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Movie script

Jul 17, 2008 at 1:15 AM
This Troper
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andwhyisit said:
Nope, signs were going to be in either Mimish (gibberish words or some cipher) or Japanese. I just decided to grab the Japanese text for the signs used in both the game and the movie. Everything else was to be in English.
Sure, but Mimish is not an RL language. If you want, I'll even create the glyphs and the cipher. That's the least I can do to help this project.

JacobX891 said:
Where's my Nemmy?
Yeah, congratulations. You'll get the Nemmy as soon as you pay the shipping fee, uh... how much was that, again?
Jul 17, 2008 at 1:23 AM
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T-Jack said:
Yeah, congratulations. You'll get the Nemmy as soon as you pay the shipping fee, uh... how much was that, again?
Around $200 US for shipping plus a bit extra in shipping from your country to Jacob's but not much compared to the initial shipping cost.

Show him a video of you using the Nemmy first. :D

T-Jack said:
Sure, but Mimish is not an RL language. If you want, I'll even create the glyphs and the cipher. That's the least I can do to help this project.
I can do this myself but I can do that easily myself, but a writing a language would be a better idea than writing a cypher or garbage glyphs that have no meaning. I will continue to get the Japanese for the signs but if needs be I will try to create an actual Mimish language, which would be hard to pull off but it would make it easier to create the text. The fact that the words are never pronounced makes it so much easier. I have some ideas on how I am going to do it. (claps hands together with glee) :p

Afterwards lets communicate only in Mimish and give Klingon a run for its money. :p
Jul 17, 2008 at 3:54 AM
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JacobX891 said:
Where's my Nemmy?

It got lost in the mail, <.< >.>...? i didnt steal it *closes door with room full of yellow ducks* what?
Jul 17, 2008 at 5:08 AM
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I don't think the signs will be that much of a problem, but again, I don't want to use Japanese because when/if the movie gets translated to Japanese, the signs would have to be changed. "Mimmish" would never have to be altered.

You people have been talking about production so much I've actually stopped addressing production ideas as theoretical. Dammit, you people are persistent. :p

And with that, I'm off to Arizona. See you people Monday!
Jul 17, 2008 at 6:26 AM
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Atravir said:
I don't think the signs will be that much of a problem, but again, I don't want to use Japanese because when/if the movie gets translated to Japanese, the signs would have to be changed. "Mimmish" would never have to be altered.

You people have been talking about production so much I've actually stopped addressing production ideas as theoretical. Dammit, you people are persistent. :D
Of course. :D Everyone wants a Cave Story movie (apart from the guys from the cs livejournal). :p

Alright, I need to do alot of research on how to create Mimish, I have the basic idea down but it will need some work and fine tuning before I have a language.

Also it is "Mimish" not "Mimmish". Can't you spell made-up words? :p

To T-Jack: I think I might take you up on that offer, if I give you a basic idea for each letter can you create something that would be easy to write but follows the same theme as the other letters? It would make my job a little easier.
Jul 17, 2008 at 3:05 PM
This Troper
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andwhyisit said:
Of course. :D Everyone wants a Cave Story movie (apart from the guys from the cs livejournal). :p

Alright, I need to do alot of research on how to create Mimish, I have the basic idea down but it will need some work and fine tuning before I have a language.

Also it is "Mimish" not "Mimmish". Can't you spell made-up words? :p

To T-Jack: I think I might take you up on that offer, if I give you a basic idea for each letter can you create something that would be easy to write but follows the same theme as the other letters? It would make my job a little easier.
Aww, man. Don't remind us that...

Well, the problem with creating a new language is that, basically, every language needs some rules, you know, grammar, word order, that sort of thing. I think it shouldn't be based on English, at least if you want to really work on it. I would try Esperanto. After all, it's an artificial language itself, created to be easy to understand (I think). Or, I can provide my language...

No comment.

Okay. It'll take some adjusting here on the forum, but I'll do it. At least I'll be in the credits...
Jul 18, 2008 at 12:20 AM
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Roonil Wazlib said:
All you need to do is mutter some mumbo jumbo for mimish. No syntax required.
Sorry but no can do. I want to have a go at this.

T-Jack said:
Well, the problem with creating a new language is that, basically, every language needs some rules, you know, grammar, word order, that sort of thing. I think it shouldn't be based on English, at least if you want to really work on it.
That's the idea, it will be based on the elements of a very basic meaning for each word. Like if you combine the symbols for "vessel" and "fly/float" you will have a word for boat or aircraft. Maybe "vessel fly/float/glide [on] water/sea/rain/river/ocean" for a boat with a rule for all words that the first symbol is the base symbol ("vessel" in this case) and the following symbols define it, needs some work though. Each element of a word will have it's own symbol with special connecting symbols that define how the letters relate to each other.

One thing I need to work out are the meanings for each symbol, I need a set of symbols that can create any word/concept but with the total number of symbols being as little as possible, though symbols can have multiple different but related meanings (well in terms of english that is). After word construction is worked out I can work on sentence structure, which I have not yet figured out.

Will this do?

In other news I did 1337hp in damage against an enemy in crisis core. :p

Jack: No Entry! Can't you read the sign?
Quote looks at a sign with an unknown language written on it, then looks back at Jack
Quote: Nope.
Jul 18, 2008 at 8:51 AM
This Troper
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andwhyisit said:
That's the idea, it will be based on the elements of a very basic meaning for each word. Like if you combine the symbols for "vessel" and "fly/float" you will have a word for boat or aircraft. Maybe "vessel fly/float/glide [on] water/sea/rain/river/ocean" for a boat with a rule for all words that the first symbol is the base symbol ("vessel" in this case) and the following symbols define it, needs some work though. Each element of a word will have it's own symbol with special connecting symbols that define how the letters relate to each other.

One thing I need to work out are the meanings for each symbol, I need a set of symbols that can create any word/concept but with the total number of symbols being as little as possible, though symbols can have multiple different but related meanings (well in terms of english that is). After word construction is worked out I can work on sentence structure, which I have not yet figured out.

Will this do?
I can see you already spent some time on this. Well, let's see... My idea of the symbols was something Japanese-style that wouldn't look like some random lines. Maybe some simple symbols for words as "in", "no" or "and" and more complex ones for nouns and verbs. Maybe underlined symbols will be negated? The connecting symbols... well I'll surely figure out something.
Word order: free or fixed? Free will make the language easier to use, fixed will make the symbols easier to use.

andwhyisit said:
In other news I did 1337hp in damage against an enemy in crisis core. :D
Jul 19, 2008 at 9:54 AM
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T-Jack said:
Word order: free or fixed? Free will make the language easier to use, fixed will make the symbols easier to use.
Not sure what you mean. Explain the terms free and fixed to me in relation to word order please.

Also I know this is an hour's progress but I want to know about your opinion on my current direction:

[alt] (means next symbol is its opposite)
[on] (previous symbol on/over next symbol)
[in] (previous symbol within next symbol)

Water/Ocean/River/Sea/Lake/Dam/Creek/Rain/Waterway.. (you get the idea)
(A word for something not created by nature, human term is "man-made")
Leader ("[alt]Leader" means follower)
Start/Begin ("[alt] Start/Begin" can also mean "Nothing" or "Stop", both alt and non-alt variations can mean "Zero" as it is the beginning of the counting system)

Note: The Mimiga counting system is Start/Begin, One, Two, Three, Four, Five, Six, Seven, Eight, One One, One Two, etc. which was basically 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,11,12.. since Mimiga have a base of 8 in their counting system due to only having 8 fingers (humans have a base of 10, so our number 21 is their number 25). The first set of numbers is based on the left hand and the other on the right. Start/Begin is only used in the number 0 and does not show up in any other number since 10 is replaced by the number 8, this can cause confusion when comparing to the human numbering system.

If anyone wants to come up with symbol ideas then go for it since it will take a long time to read the dictionary from end to end.

I originally had a number system that used one left, two left, three left, four left, one [alt]left, two [alt]left, three [alt]left, four [alt]left, one left, one left, one left two left, etc. but that dramatically increased the number of symbols per digit, and that wouldn't fly in any language.

"[alt]" cuts the number of symbols required in half, I love it. The less symbols the better. As "[alt]" is not a connector symbol it is better to put it above the symbol, sorta like these: À, Á, Â, Ã, Ä, Å

T-Jack said:
I can see you already spent some time on this.
When I wrote it I was only full of ideas, I hadn't started yet.

T-Jack said:
Well, let's see... My idea of the symbols was something Japanese-style that wouldn't look like some random lines. Maybe some simple symbols for words as "in", "no" or "and" and more complex ones for nouns and verbs. Maybe underlined symbols will be negated? The connecting symbols... well I'll surely figure out something.
Seems you have some ideas too.

T-Jack said:
Didn't have my screenshot plugin installed at the time.
Jul 19, 2008 at 1:06 PM
This Troper
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andwhyisit said:
Not sure what you mean. Explain the terms free and fixed to me in relation to word order please.
Well, I'm not exactly sure how to explain these, but I'll do my best:
Fixed word order means that there are rules where in the sentence you can put its parts. For example, in German language, the predicate must always be on the second place in the sentence, or, in questions, on the beginning of the sentence. Free word order, on the other hand, is really free. You can switch two parts of the sentence and nothing will change. The sentence will be still right. This is often used to stress its certain parts. My native language, Czech, is one of these. For example, "Ve tři šel do obchodu" a "Do obchodu šel ve tři" both mean "He went to the shop at three o'clock". The last item in the sentence is stressed, so in the first sentence, the important thing is where did he go (to the shop) and in the second when did he go there (at three o'clock). Note that no language has absolutely free or absolutely fixed word order. I think English is about halfway between these two.
I hope you understand me, and if not, well, there's always Wikipedia...

andwhyisit said:
If anyone wants to come up with symbol ideas then go for it since it will take a long time to read the dictionary from end to end.
Well, only two ideas. 1) The {Positive} glyph can be used as "yes". 2) "Leader "shouldn't be one symbol. Instead, it could be {Man}{Lead}. 3) Let's use {curly brackets} to represent single symbols.

andwhyisit said:
"[alt]" cuts the number of symbols required in half, I love it. The less symbols the better. As "[alt]" is not a connector symbol it is better to put it above the symbol, sorta like these: À, Á, Â, Ã, Ä, Å
Yeah, I already thought of that, when I said "Maybe underlined symbols will be negated?". Maybe the [alt] symbol can be just a simple under- or overline. The magic of simplicity...

andwhyisit said:
When I wrote it I was only full of ideas, I hadn't started yet.
Well, that counts, too...

andwhyisit said:
Seems you have some ideas too.
Yeah, I do. I kinda thought of {Do} and {Be} being the most basic symbols.
Speaking of symbols, I've got a preview of my first few symbols... and... uh... How the hell do you post pictures??

andwhyisit said:
Didn't have my screenshot plugin installed at the time.
Aww, maan!
Jul 19, 2008 at 1:54 PM
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T-Jack said:
Well, I'm not exactly sure how to explain these, but I'll do my best:
Fixed word order means that there are rules where in the sentence you can put its parts. For example, in German language, the predicate must always be on the second place in the sentence, or, in questions, on the beginning of the sentence. Free word order, on the other hand, is really free. You can switch two parts of the sentence and nothing will change. The sentence will be still right. This is often used to stress its certain parts. My native language, Czech, is one of these. For example, "Ve tři šel do obchodu" a "Do obchodu šel ve tři" both mean "He went to the shop at three o'clock". The last item in the sentence is stressed, so in the first sentence, the important thing is where did he go (to the shop) and in the second when did he go there (at three o'clock). Note that no language has absolutely free or absolutely fixed word order. I think English is about halfway between these two.
I hope you understand me, and if not, well, there's always Wikipedia...
I sorta get it, but the idea with the language is that it allows freedom with words but also some single symbol words require context so the language relies on that a bit. As long as the word structure supports the free nature of the words than it can be as free or fixed as it needs to be. Though I wouldn't mind something that is a bit different to the nature of my own language.

T-Jack said:
Well, only two ideas. 1) The {Positive} glyph can be used as "yes". 2) "Leader "shouldn't be one symbol. Instead, it could be {Man}{Lead}. 3) Let's use {curly brackets} to represent single symbols.
1. True, I never thought of positive for yes *slaps forehead for not thinking of it*.
2. {Mimiga}{Lead} and [alt]{Mimiga}{Lead} are better solutions but yeah I never thought of it *slaps forehead again*.
3. Fair enough. Seems like a good idea.

T-Jack said:
Yeah, I already thought of that, when I said "Maybe underlined symbols will be negated?". Maybe the [alt] symbol can be just a simple under- or overline. The magic of simplicity...
Glad you like it too. :D

T-Jack said:
Yeah, I do. I kinda thought of {Do} and {Be} being the most basic symbols.
Speaking of symbols, I've got a preview of my first few symbols... and... uh... How the hell do you post pictures??

I'll look for my dictionary from primary school tomorrow, the smaller the dictionary the better. It is the basics that we are after, and nothing is better for that than the dictionary you are given during primary school.
Jul 19, 2008 at 3:05 PM
This Troper
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andwhyisit said:
I sorta get it, but the idea with the language is that it allows freedom with words but also some single symbol words require context so the language relies on that a bit. As long as the word structure supports the free nature of the words than it can be as free or fixed as it needs to be.
Deciding the nature of Mimish is not crucial at the moment. You can leave this point for now.

andwhyisit said:
Though I wouldn't mind something that is a bit different to the nature of my own language.
That's, I suppose, the whole point of this.

andwhyisit said:
True, I never thought of positive for yes *slaps forehead for
not thinking of it*.
These things happen even to the best of us.

andwhyisit said:
{Mimiga}{Lead} and [alt]{Mimiga}{Lead} are better solutions but yeah I never thought of it *slaps forehead again*.
Well, the best solution would be {Person}{Lead}...

andwhyisit said:
Fair enough. Seems like a good idea.
Of course it is a good idea. It's my idea, after all.

andwhyisit said:
Oh, great. I just hate registering... All right, here it comes:

These are the first few symbols I've drawn. The first two were explicitly made to be the {Do} and {Be} symbols, respectively. The rest is {Unassigned} unassigned. So, does the style fit what you imagined?
Jul 19, 2008 at 3:31 PM
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T-Jack said:
Oh, great. I just hate registering... All right, here it comes:

These are the first few symbols I've drawn. The first two were explicitly made to be the {Do} and {Be} symbols, respectively. The rest is {Unassigned} unassigned. So, does the style fit what you imagined?
Well the main issue is that each letter needs to be written with ease. The less number of pen strokes the better. Two of those letters use 3 or 4 strokes of the pen and the first seems a bit fiddily with the lines at the bottom being so close. Number 3 seems a bit alienated too. Though on a plus your designs are quite nice, I especially like the 4th symbol. I also like the curved flowing effects of 1, 2 and 4.
Jul 19, 2008 at 5:58 PM
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andwhyisit said:
Well the main issue is that each letter needs to be written with ease. The less number of pen strokes the better. Two of those letters use 3 or 4 strokes of the pen and the first seems a bit fiddily with the lines at the bottom being so close. Number 3 seems a bit alienated too. Though on a plus your designs are quite nice, I especially like the 4th symbol. I also like the curved flowing effects of 1, 2 and 4.
I'm sure 4 strokes are still acceptable for one word. Well, you're right about the first symbol, perhaps some adjusting would help. Also, more curves, less circles. Got it. ;)
Jul 20, 2008 at 4:17 AM
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Alright, more symbols are done. Still not quite there yet though.
Controller symbols:
[alt] (means next symbol, the one below, is its opposite)
[null] (means the absence of whatever the next symbol, the one below, represents)

Conector Symbols:
[on] (previous symbol on/over next symbol)
[in] (previous symbol within next symbol)

Standard Symbols:
Above/Sky (alt variation can mean earth or another name for the surface)
Water/Ocean/River/Sea/Lake/Dam/Creek/Rain/Waterway.. (you get the idea)
Create/Build/Created/Built (can also mean to work towards something)
Man-made (A word for something not created by nature, closest human term is "man-made")
Lead ("[alt]{Lead}" means "Follow")
Time/Age (in the case of stating someone's age, the numbers are included after the {Age} symbol in the same word)
Strange/Wierd/Silly ({Strange}[alt]{Positive} can sometimes mean insane)
See/Visual/Look (can be used to say how something appears to you)
Start/Begin/Go (both alt and non-alt variations can mean "Zero" as it is the beginning of the counting system)

Note: The Mimiga counting system is {Start}, {One}, {Two}, {Three}, {Four}, {Five}, {Six}, {Seven}, {Eight}, {One}{One}, {One}{Two}, etc. which was basically 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,11,12.. since Mimiga have a base of 8 in their counting system due to only having 8 fingers (humans have a base of 10, so our number 21 is their number 25). The first set of numbers is based on the left hand and the other on the right. {Start} is only used in the number 0 and does not show up in any other number since 10 is replaced by the number 8, this can cause confusion when comparing to the human numbering system.
It always annoyed me how certain words labeled as opposites in English weren't really opposites but absences of whatever that word meant. Thus the "[null]" controller.
Jul 20, 2008 at 4:16 PM
This Troper
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- A {Tool} sumbol would be really useful, as in {Tool}{Death} (or{Tool}[alt]{Life}) would mean "weapon", and so on.
- Man-made... is "artificial" the word you're looking for?
- [null] may be symbolized by circling the glyph.
Jul 21, 2008 at 12:19 AM
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JacobX891 said:
This is stupid, inventing a language for a movie is a stupid idea. MIMIGAS EITHER SPEAK MOTHERFUCKING ENGLISH OR MOTHERFUCKING JAPANESE!!!!!
Why not? Star Trek did it. :)

T-Jack said:
- A {Tool} sumbol would be really useful, as in {Tool}{Death} (or{Tool}[alt]{Life}) would mean "weapon", and so on.
- Man-made... is "artificial" the word you're looking for?
- [null] may be symbolized by circling the glyph.
1. Yeah, you are right there, {Tool} would be quite useful.
2. Oh yeah.. Whoops. :) Yeah artificial is the word I'm looking for.
3. Sounds good.

Maybe I should include {head}, {arm}, and {leg}, or should {arm} and {leg} be the same symbol? I shouldn't include body though since that can be {vessel}{life}.
Jul 21, 2008 at 3:16 AM
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This language looks pretty good so far... :)

If {arm} and {leg} are the same symbol, it would be {limb}.

JacobX891 said:
This is stupid, inventing a language for a movie is a stupid idea.
No it's not. I support this effort wholeheartedly – I myself have created a language.
Jul 21, 2008 at 6:07 AM
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JacobX891 said:
wouldn't {vessel}{life} be life capsule?
That would be {vessel}[alt]{take}{life}. Or was that {vessel}{life}[alt]{take}? As it is giving life, not containing life. But if I am wrong and it contains life or is interpreted that way then {vessel}{life} would be correct.

Celtic Minstrel said:
This language looks pretty good so far... :)

If {arm} and {leg} are the same symbol, it would be {limb}.

No it's not. I support this effort wholeheartedly – I myself have created a language.
Thanks. :)