how bout...
those annoying things that make spelling such a pain?
like in english when stuff isn't pronounced, or makes something sound funky.
here's (maybe) a list, we can add to it.
all long vowels are stressed.
affricates become VOICED plosives when stranded between vowels. (atʃa > ada) (opɸa > oba)
plosives become voiced when stranded and final (mimika > mimiga, but mikima > mikima and mimikla > mimikla)
plosives become syllabic with an inherent ə when at the beginning of a word. (poʃa > pəpoʃa)
doubled consonants become syllabic with an inherent ə. (appa > apəpa)
ultimate ɴs are not pronounced, but nasalize the proceeding vowel.
and since I missed andwhys whole grammar thing, here's a bit of what I was thinking.
VOO (case markings are Direct Inverse.)
ADJ - Fluid
RC - Fluid.
[Relative Clause] Verb [Relative Clause] [Adjective] Noun-Case Determiner [Adjective] [Adjective] Noun-Case Determiner [Adjective]
Brackets are a one or the other dealo, different colors show they're corresponding attachment.
anyways, the english sentence:
I hit the evil yellow dog.
would be synatxified into:
hit I-dir evil yellow dog-dir the.
note that this could also be:
hit I-dir dog-dir the evil yellow.
depending on the meaning (what should the adj positioning change?)
to have the evil yellow dog hit me. you would change the direct alignment to an inverse alingnment. the objects are ordered in a hierarchy of animacy, so I oemes before dog comes before wind comes before stone. if two things have the same animacy level one is marked as obviative which puts it lower on the animacy ranking. so...
hit I-inv you-inv-obv.
would mean that you hit me. jerk.
on the topic of word design, I was thinking maybe something like this for the syllable structure of "specific" nouns (mimiga and human and wind, but not mom or brother)
so an optional vowel at the beginning, then a consonant, then a vowel. then one of the eight phonemes listed at the end as an option.
maybe it could be repeated up to three times, but no less then two, would that be too constricting?
kay, shpeil over, now you guys need to decide about some stuffs (I'm completely willing to work this over depending on what you guys like)
(case endings would be replaced with morphemes, ie, syllables)