Mar 12, 2018 at 12:25 AM
Join Date: Jun 27, 2013
Posts: 2902
Age: 30
Pronouns: She/Her
1. Custom Assets
All kinds of assets aside from ASM will be usable and you are free to use what you want to use.
We will also be holding polls for all sorts of things ASM, so please keep an eye out for those!
We’ll also be accepting suggestions for asm hacks which we’ll then consider.
Also, .dll hacks are not allowed, meaning no NICE, no Mod Loader, no .dll injections.
If it's the graphics enhancement mod that he's using, it's incompatible with <IMG.serri i think xcal wants it for their own modding sake, not for any sort of level designing purposes. they just want to put it in the devkit so it runs better
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The judge results are in! There has been some discussing and some very close calls! We'd love to include everyone, but sadly we still got limited spots (that already had one added to!) but eventually, we have decided to include the following to the juding team:
• Bubbler
• Hiino
• Noxid
• Bubbler
• Hiino
• Noxid
Hiino still exists?• Hiino
Good thing I always write down lists of my flags and skipflags on principle! Haven't been as descriptive this time around with some of them, but you should get the gist of it.This is sorta late as well, but I hope everyone here is a smart enough cookie for this. Please create a list of flags and vars for organizational purposes. While everyone is granted to use whichever flags they have in the limited amount we have, we do advise to save these slots for the devteam to use:
Flags 5500-5999
(Note: because VAR is installed, the flag count was reduced from 7900 to 5900)
VARs 100-123
Thank you for being patient with us, this contest business is a lot on our plate to handle, so we really do appreciate the cooperation!
Hiino still exists?
For judging, there will be two sections for this, the scoring based on a rubric that is based on four common aspects of level design, and a written evaluation on the level itself.As a matter of fact, yes I do, whoever you are
Anyway so do we have any recommendations for judging? any areas we should focus on more, or format we should be writing in, or anything like that? Also, I doubt so, but will we be expected to open the script/tsc/etc. files and judge those as well?
Consistency: --/15 How difficult is the mod, and how fair is it when it as it progresses?
Mechanics: --/10 How well used are the gimmicks in the level, whether it's based on TSC (flags, clever scripting) or weapon usage?
Aesthetics: --/10 How does it look? Does it look good? Fine? Ugly? A glitched mess? Is there a given theme to the level that you can pick up right away?