Jul 22, 2007 at 1:10 PM
Join Date: Dec 24, 2006
Posts: 1926
Age: 32
Atravir said:I'll probably add the bubbler in, I'm just too lazy right now.
As for the nemesis, no way. Blade stays, it's a moral thing. That and I need the lvl3 thing for the finishing move with the doctor. The littles were kind of pointless story wise, so even if they're in the movie, it will be a small part.
Lightshow? Probably not. It'd require giving up the spur. And the spur rocks.
As for Sue getting out of her cage, I don't think it was as much of time as it was that she explains the what the doctor's plans are to King and Jack, who realize the spectrum of the whole thing and let her out. Because up until then, they had no real concept of who the Doctor really was. That's kind of hard to explain though in the movie. Maybe I can make that scene longer, and go back a bit to show the start of the conversation.
EDIT: And do you really want Quote to go get the jellyfish juice five times? Honestly? That's a lot of repetition. And it'd kick the movie length up fifteen minutes, and it will probably already be bordering 2 1/2 hours.
I never said I wanted the item collection to be 2 1/2 hours long. I'd already mentioned that you'd done well to cut those parts in a previous post. What I meant is, in the game, you're so engrossed in advancing through grasstown that you temporarily forget the story and it works all well. But that isn't the case in a movie. I dunno, it all depends on how long Quote spends in GT.