33] <Fire1052> STILL

And just a few lines later everyone just completly freaks out:

[07:35] * Schokobecher is now known as SPGaerdebiter
[07:35] <DragonBoots> I turned it off, geniuses.
[07:35] <SPGaerdebiter> fag
[07:35] <Fire1052> fag
[07:35] <SPGardaebiter> Yeah i gatherd lol
[07:35] <SPGardebiter> lol
[07:35] * DragonBoots is now known as SPGourdibiter
[07:36] <SPGardaebiter> dont mock my spelling lol
[07:36] <SPGaerdebiter> my spelling?
[07:36] * Fire1052 is now known as SPGarbideter
[07:36] <SPGardebiter> my spelling?
[07:36] <SPGourdibiter> Everyone was doing it, I wanted to be popular.
[07:36] <SPGaerdebiter> we are The Many
[07:36] <SPGardaebiter> im dyslexic XD
[07:36] <SPGardaebiter> :p
[07:36] <SPGardaebiter> yeah everyone should change there names to SP
[07:36] <SPGaerdebiter> so, SPGaerdebiter
[07:36] <SPGaerdebiter> I mean SPGourdibiter
[07:36] <SPGardaebiter> lol if someone joins now theres like 8 SP's
[07:37] <SPGaerdebiter> or do I?
[07:37] <SPGourdibiter> L-l-look at you h-hacker. A pathetic creature of meat and bone.
[07:37] <SPGaerdebiter> I forgot
[07:37] <SPGardaebiter> this is confusing
[07:37] <SPGaerdebiter> Who is confusing?
[07:37] <SPGaerdebiter> me?
[07:37] <SPGardebiter> me?
[07:37] * SPGourdibiter is now known as Fire1051
[07:37] <SPGardaebiter> Dragonboots ist ein Penis
[07:37] * SPGaerdebiter is now known as Dragonboobs
[07:38] * SPGardebiter is now known as Dragonboats
[07:38] <Fire1051> trollololololol
[07:38] * Dragonboobs is now known as Dragenboots
[07:38] <SPGardaebiter> My name is SP and i am admin on the forumz and get drunk all the time
[07:38] <SPGardaebiter> Mein Name ist SP und ich bin admin auf dem forumz und betrinken sich die ganze Zeit
[07:38] <Dragonboats> keep trollin trollin trollin
[07:38] <SPGarbideter> how can i get drunk all the time if i already am drunk all the time
[07:38] <Dragenboots> My name Is DB, and I like TA!
[07:38] <SPGardaebiter> lol
[07:38] <Dragonboats> Junge
[07:38] <Dragonboats> Lern deutsch
[07:38] <Dragonboats> du schlechte
[07:38] <Dragonboats> lol
[07:38] <Dragonboats> dingens
[07:38] <Dragenboots> SCHEIß
[07:39] <Dragenboots> AUSLÄNDER
[07:39] <Dragenboots> HEIL
[07:39] <SPGarbideter> HEIL
[07:39] <Dragenboots> uhm I mean
[07:39] <Dragenboots> WHAT IS THIS
[07:39] <Dragenboots> GERMAN NAZI
[07:39] <Dragenboots> TALK
[07:39] <SPGarbideter> HEIL
[07:39] * Fire1051 is now known as DragonBoots
[07:39] <SPGardaebiter> NAZIS RULE
[07:39] <SPGardaebiter> ADOLF HITLER IS A GOD!!!
[07:39] <SPGardaebiter> LOl seriously people have Nazi SImples on there arms here, heck i do XD
[07:39] <DragonBoots> HITLER LIVES ON VEGA!
[07:39] <SPGarbideter> "Nazi Simples?"
[07:39] <SPGardaebiter> Symbles*
[07:39] <DragonBoots> </contact_reference>
[07:39] <Dragenboots> what is going on?
[07:39] <SPGarbideter> "Symbles?"
[07:40] <SPGardaebiter> Nazi logo?
[07:40] <SPGarbideter> Symbols?
[07:40] <SPGardaebiter> yeah
[07:40] <SPGardaebiter> :p
[07:40] <SPGarbideter> You suck.
[07:40] <Dragonboats> lolz
[07:40] <SPGarbideter> I will gouge out both of your eyes.
[07:40] <Dragenboots> Nazi Smilies?
[07:40] <SPGardaebiter> cus hitler didnt like any race accept his own
[07:40] <SPGardaebiter> we dont like the black people XD
[07:40] <SPGarbideter> No.
[07:40] <SPGarbideter> You're stupid.
[07:40] <SPGarbideter> He didn't even like his own.
[07:40] <SPGardaebiter> he liked some
[07:41] <Dragonboats> Who is who?
[07:41] * DragonBoots is now known as N0xid
[07:41] <SPGarbideter> i am jetza
[07:41] <Dragenboots> //:=|
[07:41] <SPGardaebiter> Im the real SP
[07:41] <Dragenboots> me too
[07:41] * Dragonboats is now known as Noxed
[07:41] <SPGardaebiter> :p
[07:41] <Dragenboots> uhm wait
[07:41] <Dragenboots> I was
[07:41] <Noxed> Hai.
[07:41] * Dragenboots is now known as JDE
[07:41] <SPGardaebiter> http://upload.wikime...stika_clean.svg
[07:41] <JDE> Hai guis!
[07:41] * N0xid is now known as SHODUN
[07:41] <JDE> I made progress on AGL
[07:41] <SPGardaebiter> :o
[07:42] <SPGardaebiter> Can we seee
[07:42] <JDE> now you can see stuff!
[07:42] <JDE> like
[07:42] <JDE> not a black error screen anymore
[07:42] <SPGardaebiter> lol
[07:42] <JDE> it's white now.
[07:42] <SPGardaebiter> his names JTE
[07:42] <SPGardaebiter> not JDE
[07:42] <JDE> with black text
[07:42] <SPGardaebiter> XD
[07:42] * Noxed is now known as JKE
[07:42] <JKE> Hai gais.
[07:42] * JDE is now known as KKK
[07:42] <KKK> Hello.
[07:42] <JKE> I made progress on AGL
[07:42] <KKK> WIE GEIL!
[07:42] * SPGarbideter is now known as FAG
[07:42] <KKK> WIE GEIL!
[07:42] <JKE> now you can see stuff!
[07:42] * SHODUN is now known as Hiitler
[07:42] <JKE> like
[07:42] * FAG is all of you.
[07:42] <JKE> not a black error screen anymore
[07:42] <SPGardaebiter> wait how nany people??
[07:42] <JKE> it's blue now
[07:43] <SPGardaebiter> or is it just dragonboots trollin
[07:43] <JKE> with blue text
[07:43] * KKK is now known as DargonBoots
[07:43] <DargonBoots> Ohh
[07:43] <DargonBoots> TA is sooo awesome
[07:43] <DargonBoots> best match ever
[07:43] <DargonBoots> me vs. myself
[07:43] * FAG is now known as Dragobnoots
[07:43] <DargonBoots> I won!
[07:43] * SPGardaebiter is now known as Andywhyisit
[07:43] <Andywhyisit> Im a fag
[07:43] <DargonBoots> SPGardaebiter you German drunk ass!
[07:43] * Hiitler is now known as Skyewelse
[07:43] <Skyewelse> Sup bitches.
[07:43] <Dragobnoots> Oh, I love all of the things Fire1052 shows me but I resent him for complaining when I don't shut up about them.
[07:44] * Noxid is now known as Dragonbots
[07:44] <DargonBoots> omg Skyewelse
[07:44] * JKE is now known as DrogorBooabs
[07:44] <Skyewelse> Ur all b&.
[07:44] <Andywhyisit> :L
[07:44] <DargonBoots> why?
[07:44] <Dragobnoots> You have no power here!
[07:44] <Andywhyisit> For fukin his mum
[07:44] <DargonBoots> ;__;
[07:44] <Dragobnoots> Nicalis owns MG!
[07:44] <DrogorBooabs> Andwhyisit that you ban us?
[07:44] <DargonBoots> I love you Skyewelse
[07:44] <Andywhyisit> thats why hes leaving school :p
[07:44] <Andywhyisit> ANd yeah
[07:44] <DargonBoots> Andywhyisit how are you?
[07:44] <Dragobnoots> Six.
[07:44] <Dragobnoots> And a half.
[07:44] <DargonBoots> he is six and a half?
[07:44] <Skyewelse> ur all banned cuz NiCALIS bumfucked me into giving them teh frmz.
[07:44] <Andywhyisit> Nicalis RULEZ!!!
[07:45] <DargonBoots> YES!
[07:45] <Dragobnoots> FOR ONE DOLLAR
[07:45] <DrogorBooabs> HAIL NICALIS
[07:45] <DrogorBooabs> HAIL NICALIS
[07:45] <Andywhyisit> they created such a good remake :o
[07:45] <DargonBoots> WIE GEIL!
[07:45] <DargonBoots> WIE GEIL!
[07:45] <Andywhyisit> I want to suk there balls
[07:45] <DargonBoots> WIE GEIL!
[07:45] <Andywhyisit> lololkol
[07:45] <DargonBoots> balls of steel?
[07:45] <Dragonbots> Nicholas is the best
[07:45] <DargonBoots> it's like TA!
[07:45] <Skyewelse> alos whyme and aaakid are unbanned
[07:45] * DrogorBooabs is now known as Nickalis
[07:45] <Nickalis> Hai.
[07:45] <Andywhyisit> NX DONT MAKE THAT ENGINE ITS OPEN SOURCE!!! :o:O:O
[07:45] <Andywhyisit> LETS PISS SP OFF!
[07:45] <Skyewelse> ohi Nickalis
[07:45] * Dragobnoots is now known as alis
[07:45] <alis> OOPS
[07:46] * alis is now known as NiCALIS
[07:46] <Andywhyisit> yeah cus Nicalis would join the IRC
[07:46] * Nickalis is now known as NiCKALIS
[07:46] <Andywhyisit> srsly lol
[07:46] <NiCKALIS> Hi.
[07:46] * NiCALIS is now known as Tyrone
[07:46] * Dragonbots is now known as nIcalis
[07:46] <Andywhyisit> Whers the slogan bot gone lol
[07:47] * Skyewelse is now known as DaisukeAmaya
[07:47] * NiCKALIS is now known as DeisukeAmaya
[07:47] <Tyrone> OH GOD I SUCK YOUR DICK
[07:47] <Tyrone> NOM NOM NOM
[07:47] <DargonBoots> YEAH
[07:47] <DargonBoots> I LIKE THAT
[07:47] <DargonBoots> HE STILL HAS IT!
[07:47] <DargonBoots> ON HIS HDD!
[07:47] * nxdream ( Quit (Quit: Client Exited#)
[07:47] * DaisukeAmaya is now known as Pixel
[07:47] * DargonBoots is now known as Poxel
[07:47] <Poxel> Hello brother
[07:48] * Pixel is now known as Voxel
[07:48] * DeisukeAmaya is now known as Vixel
[07:48] <Andywhyisit> poxel?
[07:48] <Poxel> Yes?
[07:48] <Vixel> Hi I'm Vixel.
[07:48] <Tyrone> The Pox.
[07:48] <Poxel> I'm Pixels brother!
[07:48] <Tyrone> It has you.
[07:48] <Andywhyisit> lolage
[07:48] * Voxel is now known as DragonBoots
[07:48] * Poxel is now known as _
[07:49] * _ is now known as Schokobecher
[07:49] <DragonBoots> lol i'm so butthurt about my ex gf and i are teh faggzor
[07:49] * nIcalis is now known as Noxid
[07:49] <DragonBoots> Wait a second...
[07:49] * Schokobecher is now known as SPGardebiter
[07:49] <Tyrone> she ded
[07:49] <SPGardebiter> I rape children
[07:49] <Tyrone> y she so ded
[07:49] * SPGardebiter is now known as Schokobecher
[07:49] * Vixel is now known as SPGardebiter
[07:49] <Tyrone> she liek ttly ded
[07:49] <DragonBoots> Actually I never dated the dead girl.
[07:49] <Schokobecher> What is going on here?
[07:49] <Tyrone> Oh.
[07:50] <DragonBoots> Well... Not before, anyways. ;D
[07:50] <Tyrone> Well, she's still dead.
[07:50] <Schokobecher> even if she is dead
[07:50] <Schokobecher> she still refuses to date you :(
[07:50] <DragonBoots> Can't say no if you're dead. :>
[07:50] <SPGardebiter> Mario, Luigi, Wario, Waluigi
[07:50] <SPGardebiter> Pixel, Poxel, Vixel, Voxel
[07:50] <SPGardebiter> THE PIXEL BROTHERS
[07:51] <DragonBoots> lol
[07:51] * Metruler1990 is back (gone 00:54:45)
[07:51] <Tyrone> GTFO
[07:51] <Tyrone> LEAVE AGAIN
[07:51] <DragonBoots> Hi Metruler1990.
[07:51] <Metruler1990> fireworks are ftw.
[07:51] <Noxid> You are 3 days late
[07:51] <DragonBoots> You missed us re-enacting the frmz takeover.
[07:51] <Andywhyisit> photoshops betta
[07:51] <Noxid> Please celebrate fireworks on time next year
[07:51] <Metruler1990> happy 4th of july everyone who lives in america
[07:51] <Tyrone> I almost blew off my finger, Metruler.
[07:51] <Tyrone> Now it's all burnt and dead.
[07:51] <Schokobecher> Tyrone you gonna use Google Translate again?
[07:52] * DragonBoots is now known as SkyeWelse
[07:52] <Metruler1990> its 11 pm where i live
[07:52] <Andywhyisit> lol wat is that shit, 4th of july my as
[07:52] <Schokobecher> It's some time where I live
[07:52] <Schokobecher> under a bridge
[07:52] <SkyeWelse> But seriously, guys. I could really use some lube. This is starting to hurt.
[07:52] <Schokobecher> it's always dark
[07:52] <Schokobecher> I can't tell
[07:52] <Schokobecher> D:
[07:52] <Andywhyisit> lololololol
[07:52] <Schokobecher> Andywhyisit
[07:52] <Andywhyisit> i' be trollim
[07:52] <Schokobecher> you are mean!
[07:53] <Andywhyisit> lololol
[07:53] <Schokobecher> I will tell Garde!
[07:53] <Andywhyisit> :(
[07:53] <SkyeWelse> Help...? Please?
[07:53] <Schokobecher> YOU ARE VIOLATING COPYRIGHTS!
[07:53] <SkyeWelse> WHAT!
[07:53] <Schokobecher> even if it's opensource
[07:53] * Metruler1990 is loling, hard
[07:53] <Schokobecher> you are not allowed to use it!
[07:53] <Schokobecher> because
[07:53] <Schokobecher> you say so
[07:53] <Tyrone> Hey, Jungs, Ich habe Deutsch gelernt.
[07:53] <SkyeWelse> TO THE CS WIIMOBILE!
[07:53] <Tyrone> Es dauerte so lange.
[07:53] <Andywhyisit> :o
[07:54] <Schokobecher> Tyrone is a nazi!
[07:54] <Schokobecher> I knew it D:
[07:54] <Andywhyisit> shut up skywelse you havnt botherd with anyone on the forumz 4 a looong time
[07:54] <Tyrone> TYRONE IST NAZI
[07:54] <Metruler1990> me mend se çfarë gjuhe kjo është.
[07:54] <SkyeWelse> lol JetFag is b6
[07:54] * Schokobecher is now known as Eier1502
[07:54] <Tyrone> chocolate mug is a faggot
[07:55] <Eier1502> Hello.
[07:55] <Andywhyisit> :PHBHBK';jgkghhy85777777777777777777777777777777747647
[07:55] * Eier1502 is now known as Eier1052
[07:55] * SkyeWelse is now known as ChocoBarfer
[07:55] <Metruler1990> 猌这是什么语言À‚
[07:55] <Eier1052> Whoopsi doopsi
[07:55] <Eier1052> silly me
[07:55] <Eier1052> I forgot to spell my name correctly
[07:55] <Eier1052> again
[07:55] * SPGardebiter is now known as Vixel
[07:55] <Andywhyisit> 66677788555334376889900
[07:55] <Tyrone> ?????Metruler?
[07:55] <Metruler1990> i'll be back, gotta switch computers
[07:55] <Andywhyisit> 1=1=?
[07:55] * Metruler1990 ( Quit (Quit: <Insert Witty Remark Here>#)
[07:55] <Eier1052> 45
[07:55] <Vixel> 3
[07:55] * ChocoBarfer is now known as Jenny876-5309
[07:56] <Eier1052> There are flies!
[07:56] <Eier1052> :o
[07:56] <Andywhyisit> vixel is correct
[07:56] <Tyrone> Gibt es fliegt?
[07:56] <Eier1052> Vixel is a faggot!
[07:56] <Eier1052> he sees flies!
[07:56] <Andywhyisit> nein!
[07:56] * Jenny876-5309 is now known as DragonBoots
[07:56] * DragonBoots is now known as DragonBoots|Away
[07:56] * DragonBoots|Away is gone: Bed, twat!
[07:56] <Tyrone> Wo sind die Fliegen weg?
[07:56] * ZarroTsu is now known as ZarroTsu[sleep]
[07:57] <Andywhyisit> ?
[07:57] <Andywhyisit> obv not asleep
[07:57] * Noxid ( Quit (Quit: I also sleep#)
[07:57] <Tyrone> Was ist mein schwarzer Freund
[07:58] <Andywhyisit> :@
[07:58] <Eier1052> so
[07:58] <Eier1052> I'm Fire
[07:58] <Eier1052> fear me!
[07:58] <Eier1052> I mean
[07:58] <Eier1052> Eier
[07:58] <Eier1052> something
[07:58] <Andywhyisit> no
[07:58] <Tyrone> Angst vor mir
[07:59] <Andywhyisit> it ended ages ago
[07:59] * Andywhyisit is now known as JetHawk95
[07:59] * Tyrone is now known as Fire1053
[07:59] * JetHawk95 is now known as JetHawk95Asleepz
[08:00] * Eier1052 is now known as Schokobecher
[08:01] * Metruler1990 ( has joined #Doukutsu
[08:01] <Metruler1990> aaaaaaaand, we're back.
[08:04] <Schokobecher> we?
[08:04] <Schokobecher> D:
[08:12] <Metruler1990> Win2k is stupid.
[08:13] <Schokobecher> maybe
[08:14] <Metruler1990> jeezus, it spent an asston of time installing driver crap for my mouse which already works, thereby delaying driver install for my 4 port USB hub, disallowing access to my thumb drive and my MP3 player
[08:15] * explosive ( has joined #Doukutsu
[08:15] <Schokobecher> lol
[08:15] <Metruler1990> HIT THE DECK! IT'S A BOMB!
[08:15] * Metruler1990 ducks into a concrete bunker
[08:15] <explosive> a bomb?! WHERE
[08:15] <explosive> O WAIT AHHH
[08:16] <Schokobecher> a suicide bomb?
[08:16] <explosive> <[10]
[08:16] <explosive> <[9]
[08:16] <explosive> <[8]
[08:16] <explosive> <[7]
[08:16] <explosive> <[6]
[08:16] * DragonBoots|Away pops in and Spur MAX shots's explosive
[08:16] <explosive> <[5]
[08:16] <explosive> <[4]
[08:16] <Fire1053> 3 IS FOR FAGGOTS
[08:16] <Fire1053> SO IS 2
[08:16] <explosive> <[1]
[08:16] <Fire1053> AND 0
[08:16] <explosive> boom
[08:17] * Metruler1990 jumps in and adds extra Spurrage
[08:17] * Fire1053 is now known as Fire1153
[08:17] * explosive is now known as sexplosive
[08:17] <Metruler1990> lol
[08:17] <Fire1153> I'll show YOU a sexplosion.
[08:17] * Fire1153 is now known as Fire1052

I know this is a lot of text but I'm pretty sure you will be entertained.
Jul 4, 2012 at 7:29 PM
Only Love, Maximum Love, Forever
"Life begins and ends with Nu."
Join Date: May 6, 2009
Location: somewhere new
Posts: 2135
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How long ago was this?
Jul 4, 2012 at 8:13 PM
In my body, in my head
Forum Moderator
"Life begins and ends with Nu."
Join Date: Aug 28, 2009
Location: The Purple Zone
Posts: 5998
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Jul 20, 2012 at 3:55 AM
daughter of chivalry
"Bleep, Bloop, Bleep, Bloop"
Join Date: Jun 12, 2009
Location: Edge of the universe
Posts: 1562
[22:51] <Bobbyis> or you are willy wonka
[22:51] <Bobbyis> You are the candyman
[22:51] <Bobbyis> it's you
[22:52] <WD-40> someone should swim in the chocolate lake and get stuck in the tube
[22:52] <CptFabulous> wow WD
[22:52] <CptFabulous> without even buying me dinner first?
Aug 8, 2012 at 5:41 PM
Join Date: Aug 19, 2010
Location: South of Nowhere
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[11:57.53] <Bobbyis> jacob is a pretty guy
[11:58.01] <Jack_Xanth> oh wow bobby
[11:58.05] <Dinny> Agree
[11:58.11] <Bobbyis> eh speaks with a funny accent when he's drunk and doesn't afraid of anything
[11:58.15] <Bobbyis> OH SHIT
[11:58.16] <Jack_Xanth> i didn't know you felt that way ;)
[11:58.16] <Bobbyis> HAHAH
[11:58.18] <Bobbyis> PRETTY COOL
[11:58.21] <Bobbyis> PRETTY COOL GUY
[11:58.27] <Jack_Xanth> pfffft way to go, slick
[11:58.29] <Dinny> xD
[11:58.31] <Dinny> Omfg
[11:58.37] <Dinny> Was that a slip or what
[11:58.47] <WD-40> jacobxbobby otp
[11:58.48] <Bobbyis> hahahaha oh my fucking god
[11:58.57] <WD-40> oh man i with derpy was here so i could use !csship
Aug 28, 2012 at 1:56 AM
Been here way too long...
"Life begins and ends with Nu."
Join Date: Jan 4, 2008
Location: Lingerie, but also, like, fancy curtains
Posts: 3052
20:55 WD-40 I'm glad you guys are open about this because I eat skin too
Aug 28, 2012 at 1:58 AM
Not anymore
"Run, rabbit run. Dig that hole, forget the sun."
Join Date: Jan 28, 2010
Location: Internet
Posts: 1369
Age: 35
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I love skins. Pork skins. And the skins of young female virgins. Pork female virgins.
Sep 2, 2012 at 8:03 AM
Been here way too long...
"Life begins and ends with Nu."
Join Date: Apr 19, 2009
Posts: 3785
Age: 18
Pronouns: he/him
[00:01:32] <Dinny> if you put your facenet t o my vricth
[00:01:35] <Dinny> i will ckick you
[00:01:37] <Dinny> yes
Sep 2, 2012 at 8:12 AM
A Reluctant Balrog's Waifu
Join Date: Aug 5, 2012
Location: Under The Sea
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as long ad you dont post the other one
Sep 21, 2012 at 8:59 PM
The Preacher
Join Date: Feb 20, 2011
Location: lost in translation
Posts: 336
Age: 32
Pronouns: he/him
21:54 *** SEBTi quit (*.net *.split)
21:54 *** Noxid quit (*.net *.split)
21:54 *** GIR quit (*.net *.split)
21:54 <WD-40> haha i survived!
21:54 <Hiino> me too yay
21:54 <Hiino> but maybe they think THEY survived!
21:54 <WD-40> now we must eat each other
21:54 <Hiino> without us
21:54 <Hiino> what if nobody is right
21:54 <Hiino> what if we are all dead if we aren't together
21:54 <WD-40> don't do this to me man
21:55 *** SEBTi joined #curlybrace
21:55 *** Noxid joined #curlybrace
21:55 *** GIR joined #curlybrace
21:55 +++ has given op to Noxid
21:55 +++ has given op to GIR
21:55 <WD-40> man it's just like lost
21:55 <Hiino> what if death isn't about losing life
21:55 <Hiino> but about becoming alone
21:55 <WD-40> oh man
21:55 <Hiino> oh man so much philosophy in a single netsplit
21:55 *** MusicZero|Famitracker quit (*.net *.split) ~chatzilla@
21:55 *** SEBTi quit (*.net *.split)
21:55 *** Noxid quit (*.net *.split)
21:55 *** GIR quit (*.net *.split)
21:55 *** WD-40 quit (*.net *.split)
21:55 *** Aphrodite quit (*.net *.split) wolf@
21:55 <Hiino> OH SHIT I DIED
Oct 4, 2012 at 6:25 AM
daughter of chivalry
"Bleep, Bloop, Bleep, Bloop"
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Shitloaf was intentional.
Oct 7, 2012 at 3:13 AM
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[09:09.35] <sirtophat> on e621, if something looks like an animal and there's something anthropomorphic with it it's tagged bestiality, I think
[09:10.05] <Hiino> but yeah if sentient cats were walking around having sex with people I do believe their definition would change, or at least-there would be new words to describe the act
[09:12.23] <@GIR> i believe the term to describe that is "a furry's wet dream"
[09:12.48] <Bobbyis> oh man
Oct 17, 2012 at 5:06 AM
graters gonna grate
"Heavy swords for sale. Suitable for most RPG Protagonists. Apply now!"
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multiple simultaneous conversations interleaving can have awkward results:

00:05 sexpy neil pert is the best fucking drummer in the world
00:05 sexpy peart
00:05 WedgeOfCheese so to kill him you need to shoot at him once and then quickly shoot where he teleports to before he can recharge
Oct 21, 2012 at 3:53 AM
"All your forum are belong to us!"
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[10:51] <WD-40> derpy, will you marry me?
[10:51] <derpy> to fucker, shit ate today's furries too
[10:52] <Yakkers> lmao
[10:52] <Yakkers> derpy, what is the meaning of life?
[10:52] <derpy> 120 pounds of lace
Oct 23, 2012 at 3:02 AM
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[08:57.24] <Dinny> I will bang him when I feel better
Oct 23, 2012 at 4:02 AM
Been here way too long...
"Life begins and ends with Nu."
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Bobbyis summarizes 50 shades of grey:
[23:01] <Bobbyis> I want you to beat me
[23:01] <Bobbyis> wait no ow fuck
Oct 23, 2012 at 4:36 AM
A Reluctant Balrog's Waifu
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bobbyis said:
[08:57.24] <Dinny> I will bang him when I feel better

Unspecified subject yeah!

Lace said:
Bobbyis summarizes 50 shades of grey:
[23:01] <Bobbyis> I want you to beat me
[23:01] <Bobbyis> wait no ow fuck

This is really really accurate
Oct 24, 2012 at 8:10 AM
A Reluctant Balrog's Waifu
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Dusty Night!
17:37 *** CptFabulous quit (Quit: Too lazy to think of a quit message)
17:37 sexpy night fab
17:37 sexpy aw yeah got it in
17:37 Dusty You can mail it to him.
17:37 sexpy no i totally got the night in
17:37 sexpy just as he quit
17:37 Dusty Then he'll wake up, see it, then go back to sleep because he'll think it's night time.
17:37 sexpy he is not very smart
17:37 Dusty 17:37 *** CptFabulous quit (Quit: Too lazy to think of a quit message) 17:37 sexpy night fab
17:38 Dusty You lost
17:38 sexpy on my end it looks like i won
17:38 Dusty And that's all that matters.
17:38 sexpy anyway yeah if the fab sees "goodnight fab"
17:38 sexpy we have another week of winter
17:38 sexpy or whatever the saying is with the groundhog