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Mimish! Creating a language for the Mimigas...

Aug 26, 2009 at 1:58 AM
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Who did the what now? I just completly fell off the wagon, and got run over by the wtf bus.
Aug 26, 2009 at 2:04 AM
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We are making a language and Lace is making up all this linguistic stuff that I can't comprehend and I am going to make letters. Some time.
Aug 26, 2009 at 2:05 AM
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well, I knew what you were doing, but Lace confused me, lol. I'm not confused anymore, but I still got hit by the wtf bus.
Aug 26, 2009 at 7:43 PM
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Man, someone else create a language for the Mimigas. FontCreator doesn't let you make lines, you have to make shapes. And Miraian consists of lines.
Also, we've got a lot of things to finish here before we start making symbols.
Aug 26, 2009 at 7:55 PM
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whate else do ya wanna talk abou first?
morphology's annoying, so's most grammar, which leaves more phonology and syntax as the main options.
Aug 26, 2009 at 8:00 PM
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1. We have to decide on the sounds that make up the language, which you have started doing. Or maybe you finished doing it, in which case cool. We'll have a fairly simple language to work with.
2. Create words, which andwhyisit did, and we can add to those any time.
3. Make up grammatical rules, which andwhyisit laid some foundations for, but we need to flesh out.
4. Make letters.
T-Jack said he has more characters, but that was over a year ago. Maybe he's still got them.
Aug 26, 2009 at 11:45 PM
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how bout...
those annoying things that make spelling such a pain?
like in english when stuff isn't pronounced, or makes something sound funky.

here's (maybe) a list, we can add to it.

all long vowels are stressed.
affricates become VOICED plosives when stranded between vowels. (atʃa > ada) (opɸa > oba)
plosives become voiced when stranded and final (mimika > mimiga, but mikima > mikima and mimikla > mimikla)
plosives become syllabic with an inherent ə when at the beginning of a word. (poʃa > pəpoʃa)
doubled consonants become syllabic with an inherent ə. (appa > apəpa)
ultimate ɴs are not pronounced, but nasalize the proceeding vowel.


and since I missed andwhys whole grammar thing, here's a bit of what I was thinking.
VOO (case markings are Direct Inverse.)
ADJ - Fluid
RC - Fluid.

[Relative Clause] Verb [Relative Clause] [Adjective] Noun-Case Determiner [Adjective] [Adjective] Noun-Case Determiner [Adjective]

Brackets are a one or the other dealo, different colors show they're corresponding attachment.

anyways, the english sentence:

I hit the evil yellow dog.
would be synatxified into:
hit I-dir evil yellow dog-dir the.
note that this could also be:
hit I-dir dog-dir the evil yellow.
depending on the meaning (what should the adj positioning change?)

to have the evil yellow dog hit me. you would change the direct alignment to an inverse alingnment. the objects are ordered in a hierarchy of animacy, so I oemes before dog comes before wind comes before stone. if two things have the same animacy level one is marked as obviative which puts it lower on the animacy ranking. so...
hit I-inv you-inv-obv.
would mean that you hit me. jerk.


on the topic of word design, I was thinking maybe something like this for the syllable structure of "specific" nouns (mimiga and human and wind, but not mom or brother)


so an optional vowel at the beginning, then a consonant, then a vowel. then one of the eight phonemes listed at the end as an option.

maybe it could be repeated up to three times, but no less then two, would that be too constricting?


kay, shpeil over, now you guys need to decide about some stuffs (I'm completely willing to work this over depending on what you guys like)
(case endings would be replaced with morphemes, ie, syllables)

Aug 27, 2009 at 12:15 AM
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wow. that does sound fun, maybe if I wasn't so busy (college started up) I'd join in the fun, lol.

Keep it up, it looks good :rolleyes:
Aug 27, 2009 at 12:16 AM
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There are definitely some words there. Good job!
Except why would you put "the" at the end of the sentence?
Aug 27, 2009 at 1:05 AM
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Captain Fabulous said:
There are definitely some words there. Good job!
Except why would you put "the" at the end of the sentence?
Because it was coming after the word or phrase it related to instead of coming before it.
Aug 27, 2009 at 1:31 AM
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Yeah but... it doesn't seem right if it's at the end of the sentece. It doesn't make sense. Not grammatically, I know this isn't Enlgish, but I don't know any languages that have articles after the noun. You should either remove them or put them in front of the subject like every other language.
This language's grammar structure seems to be as ambiguous as Latin.
Aug 27, 2009 at 2:20 AM
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damn, post dissapeared.
you're a conformist, cap.
I put the determiner (which aint just articles, it's these and their and the left etc.) where I felt like it.
we can remove articles if we wont, removing determiners is a real bad idea.

maybe we should add some other distinction? if you have ideas tho, keep them original, coolest thing I've seen so far is Fearyan's Stance.

sidenote: the hierarchy doesn't just have to be on animacy, we could do it on, say, the number of syllables in a word.

also, nabi you can help however little or muach ya want. It's pretty fun, but really nitpicky (the stuff I'm avoiding, at least)

and for some stuff that'll just confuse you, polysynthetic, inflecting agglutinating, fusional, derivational or something else for the morphology.

(morpho is sorta like how words are conjugated. but not really.)

yup, glad to see people interested. throw any even mildly cool ideas at me.

and its not that ambigous cap. I can make it far more ambigous if ya want tho.

Aug 27, 2009 at 2:28 AM
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lol, look what I just found (from a different mimish)
Mimish is as much defined from the space between words as much as the words themselves. There are three types of spaces:
Short, space between words
Long, used in words, represented as /
Drawn, continues the sound before, represented as '

I don't even wanna know the implications of that are...

no relative pronouns, and instead nominalized verbs (instead of "boys who broke windows", "windows broking boys")


and what about vowel harmony, or...
Aug 27, 2009 at 2:44 AM
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Well, you have fun with all your languagy stuff. You've completely lost me and I can't make fonts, so I'm out of this project. I hope it gets done, though, because I'd learn it.
Aug 27, 2009 at 2:51 AM
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well, glad to know you'd learn it.
have fun with your non languagy stuff (on a side note i just slipped with my cheese grater)
Aug 27, 2009 at 4:48 AM
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Lace said:
(on a side note i just slipped with my cheese grater)


Ill have what he's having. Extra cheese
Aug 27, 2009 at 4:53 AM
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KuroKun said:

Ill have what he's having. Extra cheese
Me too, I want to make sure the pieces of meat in mine are REAL!
Aug 27, 2009 at 6:41 AM
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Captain Fabulous said:
I don't know any languages that have articles after the noun.
And why is it that we must take ideas from already existing languages?
Aug 27, 2009 at 7:01 AM
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that's a good question, one I don't have an answer to...
..other than making it a universal language, lol
Aug 27, 2009 at 6:16 PM
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Because... languages are languages? There were humans on the Island, and they would have influenced the Mimiga culture somehow. Besides, there's no reason to make this language harder to understand than it already is. BUT YOU GUYS IS TEH LINGUISTS. WHAT DO I KNOW.