[MA Winner] <(Schism)> - Demo 1.0

Dec 28, 2007 at 7:36 PM
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I found the problem :D

The game is trying to load "Mansion1.tsc", which is 23936 bytes, but the tsc buffer is only 20480 bytes, this leads to the program writing over other vital stuff and finally trying to access a pointer that now points to junk.

The tsc buffer size is located at 0x21545, change 0050 to e.g 0080 (0x8000 / 32768 bytes).
Dec 28, 2007 at 8:09 PM
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Can someone please upload the Fixed version of this/it?
Dec 28, 2007 at 9:03 PM
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And I'm not lazy, I wish I could fix this whole thing, but my I'm a pathetic noob when it comes to programming.
Dec 28, 2007 at 9:51 PM
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cookie said:
Alright, I'll forgive your laziness... (and I hope Xaser doesn't mind):
omg. THANK YOU. :D

Hopefully Xaser returns soon so he can add that fix and put the link to the demo back up.

[EDIT]Err, is Escher supposed to just stand there doing nothing when you fight him? :p
Dec 28, 2007 at 10:52 PM
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I.P. Freely said:
Err, is Escher supposed to just stand there doing nothing when you fight him? :P
If you don't skip the long cut scene, yes.
Also, at the end, when you're driving the car, it spawns too much to the left, so it looks like it's flying when it's supposed to drive up the hill :p
Dec 28, 2007 at 11:26 PM
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Whew! Finally, I get to play it to the end... Man, that was perfect.

The only error was Ecther or whatever didn't start moving during the 'duel'. He just... stood there, and died. Ah well.

I greatly look forward to more. *Three thumbs up*
Dec 28, 2007 at 11:32 PM
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Ugh. Perfect timing for my internet connection to die for a few days. I guess that's why I'm supposed to pay the bill... >_<

So, first of all, THANK YOU like insane to you, Cookie! Funny... I had suspected the script length was at fault somehow (since CaveEditor refused to compile it and the .tsc is bigger than any original CaveStory scripts), but I couldn't be sure (since it works just fine here somehow... >_< ). My next step was to post a stripped-down .tsc file to see if anyone else could have any luck with it, but Cookie beat me to the punch. Genius, I say!

I'm sorry also for taking the build offline like that. I kinda freaked for a bit, since something like this has actually happened to me before. My last "major" project's initial release (some crazy Doom mod) had a ridiculous bug where only a single bullet could be loaded into each weapon at once (ouch!). I disappeared for a few days afterward; people complained. >_<

Now seeing that the filesizes are both the same, I'm guessing you were able to extend the .tsc buffer, right? If so, would you mind pointing me to what values you changed? Seeing that I'm still grounded to using Sue's (CaveEditor's map editor works awesome, but I can't make any .exe changes without corruption), I have to use a seperate "no-music" .exe during the editing process. Either way, again, you're a lifesaver, Cookie!

I have a couple quick issues to fix and I'll upload the new version. I'm sorta on a roll with new music for the Archives level (instead of "Mischievous Robot" yet again), so would you rather wait for me to finish that or go ahead and upload the fix thingy? Hehe... :p
Dec 28, 2007 at 11:55 PM
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Xaser said:
Now seeing that the filesizes are both the same, I'm guessing you were able to extend the .tsc buffer, right? If so, would you mind pointing me to what values you changed? Seeing that I'm still grounded to using Sue's (CaveEditor's map editor works awesome, but I can't make any .exe changes without corruption), I have to use a seperate "no-music" .exe during the editing process. Either way, again, you're a lifesaver, Cookie!
Thanks. If you look a couple of posts back, I posted the location of the buffer size, but I think I'll explain it in detail this time.

Cave story loads a tsc file by opening it, copying all the contents into a big string, adding a 0 to the end of the string and closes the file. This big string must be allocated (the program asks the operating system for a piece of memory, the os prepares it and returns a pointer to the location), and that happens at 0x421544:
push 0x5000
call _malloc
add esp, 4
mov [0x4a5ad8], eax ; pointer to tsc buffer

0x5000 is the number of bytes the program wants (in decimal, 20480), this is too small for "Mansion1.tsc" and thus the program fails when trying to copy the contents of "Mansion1.tsc" to the allocated region. You could change this to something bigger, like 0x8000 (32768).

cookie said:
The tsc buffer size is located at 0x21545, change 0050 to e.g 0080 (0x8000 / 32768 bytes).
Dec 29, 2007 at 1:36 AM
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Aaaand... done! Thanks again! Hehe, sorry for missing your previous post, too. I do that waaay too often, don't I? ;P

All right. I've got the download back up now, with the problem fixed. Even if you downloaded Cookie's fix, go ahead and nab the new version anyway as it fixes a really silly bug where one of the bosses never gets activated (see Zarro's post). Stupid me. :p

Oh, and there's a biiig secret on the Archives map. I won't spoil the surprise though... it unlocks something wacky. :p
Dec 29, 2007 at 3:42 AM
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Pfft... XD!!!

That was an awesome bonus there, the last picture still has me laughing my head off! Awesome job X3!
Dec 29, 2007 at 6:06 AM
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Loves the long funny conversations that made me laugh ! Haha, coworkers :p . Morgan is so annoying yet very funny :p

Thank you very much Xaser!
Dec 29, 2007 at 7:50 AM
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Ehehe, XD

"Wait... that half-insult wasn't subtly directed at ME, was it?"

"Uh... no, of course not, Sir Xaserius the high and mighty conqueror."

"I don't get it..."

It's good to know the long dialogue isn't driving everyone too crazy just yet. Yeah, I'll have a "cutscene skip" feature in eventually, but hey, a little hilarity isn't a bad thing. :p
Dec 29, 2007 at 8:32 AM
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*runs off to play*
Dec 29, 2007 at 9:42 AM
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Roonil Wazlib said:
On the verge of being the best mod ever.

Assuming that you complete it O/C :p

reguardless if he doesnt complete it i will still love it.
Dec 29, 2007 at 11:15 AM
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Godang, this is epic. The only thing that ruined it was Metalogz constant spamming me on MSN. No real bugs other than when you first try to enter the cafe, Kronos walks out, chats a while, and then he walks towards Oho-Man, he continues walking even though he can't move. :/

And Metalogz asked how did you change the HP of Behemoth, he said the original was 12, but this one is 24. :/
Dec 29, 2007 at 12:57 PM
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Okay so I played the non-working version until it started not-working, so I figured I'd wait until this version came out before posting.

Anyway, here are my bug finds/impressions/needless opinions:

-The intro scene is very well done, especially the bit wth the jet bike. I like the art style (I guess I'd describe it as chrome-y), plus it's probably the most unique mod so far in terms of graphical overhauling. Good effort!

-First area seemed pretty standard at first (i.e. go to place x and get gun + Gestation), but it end up being fleshed out quite well. I got lost a couple of times on my first go through, but not so lost that I didn't want to continue. However there are a few jumping glitches that occur, e.g. when jumping up onto a 'sloped' floor block, getting hidden behind scenery (especially the black-type ground, unless that's deliberate) when stationary, and another one which restores your breath underwater (I'll send you a screenie if you want). Not much you can do about the former other than make all slopes 'standard', or just live with it :p At least there's nowhere you can get totally stuck. Also am I the only one getting crosseyed in here? >.< I've run into somthing similar before, and I suspect it's caused by the camera panning as you change direction. I'd advise to set the background so that it 'moves' when you do, that should make it seem more natural. Oh, and the new item-get tunes are funky.

-And so is the New Fork City theme! Also you dissappear behind every second block on the slopes... but you probably knew that already >.> I'd offer a fix or something but I dunno how, so... <.< But other than that I liked it very muchly. The NPC's say interesting things, you even get rewarded by talking to them, since it's (I'm assuming) possible to continue without the Map System. And something's clearly amiss/afoot/about/a-bleargh you get it okay. The scene in the bar was a pleasant surprise too.

-God damn these dot points are huge.

-Yay! It works now. And then suddenly... wow. That was cool. And blow me down I've only just noticed some of the text boxes are at the top of the screen instead of the bottom. Or could Cave Story do that anyway? Maybe I should be writing these unnecessarily lengthy responses when I'm more awake, but I never seem to be...

-Those are some funky archives... and yet they seem strangely similar somehow to something I've seen before... :p Seriously though, the background and CPU thingies look sweeeeet. And then more difficult plot... ergh, I'm gonna have to play this a few times before I can fully get what's going on. Preferably when I'm less tired. Also Enigma's facepicture is giving me nightmares while I'm still awake O.O

-...Dude. I think I can say that freeze screen is the single coolest cave-story-related thing I've ever seen.

-The Gaudi's purple projectiles are invisible... or are they meant to be? Anyway, back through the corri- er, Archives, getting ganged up on by bugs along the way :(

-...Man, that was one helluva scene. Seriously, the attention to detail is crazy. And most of it even made sense in my semi-conscious state! It explained a lot, not to mention adding some deliciously juicy plottastic points. Possibly even a little too much all at once. But I'll still need to play it again, methinks. Also more new music! (Final Battle remix, amirite?) ...And then suddenly it's over :( Not sure what was happening with that Jeep there just before the end though o.O Also I think I missed the superspecialsecret hidden in the archives. Oopsie~

Well, I think I can say I'm genuinely impressed by all this, Mister Xaser. You've obviously put a helluva lot of thought, work, and planning into this. Taking nothing away from the other great mods here, especially since most of them focus more on Cave Story's plot, but this is the first mod I've played where I felt I was playing something largely different than Cave Story. And since there's a limit to the amount of things you can change without reworking the game system outright, and you haven't seemed to do that much hacking, that's one heckuvan achievement. Not only is the plot itself is engrossing, and even somewhat epic (You don't work for Square, do you? :p), it's well-paced, aside perhaps from the superhuge cutscenes, the art and music fit it very well, and I can only wonder how big it will get once it's finished. The only downside, apart from the few obvious bugs, is perhaps that it tries a bit too hard to be funny. I'm all for humour of the cheesy kind, but Xaser can't seem to say anything without turning it into a jocularity of some description, and for a plot that seems to be rather serious, it kind of... clashes a bit. And more importantly it can get confusing, e.g. for a while in the Archives I couldn't tell if I'd suddenly become a bad guy or not. Morgan keeps on calling Xaser insane and dangerous despite the fact that he's usually hesitant and indirect, and the same can be said for Kate and that other guy in the brown shirt whose name I can't for the life of me remember. I mean obviously it's your mod and all that jazz, but by the looks of it it's going to be more than long enough to include as many jokes as you'll want, so there's no need to rush :p

Seriously though, could I borrow some of your talent? Or could I gain it by eating your soul or something? It wouldn't be that far to go, since I've already chewn your proverbial ear off with this post. Now, with God as my witness, I am going... to go... to sleep.

Dec 29, 2007 at 2:10 PM
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You can get the Map System? o.o How? I don't think I got it. ;-;

If its the chest on the roof, I can't reach it.

And I also probably missed the super special secret.
Dec 29, 2007 at 2:44 PM
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jcys810 said:
You can get the Map System? o.o How? I don't think I got it. ;-;

If its the chest on the roof, I can't reach it.

And I also probably missed the super special secret.

YOU CAN"T REACH IT!? I'll give you a tip. When you reach teh boy at the edge of the roof that says "Wanna hear a cool secret?" Or something like that whatatsasd (spam) You just walk forwards and fall onto the lower roof below. Then from there its just a little puny *hop* and you're there. But careful though, theres a Graveyard keeper dood zombie brown and a Pignon white big and small pignon white running around teh chest room Auto MAP!!!!!
