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New screenshots of Cave Story 3D

May 3, 2011 at 2:15 AM
Tommy Thunder
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sexplosive said:
yeah, I was hoping it would be released later, as well

Mabye the improvments they make over the extra time they have will get you guys to stop bitching. :p
May 3, 2011 at 2:31 AM
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Tpcool said:
Mabye the improvments they make over the extra time they have will get you guys to stop bitching. :droll:

Hahaha fat chance :p
May 4, 2011 at 12:04 PM
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so the game will probably look better irl.
I find this sentence contradictory.

And as stated on the previous page, there's a good ol' free original we all love and then there's the commercial versions we all whine about (and buy anyway).

Remember, the 3D version will feature stand-out 3D graphics. They may actually look bearable when in stand-out mode, at least they really should look more immersive than the 3D-rendered-on-a-flat-screen shots we've had thus far.
May 5, 2011 at 3:19 PM
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But there are some people who want something new... something new that doesn't suck.

Also, about the game looking bad because it is in an early phase.
A video of the Wii version, uploaded June 2009. That's like what, nine months before the (first) release? Counting the differences seen in the video surely won't take more than one hand...

I don't wanna be a buzzkill, but... I guess I'll hold out on getting a 3DS. Maybe if it gets a good Monster Hunter game, I'll reconsider it... and this game.
May 5, 2011 at 9:06 PM
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I think the pixelated style was an important aspect of the game, so this will probably just suck..
I'm wondering how the gameplay will look like.
May 14, 2011 at 6:42 AM
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avesthefox said:
I must say, it looks a hellovalot better in motion ;)

I agree very much. I really like how it looks, though the Critters look slightly strange, and they fly weirdly, that's probably because the flight animation isn't made yet or whatever.

Anyway, I'm excited for it, more than before. I guess you really can't judge a book by the cover, or something.
May 14, 2011 at 6:45 AM
Tommy Thunder
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May 14, 2011 at 7:09 AM
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Eh, taking a closer look, some of the graphics aren't exactly something that I envisioned when I play cave story, but they could have done a lot worse. Also ollie the motion for the critters is defiantly not finished.
The new weapon boxes look cool as fuck.

Also I would have liked to see someone from these forums answering questions. It would have been so pretentious.
"Well actually, Cave Story is different than what people like YOU think about when you envision upgrading and trading weapons"
"You haven't played Cave Story yet? What's stopping you? Why the fuck are you holding this interview if you haven't even fucking played the game? GET THAT FUCKING CAMERA OUT OF MY FACE"
May 14, 2011 at 11:58 AM
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Kind of funny how they're still including the original sprites, despite now having to render them against a 3D environment

That just seems kind of silly, but whatever.
May 14, 2011 at 12:58 PM
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avesthefox said:

My comments throughout the video:

Good background/foreground work

Red power crystals in Grasstown? (edit: that was just the camera)

Shaky camera, but that's not the game.

Little transparency in the glass room above where you teleport to in the Egg Corridor

Music is just a little too low for me to make a judgement, could be better in surround sound or just a pixely mess.

Am I the only one who thinks this or does Quote's head look hunched forward?

The weapon icon sprites have changed, but the Hp/Xp bars are still from the original. In previous screenshots we've seen both the weapons and the HP/XP meters were from the original. This leads me to believe they will re-do the Hp/Xp meters before the release.

Good looking fireballs, but polar star shots look bigger than the original IMO
May 14, 2011 at 3:06 PM
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The screenies remind me of early 2000s.
May 17, 2011 at 8:50 PM
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And that is a bad thing how?
May 20, 2011 at 2:28 AM
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Good gameplay, but I really hope they re-do the sprites of the mimigas before the game is released. Is it just me, or is Mahin WAY bigger than all the other mimigas? Like three times their size? Also, it feels like that the sprites that are larger than you are also upscaled, like Mahin, but that might be just the video. But if this is the way the sprites look, Ballos will be huge.
May 20, 2011 at 2:53 AM
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Huh.... that actually looked way better then i expected it to.
Also did they change the dialog in the game? I noticed the Cthulhu guy mention the normal stuff, but then at "3:12" in the video he says "where is your blonde pal?"
May 20, 2011 at 2:55 AM
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If memory serves, that's in the Wii translation
May 20, 2011 at 4:15 AM
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The sprites look bigger because they're in 3D, and suddenly proportions are more noticeable. I'm fairly sure everything's the same size, because all the tiles are the same size, and the sprites take up the same amount of tiles, etc.
Maybe I didn't explain that very well, but stop nitpicking and enjoy the great job Nicalis did on the graphics. The music sounds good, too.
May 20, 2011 at 5:33 AM
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I think it looks a bit of a typical 3d conversion maybe, but not bad! I'd buy it if I get a 3DS.

xristosx said:
Also did they change the dialog in the game?
Noxid said:
If memory serves, that's in the Wii translation
Is there a typed script anywhere of the complete Wii translation? I'd love to compare it side by side to the original...

( ... hmm... I guess I could watch youtube walkthroughs and hope they get all the conversations... but surely someone has it typed? @_@)
May 20, 2011 at 6:16 AM
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Noxid said:
If memory serves, that's in the Wii translation

Oh is it? I've never played the Wii version, so i wouldn't know. :(

X-Calibar said:
I think it looks a bit of a typical 3d conversion maybe, but not bad! I'd buy it if I get a 3DS.

Is there a typed script anywhere of the complete Wii translation? I'd love to compare it side by side to the original...

( ... hmm... I guess I could watch youtube walkthroughs and hope they get all the conversations... but surely someone has it typed? @_@)

Your the man to do it! :orangebell: