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Mimish! Creating a language for the Mimigas...

Aug 27, 2009 at 6:54 PM
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nothing. (jk)

anyways, hummus on the island for what, 10 years?
(sides jenks)

how mooch implact on culture would there be?
Aug 27, 2009 at 8:39 PM
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No, humans lived on the Island before the Red Flower War. It's anyone's guess as to how long they were there, but I think it was quite a while, knowing humans.
Aug 27, 2009 at 9:59 PM
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If anyone recalls about the war, it said they killed countless Mimigas, and any human that tried to protect them, so humans had to have been there for a bit. Hell, the gunsmith has had to have been there for quite a while, judging by hold everything looks in his house.

(looks like he's been there for quite a few years...)
Aug 28, 2009 at 12:11 AM
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yeah, but weirdly enough, it really depends on whether the mimiga writing system was made before or after humans arrived on the island.

before, very little human elements, after, a lot lot more.
Aug 28, 2009 at 12:48 AM
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Well, whatever, make your language thing, but I think it's silly the way you are doing it with pronouns and articles.
Aug 28, 2009 at 1:02 AM
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whoever said anything about pronouns?

and if you really care that much, I'll fix it, happy?
Aug 28, 2009 at 2:23 AM
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okay, more word formation stuff.
long distance harmony.

GROUP A: m n ŋ ɴ
GROUP B: p ɹ w x

so, if a word has a letter in either group a before any letters that are in group b, all the letters in group b turn into their corresponding group a phoneme. same thing works for b first. if there is a b letter right next to an a letter, or vice versa, that specific letter is unchanged. since I had a really bad time explaining that, here's an example. (red is a, blue is b, green is neutral)

ampakarxowokal > ampakaoŋokal
mimikrumpi > mimiknumpi
rimikrumpi > ripikrumpi

ya gots?

(note that words are spelled in the changed way, except for prefixes and suffixes, which changes sounds but not lexicon, according to the cores arrangement)
Aug 28, 2009 at 2:42 AM
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No. I don't gots.
When I said I would learn this language I didn't know you would make it completely unlike any other language on Earth, and just start making up arbitrary rules. Now this is going to be a challenge. It was hard enough learning French, I'll nver learn to speak this contraption of language that you are creating. But if you really want to make it crazy and impossible to understand then go ahead.
Aug 28, 2009 at 3:12 PM
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this is actually like a whole bunch of langs on the earth.
a lot have vowel harmony which is basically what I was doing, but with consonants. anyway, you can just ignore that part, t's basically just word design.

sorry, cap, I'll make other stuff easier, I justed wanted to add in some consonant harmony.
Aug 28, 2009 at 3:26 PM
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I think mimish sounds more like a drug, ground up some red flower and snort it ._.
(fyi, i have no prior knowledge of this topic, or have read anything in it ._.)
Aug 28, 2009 at 5:30 PM
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We changed the name to Miraian. At andwhyisit's request.
Lace, it's just that the pronunciation rules seemed really complicated. Maybe they're actually not and I just didn't pay close enough attention.
Aug 28, 2009 at 5:48 PM
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you speak english.
(I'll simplify them a bit, maybe make the orthography freakishly regular, si you can look at a word and pronounce it)
Aug 28, 2009 at 6:19 PM
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Captain Fabulous said:
No. I don't gots.
When I said I would learn this language I didn't know you would make it completely unlike any other language on Earth, and just start making up arbitrary rules. Now this is going to be a challenge. It was hard enough learning French, I'll nver learn to speak this contraption of language that you are creating. But if you really want to make it crazy and impossible to understand then go ahead.

Lol this is why I won't learn this language. Even if you made the language REALLY easy to learn (like how spanish is to english, and if you do your just cheating the mimigas out of their own system), I still wouldn't learn it since I don't see any reason to learn a language that has no applications (unless mimigas magically exist somewhere, and they SPEAK this language you have made for them).

Still, it's interesting theorization.
Aug 28, 2009 at 6:36 PM
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Lace said:
(I'll simplify them a bit, maybe make the orthography freakishly regular, si you can look at a word and pronounce it)
That's how most primitive languages work. And since this language is supposed to be based on Mimigas, even though we aren't calling it Mimish anymore, that would make sense.
Aug 28, 2009 at 9:14 PM
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has nothing to do with primitivenesses just how long the writing systems been around. you all start with a regular writing system, and then over time, the phonetics change assimilation and other stuffs happen, and it doesn't make sense anymore. (ie, foot used to be pronounced fote, etc)

right thought tho, if we assume humans made them a writing system after the bulk of them arrived.
Aug 30, 2009 at 11:14 AM
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Lace said:
(I'll simplify them a bit, maybe make the orthography freakishly regular, si you can look at a word and pronounce it)
Unlike English there can only be one pronunciation for any Miraian (Mimish) word. This is a language where the letters themselves define the meaning of words. Any variation in how a word is pronounced can change the meaning of the word entirely.

Seriously, this language cannot hope to work if there is more than one possible pronunciation for any single word.

Captain Fabulous said:
We changed the name to Miraian. At andwhyisit's request.
Doesn't really matter what it is called I guess, just as long as it isn't labeled as a language used by Mimigas. You can still use the name Mimish if you want. *shrug*

I know I prefer the sound of the name "Mimish" over "Miraian", but that is just me. *shrug, take 2*
Aug 30, 2009 at 11:42 PM
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any variation in how a word is pronounced can change the meaning of the word entirely.
I don't really think that'd be a good idea. we have people from a lot of different nationalities, each pronouncing stuff in the way that most closely mimics the dialect/language of where we live, and here we have a language that nobody speaks, and most people don't understand how to speak. There is going to be a lot of variance, so having something like this would be really confusing. (if people actually spoke it, to eachother, which, admittedly, they do not)

Seriously, this language cannot hope to work if there is more than one possible pronunciation for any single word.
did I ever say there would be?

anyways, anyone have any other ideas?
Aug 31, 2009 at 3:27 AM
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Lace said:
I don't really think that'd be a good idea. we have people from a lot of different nationalities, each pronouncing stuff in the way that most closely mimics the dialect/language of where we live, and here we have a language that nobody speaks, and most people don't understand how to speak. There is going to be a lot of variance, so having something like this would be really confusing. (if people actually spoke it, to eachother, which, admittedly, they do not)
I mean that in English if you make up a word, like "hamelaeka" for example, without any predefined pronunciation you could pronounce that in over 10 different ways due to pronuciation variations within the letters themselves. Something like that cannot work in Mimish because you have to know exactly how to spell the word after hearing it.
Aug 31, 2009 at 4:25 AM
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May 17, 2010 at 1:58 AM
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Okay, so... did everyone just give up, then?
That would suck, for i was excited about this project.
I actually do believe that there should be a set pronounciation for words, but a lesser need for it, like, with more words that arent as easy to miss-pronounce.

(From August to May is only just pushing the limit until i'm considered bumping, right?)