At the end of the day guys, If you wanna play Cave story, Then go to the downloads section and download it. The game is perfect as it is.
Yes we would all like to see it high res and in 3D for the sake of seeing how people would interpret-ate it. The fact is we all have our own ideas of how Cave story 3D Should be, and Nicalis cant make everyone smile.
They can try there best to satisfy a large audience but there will allways be people who think "Heh, I would of done that differently"
But thats good! That's your imagination of how it should be!
Just dont hate so much peeps, They cant satisfy everyone. I remember a couple of years back we were all like "If they ever made Cave Strory 3D I'd jizz my pants"
And yet people moan when they havnt even played it yet..
Give it a chance? Support Pixel?
I mean your even getting a WHOLE New Area/Level from the beta stages, I mean how much more generous could Pixel and Nicalis be?
Sorry for the rage, I really am. It just appears everytime Pixel works with Nicalis we just tear it apart and forget the whole meaning of why we played Cave Story in the first place and half of you actually are "Jizzing in your pants" about this game but don't want to sound like an outsider, So just agree with peoples whining.