Mar 4, 2008 at 10:45 PM
Join Date: Jul 15, 2007
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Age: 39
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"c" was actually the labyrinth one. Four then.Roonil Wazlib said:LOL, nobody watching the movie will be much interested how the life pot works, but if it heals instantly, it gives the impression of Popye stuffing his face with spinch, and we're fighting Ballos here, not Bluto.
Taking a guess, I think he means
(a) Waterway Cabin
(b) OMFG she lost her memory!!!!555fivefive
(c) The "ooh" part in Hell when she's unconsious
Or maybe he meant the waterway cabin as well.

Its more the fact that you are shooting then eating a sentient creature, that will repulse people if they saw that in a movie.Celtic Minstrel said:I hope so too. If Quote's already been back through the teleporter from the Plantation to Arthur's House, then perhaps he could just cut from learning about the mushroom, straight into the Graveyard. Then fend off or avoid the Gravekeeper, find the storage room...
What about the Littles and the Nemesis? Is he going to include the Nemesis? I would imagine the Nemesis to be extremely tiny for its power, so it's not like it would burden him or anything.
I liked how Curly gave him the Snake, by the way. A little odd, but definitely not bad.
It doesn't need to take that much time – it's a mushroom, for goodness's sake. A couple of shots should kill it.
The littles may be in it, but Mr.Little will be at his house when Quote arrives and not back at the Graveyard, backtracking wastes time. The problem is that Quote is not likely to part with it, it being a dying gift and all, and also the fact that..
Spirit King (lvl.3 Blade) plays a part in the fight against the doctor.
Though on this note Quote could just meet up with the littles in the first movie and get the nemesis during the second movie.