Mar 1, 2008 at 4:22 PM
I can make a 3d cheeseburger. That's about it.andwhyisit said:How good are you so far?
I can make a 3d cheeseburger. That's about it.andwhyisit said:How good are you so far?
Unfortunatly, the only option at this point in the Spam-Can is to do the wading.Celtic Minstrel said:I don't want to wade through the thousands of pages in this thread, so is there a link to the latest script or whatever?
If that happens, I'll be the last to care.Celtic Minstrel said:Or wait for Atravir to post it again.![]()
Well you are doing better than I did.Atravir said:I can make a 3d cheeseburger. That's about it. Script.rarCeltic Minstrel said:I don't want to wade through the thousands of pages in this thread, so is there a link to the latest script or whatever?
Or myself.Celtic Minstrel said:Or wait for Atravir to post it again.![]()
Please do not do that, it was buried for a reason.DragonBoots said:Unfortunatly, the only option at this point in the Spam-Can is to do the wading.
If you do, put the link in you sig or something.
That was before I even discovered the game, so I couldn't have known that.andwhyisit said:For next time search the posts in this thread for November/December-ish 2007, remember that he released it as an "early Chistmas present".
Atravir said:I can make a 3d cheeseburger. That's about it.
Alright, no worries.Celtic Minstrel said:That was before I even discovered the game, so I couldn't have known that.
Anyway, thanks!
andwhyisit said:Please do not do that, it was buried for a reason.
Atravir plans to do Ballos in a sequel. Trying to insert ballos in the end worked great for the game, but it would ruin a movie since Ballos had nothing to do with the main plot and would take away from the ending.Celtic Minstrel said:Near the beginning of the thread you said you were going to omit Ballos. I don't know if you changed your mind since then because I only read the first few pages before skipping to the end of the thread, but I think that including him would be a good idea. You could probably cut out most of Hell itself and skip almost right to the Seal Chamber – maybe stopping off in the Statue Room.
That's all for now.![]()
andwhyisit said:To XristosX: AAAAHHHHHHHHH!!! (response to the pikachu avatar)
Andwhyisit said:Atravir plans to do Ballos in a sequel. Trying to insert ballos in the end worked great for the game, but it would ruin a movie.
o.oxristosx said:thats a bad ahhhhhh isnt it![]()
it was for a thing called gejinka pokemon ^^
About the Quote's name thing - Atravir had earlier released a version which had "the boy" or "boy" written everywhere for "Quote", but it became a bit annoying while reading, so this version he used automatic text replacementCeltic Minstrel said:Okay, I think it's pretty good so far! There are a bunch of spelling and grammar errors that I won't report just now. I do have a few questions and comments though.
- I'm not sure I like the omission of the Hermit Gunsmith at the start – what about when Quote gets the Spur?
- How on earth does Santa know his name when he arrives in Grasstown? And the same for Chaco. And Balrog, in the fight in the power room. Nobody should know Quote's name, except for Curly after she regains her memory.
- The brief sighting of Curly just after teleporting in is missing. Surely that wouldn't too hard to add?
- I think there should be something about "breaking the curse on the sunstones" to get to Jenka's house. Probably nothing like in the game, just some sort of barrier that they must get past.
- And I think she should give him a Life Pot, too. Rather than being exactly like the game's Life Pot, it could possibly be used a two or even three times. Basically, it's a healing potion.
- The scene where Misery kidnaps the remaining Mimigas is pretty nice, considering you basically wrote that yourself.
- I believe the blue things in the labyrinth are robots. Are you going to mention that?
Near the beginning of the thread you said you were going to omit Ballos. I don't know if you changed your mind since then because I only read the first few pages before skipping to the end of the thread, but I think that including him would be a good idea. You could probably cut out most of Hell itself and skip almost right to the Seal Chamber – maybe stopping off in the Statue Room.
That's all for now.![]()
o.oandwhyisit said:o.o
Why a Pikachu?
(this is addictive)
o.oDragonBoots said:o.o
Why do you steal my style andwhyisit?
(Seriously, why?)
andwhynot?DragonBoots said:o.o
Why do you steal my style andwhyisit?
(Seriously, why?)
Um, XristosX.. THAT WAS THE 1500TH MOVIE SCRIPT THREAD POST YOU JUST MADE!!!!!!!xristosx said:o.o
why do you care?
Edit: also lol